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Recently read the biography of Stephen A. Schwarzman, a well -known US financial family, and he established Su Shimin College at Tsinghua University, China.After reading it, it was impressed by part of the US politics in the book.

For personal interests, the author is not interested in some financial activities in the book. Interested is that Su Shimin has been appointed by Trump to participate in domestic politics and international trade negotiations.Although Su Shimin used cautious words, he had revealed his attitude towards Trump's disgust between the lines.

The reason is very simple. His growth is a typical traditional American dream route. He concentrated on the traditional American values, including the call for the American business elites. They do not agree with Trump's order to change and believe.In the words of the book, for many people, the affairs of participating in such a president are unbearable.

After Trump was elected, Su Shimin was assigned to convene the top American business elite forum to make a plan for him to develop economy.However, when the new Nazi group in Virginia and Antifa groups in 2017, a severe conflict between Trump's attitude caused huge controversy and many people could not accept Trump's approach.

These business elites want to withdraw from the forum.Due to etiquette, Su Shimin wanted to tell Trump before the dissolution forum. As a result, Trump announced that he announced the dissolution forum in advance.In this way, everyone commented after understanding.

Su Shimin introduced the characteristics of Trump's election in the book.The first is closed. He is not connected to the outside world through traditional diplomatic and government channels. Even the closest allies in the United States are not sure how to communicate with him. The national head or senior minister of more than 20 countries contacted Su Shimin, hoping that he could be able toHelp them understand Trump.As a leader in the world's number one country, it is terrible to be full of uncertainty.

Second, anti -intellectualism, disrespect experts.When Trump asked Su Shimin to organize the strategy and policy forum list, Trump made a request to delete foreign policy experts. Trump said at his own risk that he could get foreign policy suggestions in other places.Since Trump took office, the reason why the U.S. epidemic has developed to today's point, which has a lot to do with Trump's disrespectful experts, including the disciplinary of the National Institute of Infectious Diseases.

Although Su Shimin assisted Canada's trade negotiations with the United States, this negotiation was not a mutually beneficial cooperation of allies, but the biggest compromise made by Canada under the tremendous pressure of the United States.Su Shimin advised Trudeau to reach an agreement to avoid economic recession and have the opportunity to promote political career.Trudeau said it was difficult, but he would do it according to this.Trump's approach is to achieve superficial victory, and his allies just yield.

Therefore, Su Shimin advised Trump to pay attention to allies.He said that the United States is developing a multilateral trade dispute with Asia, Europe, and the Americas, and is everywhere in the enemy.No matter how well the US economy is, it only accounts for 23%of the global economy.What if there is one day and 77%of the world's economy and other countries, what should I do to deal with the United States?

Under the epidemic, the masses caused by racial issues caused division in American society. Governor, senior government officials and former senior officials, and Republican elites all stood out to oppose Trump. It has fully stated that in the United StatesThe more powerful.The main concentration of power in the US president of diplomacy will make the opposite of the world united, and the situation in the United States will be more severe.

Back to the theme of this article, why is a typical American dream encounter an alternative Americans? The Trownic and deeds described in the previous article fully illustrate Trump's departure from traditional American values.

Su Shimin is a typical American dream realist.He is born in a middle -class family in the United States, graduated from famous American universities, and has achieved great success in the financial field through personal efforts.After the success of his personal career, in accordance with the tradition of education and charity in the United States, he is committed to improving the leading position of artificial intelligence in the United States in global investment and education.He also took the lead in donating $ 100 million in 2013 and established Su Shimin College in Tsinghua University to attract outstanding students in the world to study in Tsinghua. Teachers are also global teams.This move was congratulated by the leaders of China and the United States, and the General Secretary of the Communist Party of China Xi Jinping and then US President Obama sent congratulatory letters.

Obama said in a congratulatory word: Throughout the history, educational exchanges have reconciled students and deepened mutual understanding and respect between the country.Looking back at the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States in the late 1970s, it has developed from educational exchanges to today's economic scale, which has brought huge benefits to both parties rather than one party.Therefore, today, Sino -US relations have been reviewed and fully discussed. Sino -US education exchanges, including Su Shimin College, need to be guaranteed and developed.In the long run, this is a very meaningful thing for both China and the United States.

The reason why Su Shimin shared his life stories, because he felt that his story could be inspired and inspired to forge ahead. This is a typical American dream story.At the beginning of the book, he listed 25 work and life principles.Write, ask for guidance, etc.

Impression to the author is a little bit. The way to solve the problem is often how you solve the problems of others.This is a typical American success concept, and the facts are indeed.We do do this in life to bring constant breakthroughs and development to ourselves.The problem is that, looking at Trump today, most of these 25 parts are not consistent with the external parts, and they are completely alternative Americans.

In the past, the American dream attracted outstanding talents around the United States because there were too many Su Shimin to achieve varying degrees of success through their own efforts.

Today, the United States, Professor Patana, Harvard University in the United States, played the ball alone and our children, the two Pulitzer Prize winners Hedric Middot; Smith, who stole the American dream mdash; mdash; from middle production to new poor peopleWaiting for works, it shows that the American disease is sick. The difference between the polarity of American society and the class solidification.This is also the social foundation behind the rise of Trump's civilian.

Coupled with the weakening of the leadership of American society today, there are more and more typical American stories such as Su Shimin, and there are still fewer and fewer, which will directly reflect the health of American society development.

The author is an associate researcher at the Department of Philosophy of Nanjing University in China