Xu Jin: Why does the college entrance examination replace the name of the college entrance examination attracted much attention?Similar to the imperial examination, the college entrance examination is the most common class channel of the Chinese people, and it is also the last shame of the soft -class society about equality.

Gou Jing, Chen Chunxiu, Wang Lili hell; hellip;

These seemingly bland names have a loud and ups and downs behind.They are the protagonists of the media news in recent years. One of the common points is that they have experienced the fate that most people can't imagine mdash; MDash;

This incident has triggered a lot of discussions on social media, and many people talk about from the aspects of humanity, system.Why is this so much attention?The core is that it inspires the empathy of most people mdash; MDASH; the college entrance examination is the most common class channel of most Chinese people.

College entrance examination and imperial examinations

Many people think that the significance of the college entrance examination is to choose a high score.

Indeed, the college entrance examination and other examinations are more often a social class sieve, not only the appropriate object, but also eliminating candidates.Those who are selected will complete or continue the class, the loser, and the class move down.It can be said that behind the competition of the college entrance examination is class climbing.

To this day, the significance of the college entrance examination in China is not only about education, but also about class.Moreover, to a large extent, the college entrance examination is not the only and the main class channel in the middle and lower class of China.

Not only China, but looking at the entire East Asian society, there are similar examination anxiety. One test determines the lifelong thinking formula, and once ruled the minds and life of most people.

It can be seen that the importance of the college entrance examination has been embedded in the Social aspects of East Asian society with the accumulation of historical and cultural accumulation. From structure to texture, it is involved.

The core of the college entrance examination is partially born in the imperial examination.The imperial examination system is closely related to the transformation of Chinese history.In the thousands of years of history in China, since the Qin and Han Empire, the unification was completed.It can be said that the construction of Chinese countries started earlier, and the county's county disintegrated the original feudal aristocratic forces.This means a large number of bureaucratic systems.After the Qin and Han dynasties, the Wei and Jin dynasties were the time of the family of the family. The senior officials were expensive and were often monopolized by the big family. Even if Cao Yu made the Fa -rectification of the nine products, it was still difficult to get rid of the influence of the family.In other words, it is difficult for the cold gate to get in the early age, and it is difficult for the scholars to fall to the lower level.

After the Sui and Tang dynasties, the family members disintegrated and the imperial examination system appeared, accompanied by the overwhelming advantage of the imperial power on the noble group.In the Song Dynasty, with the improvement of the imperial examination system, only the point of view was deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and the door was no longer important.

Zhao Kuangyin, the founding emperor of the Song Dynasty, even performed the palace test in person.The purpose of the surface is to prevent fraud, so that the candidates become the students of the emperor, and the reaches of the sciences at all levels are taken by the family.Today, I will go to the person to try to advance and retire.

In this way, the imperial power escorted the fairness of the imperial examinations, and the scholars took the imperial examination as the order of life to be promoted.The imperial examination became the only way for ancient Chinese scholars to change their destiny, and it was not canceled until the end of the Qing Dynasty.

Today, although the form of imperial examinations has gone, the spirit of the imperial examinations is still there.French philosopher Foucault said that knowledge is a kind of power, and testing is also an important manifestation of power form; it is through the test that we have obtained knowledge of power and become a considerable person.

How to objectively evaluate the imperial examination system?Many people think that the disadvantage is the content of the exam, such as the attention of eight shares.In fact, the imperial examination system itself is more intriguing than the content.

Talking about the design of the imperial examination system, equality is the main motivation.The selection system such as the imperial examination system objectively lays the foundation for the class flow and elite cultivation of ancient society; at the same time, it also causes all kinds of social spirit with high reading.As a result, the scholar took the imperial examination as the core and was willing to become the foil of the imperial power.

The change of the college entrance examination

Of course, the difficulty of today's college entrance examination is not to say that compared with the imperial examination era, it is also different from the early college entrance examination; but aside the appearance, its spiritual core and role are passed down.

After studying hard for ten years, the examination room worked hard to play, and finally got a university admission notice. From then on, he went to the city and began to have a different life with his father.This is the life path of most lucky small towns.Behind the college entrance examination is the unique wooden bridge. It can be said that the life of many people is determined from the military management of Hengshui High School to all kinds of parent families who take the test.

In essence, the college entrance examination is still in the current context, and there are still halo rings similar to the title of the previous imperial examination gold list.The previous plan economy was an era of identity politics.Human identity is very important. Cadre identity means the recognition of the system. College students (technical secondary school) are part of the preparation of cadres.Even before 2002, graduates from college and technical secondary school can automatically obtain cadre status.

With the popularization of higher education and the rise of the market economy, identity is no longer so important. College students are no longer the pride of heaven, but they are still the stepping stalls of many positions.Even today, under important matters such as employment, civil servants, and settlement, the academic qualifications are still the main threshold.Just like Gou Jing, the media reported that she would work in Hangzhou, a developed in the Internet in the future, and it can be said that she has caught up with the Internet dividend period.In her early years, she had also had many positions in Alibaba, and eventually missed because her academic qualifications were too low.

In contrast, the replacement of the name often has resources in the small family, so after being admitted to college, he often puts on the work in the system and eats food for preparation.For example, media reports that after the fake Wang Lili Chen, after replacing the true Wang Lili, she became a deputy department -level leader after graduation.

Even after the university expansion, the competitiveness of the college entrance examination has not decreased.The difference is that the gold content of the diploma is decreasing: If the previous university has a better way out, it may be better to go to the university in the future, so that there may be a way out of mdash; mdash; corresponding social indicators, the most intuitive, the most intuitiveIn fact, the price of school district houses rose along the way.

This change is actually changes in society.That is, the soft -class society MDASH; MDASH; the so -called soft class, that is, the middle -income group that may move downward in the cities.Today, the popular words of social media, such as 985 wastes, towns are subjects, 996 social animals, invisible two students, green pepper ants, etc. are not anxiety, but the actual social class sinking situation.

In a sense, the depreciation of education is also the progress of society, and it is a social diversified ecology under the disintegration of identity politics.For example, media reports, Gou Jing did not enter Alibaba, but relied on his own diligence and education, and entered the e -commerce industry that valued his degree less than so much, and achieved the success of life.

Needless to say, the hardships behind it are self -evident, let alone the reason why it can be a smile on the former replacement today.It is uncomfortable that Gou Jing was influenced by his relatives and friends in his hometown because of his open -name replacement. She even had to apologize to Mdash; mdash; this was not her fault, but some people's shame.

The truth is late, and should not be absent again

The first taste of justice is actually bitter and sour.

In recent years, most of the replacement of the media has been women.Most of them often know that they have been replaced after many years.Their lives, so they have lost their losses with possible classes.

In addition to women, what are the characteristics of them?It is not difficult to notice that most of them come from rural areas, and their parents are often honest farmers.Because of this, when they performed well in the same time, when they encountered unexpected names of Sun Shan, they often gave up studying and no longer investigated them. They blamed everything on their own exams to play abnormally mdash; mdash;Select the goal.

Rural women, the environment of educating is not friendly, and the chance of gaining good results is not high.Once there is no university admission notice, they are often lower than men.Often, like most rural children, give up to continue studying and choose to continue in rural areas or work.

In most cases, the young people of these town, especially women, have lack sufficient self -confidence and resources to question when they encounter accident setbacks or normal rights.Of course, some of them, relying on their own efforts, have a good life, but this is not the reason for the bad people's minds, nor is it a reason to stop them from getting the truth.

Compared with good people, wicked people often measure the interest relationship MDash; mdash; when choosing the victim, it is obviously a standard.The college entrance examination is replaced, and it sounds magical. To complete this operation, you may need to involve different links such as grades, household registration, and archives, and there are more departments involved.

Behind this is obviously an institutional disadvantage and power of power, but please note that do not exaggerate the energy of these people, but also increase local problems to global MDASH; mdash; mdash; mdash; from corruption level, these, thesePeople are likely to be just flies instead of tigers, but they can cause endless harm to direct -harmed families.

The core is that no matter how the trend is solidified, the college entrance examination is the most valued threshold for the Chinese class mdash; of course, of course, for many hard class, in fact, it is increasingly playing the game of the college entrance examination.For example, many children of the rich will apply for overseas schools, returnee elite children, or enter the ranks of special enrollment through various channels.

These channels are obviously not realistic for most soft classes.Because of this, the fairness of the college entrance examination always affects people's hearts.

In the past, I often talked about the helplessness of the soft class, but the best way out of Gou Jing was to pass the college entrance examination to become the soft class in the city.Just like a friend's message in the public account Xu Jin's economic man, in fact, just like investing in stocks, there is no other choice except for doing more; the college entrance examination is also the only way for ordinary people to promotes the class hellip; hellip; the college entrance examination can be regarded as a soft -class societyRegarding the last shame of equality, there is no trivial matter for college entrance examinations.

If we talk about the college entrance examination today, we also have to enumerate the Qing Dynasty. When we talk about the protection of young girls, we must also trace the Law of the Song Dynasty, which will really make people feel through.The name of the name is related to the bottom, I hope this matter will not be left again.After all, is it 2020?All in 2020 Hello; hellip;

The truth is late and should not be absent again.(This article only represents the author's opinion. It can be seen more about the public account Xu Jin's economic man (ID: Econhomo), personal WeChat contact JJR19001900)