Author: Zhang Huiying

Sometimes it feels like North Korea is like a fierce primitive tribe. The thinking mode is unique, the rule is severely closed, and the internal leaders such as the gods and the murderous murderousness.Any effort that wants to associate with it is either to be guilty or be beaten. If it is not beaten, it is still in the process of being fooled.

After the three "Special Gold Club" made the world look forward to the resolution of the North Korean crisis, Kim and the 20th anniversary of the 20th anniversary of the two Korea North and South bombed the two Korean contact office.But it also exposed the real nature of North Korea, making people with fantasy wake up their brains.It is a show to explode the liaison office. In May 2018, it was also a show to show that the United States blown up the Fengxi nuclear test site. It seems that North Korea likes to blast the road.The truth under the smoke of the sky is that North Korea's basic thinking has not changed.Kim Jong -un, who for a long time, then came forward to say that for the time being to slow down the further military operations, this is not a breath. Do you remember the two old tricks of the two old tricks?

The matter of North Korea is always very dramatic. When Kim Jong -un Shenyin was 20 days, the outside world madly spread his death. Then his sister Kim and Zhengzheng shocked the world.EssenceHowever, Kim Jong -un appeared again, and he also put troops to act in Mountains and Kaicheng. It is generally believed that the brothers and sisters are dressed as black and white, and Jin and Zheng create a crisis.President Trump relaxes economic sanctions against North Korea.

Is this China Merchants Bank?It is not necessarily because Trump is burning for the epidemic and election. He has no time to take care of him. Besides, the "Special Gold Club" in the past did not get specific results on the North Korean nuclear.Not only was it encouraged to North Korea, but he also damaged his diplomatic results that he boasted with voters.Economic sanctions are the chips preparing for transactions. In exchange for North Korea, it can truly make the United States reassuring on nuclear weapons.The Korean sanctions suffered from the North Koreans. Kim and Zheng threatened the Koreans, and Trump would not care.Although North Korea wants to force South Korea to apply for strength to the United States, President Moon Jae -yin really thinks more about Trump's pressure without pressure.

This is also because North Korea is reluctant to abandon nuclear weapons, but also hopes that the United States has put down economic sanctions.In recent years, North Korea has developed rapidly. The long -range missiles can also be hit in the United States. Kim Jong -un was full of confidence, and he was confident that he could force the United States to sign a peace agreement and end North Korea's most afraid of the United States to defeat North Korea's nightmare.

Kim Jong -un, who is over -confident, thinks that he can conquer the United States and the international community as soon as he smiles. In the future, he can enjoy economic support in nuclear weapons and snakes.As a result, Trump, who was encountered, was too confident. He thought he could engage in deposit and fat when he came out of the horse.Come is also a show.

In fact, all of this is not new. In 2000, South Korean President Kim Daeke and North Korean leader Kim Jong Il held talks and issued a common declaration of North and South. As a result, Kim Da Zhong won the Nobel Peace Prize.Two years later, North Korea restarted the nuclear weapons plan. From 2003 to 2007, 6 rounds and 6 -party talks were held. He turned his face in North Korea and turned around and talked about it. He finally signed 3 documents. The result was never executed.Nowadays, everyone understands that during that period, Kim Jong Il played the marginal means. Between the tricks and faces, they won the time to develop nuclear weapons for North Korea and the generous aid of South Korea.Looking at the current Kim Jong -un and Jin and Zheng, the drama is just a new bottle of old wine. The real difference is that North Korea ’s nuclear weapons have achieved success, which pose a terrible threat to the United States.

In fact, North Korea is very simple: the Kim dynasty is consolidated, recognized as a nuclear martial arts, the United States guarantees not to attack, and obtains external economic resources.Even if the United States and China can cooperate on the North Korean issue, North Korea will not change.If all of their wishes, will the world bureau become worse?It is intriguing.