Ji Yan Chunqiu


Shen Jilan, a representative of the National People's Congress of China yesterday, died at the age of 91.Shen Jilan is the only representative of the 13th National People's Congress in China, known as the evergreen fossil of evergreen.

In 1950, the Xigou Village, Pingshun County, Shanxi Province, set up a production cooperative, and became one of the earliest 10 rural cooperatives led by the Communist Party of China.21 -year -old Shen Jilan was elected as the vice president.At that time, the status of Chinese rural women was very low.There is a sentence in Pingshun County to come to the hospital. When a good man walks to the county, women should work at home.

Shen Jilan didn't believe this evil.Not only did she show up her deputy president, she also launched women with villages to participate in production labor together.Under the leadership of Shen Jilan, the women in Xigou Village walked out of the courtyard and learned to work farming and other farmers.

However, the status of women in Xigou Village has not improved.According to the regulations at the time, men can earn 10 scores in work, women can only earn 5 points, and sometimes they can't even earn 5 points.Shen Jilan didn't do it, she would fight for equal pay for men and women.According to her, it is fair.

With the support of Li Shunda, the head of the party branch of the Xigou Village of the Communist Party of China at that time, Shen Jilan launched the labor competition between men and women, Better, Better, and Bi Horing.After many times, the female members can finally earn the same scores.Shen Jilan did not expect that the rights and interests of women in Xigou Village had pioneering significance in the process of Chinese women's liberation.Xigou Village was also included in the history of China's earliest the earliest for men and women.

In 1954, the labor model Shen Jilan was elected as the representative of the National People's Congress.She rode a donkey to change the car. After four days and four nights, she came to Beijing to participate in the first National People's Congress.The conference passed the first constitution after the founding of the Communist Party of China, and the proposal proposed by Shen Jilan's equal pay for men and women was also written into the constitution.

Since then, Shen Jilan has opened his career of her great representative and participated in the first to 13th conference of the National People's Congress of China.In May this year, Shen Jilan went to Beijing to participate in the Thirteen Session of the 13th National People's Congress, and completed her singing of the National People's Congress for 66 years.

Shen Jilan has served as the chairman of the Women's Federation of Shanxi Province, but she always follows her own principles, that is, she does not transfer the household registration, irregularity, not receiving wages, not housing, irregular work relationships, and not separating labor.She did not stand on a platform for a certain route like Chen Yonggui and Guo Fenglian and other farmers. This allowed her to avoid the political storms of China after the 1950s and became the tumblers in the representatives of the National People's Congress.

Shen Jilan is not a controversial person.During the National People's Congress in 2012, one was written in Shen Jilan: We are news that I am a democratic election. The news that I do n’t communicate with voters spread on the Internet. Many people have accused her of just a political decoration and voting machine.

However, some media later watched the video of Shen Jilan's interview and found that the title song solved her original intention.At that time, the reporter asked her: Do you communicate with voters during the election?Shen Jilan's original words are: No.We rely on democratic elections. You are not suitable for you. If you do n’t choose you, do n’t go to lsquo;

Obviously, Shen Jilan thought the reporter said that the communication refers to the voting, but the outside world's doubts did not decrease.To a large extent, Shen Jilan has actually become a target for some people to vent their dissatisfaction with the political system.

Others believe that Shen Jilan rarely put forward valuable proposals in the location of the People's Congress.Indeed, with the political system of Chinese characteristics, Shen Jilan could not propose a strong political color.However, the proposal proposed by Shen Jilan has covered rural, education, transportation, water conservancy construction and other fields, including mountainous transportation construction, cultivated land protection, new rural cooperative medical care, rural cadre elections, and tourism development in poor areas.At the National People's Congress of May this year, she also suggested that the rural hydropower supplies are incorporated into the State Grid as soon as possible to upgrade and reconstruction of the rural network of the confession area.

As a farmer's representative, Shen Jilan basically did not leave the Xigou Village, who had worked for a lifetime, and her personal and children did not seek improper privileges because of her special identity.

Shen Jilan is certainly not a perfect person.However, in the tide of the times, she won the same position for Chinese women for men and women, and has always maintained the simple nature of farmers in the ups and downs of Hanghai, which is enough to allow her to gain respect for future generations.The record of the representative of the 66 -year National People's Congress she set has also become a legend in Chinese political history.