Author: Luo Baoxi

Minneapolis 46 -year -old African American George Floyd, a 46 -year -old white police officer, who was 46 -year -old American AmericanDemonstrations and riots have enabled the outside world to pay attention to many social issues such as racial discrimination, external emotions, and police abuse of violence.At the same time, it reveals that the new crown pneumonia's epidemic that has won more than 460,000 people around the world has stimulated multiple social contradictions such as national, race, and class.

UN Secretary -General Antonio Guterres warned at the beginning of the month that the epidemic has rolled up hatred and hate and Xenophobia around the world, opposing the emotional surge in mood.Unlike the popularity of influenza a century ago, humans in the 21st century have mastered enough scientific knowledge and medical technology to understand virus and prevent and control infectious diseases. Human beings are no longer living in darkness and ignorance.Determine your eyes?

Prior to the Freud incident, the Black Lives Matter moved in the United States for several years.Class problems.During the new crown epidemic, the proportion of black people was also higher than that of white people. Data from the US government on June 3 showed that blacks accounted for nearly 13%of the country's population, but the proportion of dying due to new crown pneumonia accounted for 23%.This not only reflects that there are fewer black people who can bear medical expenses than white people, but also the phenomenon of socio -economic inequality they face.

At the same time, it is by no means only blacks participating in demonstration riots. Among them, different races and left -wing radicals are also mixed.The waves that appear everywhere can be more or less blamed on the issue of economic damage under the epidemic and the increasing poverty caused by unemployment.

As the epidemic spread, all kinds of discrimination and hatred spread like waves.The first is Asian people, especially Chinese, often become the object of attacked.For example, a Singapore student was beaten on the streets of the United Kingdom in early March, and there was a trend of rise in similar situations.In addition, some Indian right -wing people shirk the responsibility of the outbreak to Muslims, and even the medical care of the front line of heroic resistance was discriminated against.How can this wave virus more terrible formed, and how can we be exempted from inexplicable hatred injuries?

Salvation medical care has also been discriminated against

According to the British police, London's hatred of hatred against the East has increased. In February and March, there were 166 words, networks, and limbs on the appearance of the Oriental appearance victims, an increase of 100 from the same period last year.However, the general victims did not take the initiative to report the case, so I believe that the actual number may be higher.In addition, the frequent remarks of Chinese virus in the United States President Trump also spread and fermented around the world.

Nowadays, the epidemic has continued for nearly half a year, and people have increased the relevant information of the new crown pneumonia and the understanding of the virus, but Asian people have been maliciously targeted and discriminated against.Recently, Chinese families in Melbourne, Australia have been written on the outer wall of the house for several days.

Even the medical staff who save lives is also discriminated against in some countries or regions.At the end of April, three nurses working at the Karano Hospital of Surakalta, Java, Indonesia were expelled by the landlord.One of the affected nurses SISKA said that I received a short message notification from the landlord earlier. When I first got up, I received a short message from the landlord and asked us to move immediately because we worked at the referral hospital of Xin Guanye.She felt quite confused, especially in this case, it was difficult to find a new residence.She said frankly: we are shocked, disappointed, and offended, why are we treated like this?I hope people do not stigmatize medical staff.

Medical care has been attacked by discrimination, and it also occurs in Mexico, Pakistan and the Philippines, which has even caused life casualties.Hugo Loacute, Deputy Minister of Health of Mexico; PEZ-Gatell said it was absolutely unacceptable to the attack and discrimination of medical staff.He believes that the medical workers who respond to (epidemic) at the front line are the most likely to provide help and the most willing to help because they are attacked for participating in rescue work.

The dispute between the epidemic in the epidemic is intensified

Social and economic inequality, coupled with the epidemic in this century, seems to have led to a generation of division.Last year, OK Boomer's Internet Meme and mantra rose on the Internet, which just represents the idea of young people disliked or ridiculed the infant trendy generation.During the epidemic, some young people named the new crown virus as the Boomer Remover. In social media, young people lamented the warnings that the previous generation did not take the epidemic seriously.At the same time, the older generation was dissatisfied with the generation Z (referring to people born from 1995 to 2005) to continue meals under the isolation order and continue to party.Young people are dissatisfied with the previous generation, and they think that the economic results they suffer today are left over from the previous generation.

The 19 -year -old girl Shannon Oconor said: The older generation has a specific thinking, which is different from the ideas of our generation.Most of them do not believe in climate change issues or those who do not believe in hair dyeing can find a job.The new generation is unwilling to spend lips, hoping to use action to prove that the idea of the previous generation was wrong.

Joshua Citarella, a New York artist and researcher who understands the online community, believes that the reason for OK Boomer is the resonance of the entire in good mood.Cort Rudolph, a psychological assistant professor at the University of St. Louis, said that jokes such as OK Boomer may exacerbate the pressure on both sides, which will only further divide us.What needs to be re -concerned is that this is not the older generation against the younger generation, but about everyone's affairs.

In addition to complaining of each other across generations, Jason Beckfield, director of the Department of Sociology at Harvard University, believes that labor inequality may be the most significant difference in the epidemic.Only about one -third of the U.S. employees said that they can work at home in the past year, and most of them have white -collar workers with high salary and thick jobs, good medical benefits and paid holidays.In the grassroots level, such as the factory's blue -collar workers and handling workers do not have the options for home work, and even cannot enjoy medical security and salary holidays. Many of them are women and colorful people.People always die because of their social status (low), but they are usually not reported, which reveals a large number of deep -seated structural issues in our society.

The above -mentioned various social contradictions and tears explained more or less to this demonstration and riots caused by the blacks caused by the black people, and finally evolved into a big riots by hate tsunami under this epidemic.

Humans have the ability to cope with epidemics

The authors of SAPIENS: A BRIEF HISTORY of Humankind, Israeli historian Yuval Noah Harari, have discussion on human and plague. He proposed three human beings: famine, plague and war.The achievements of human beings in the 20th century, these three situations have come to the 21st century.He recently accepted the Taiwan media interview that human beings obviously could not avoid new infectious diseases. The biggest enemy of this big pop crisis was not a virus, but a demon in human heart: hatred, greed, ignorance.

He reviewed the black death epidemic in the fourteenth century, and the epidemic took away a quarter of the population of Europe. At that time, the people had no clue to the cause from beginning to end and fell into a completely helplessness.Compared with today, scientists have only spent two weeks to confirm and complete the genetic sorting of the new coronary virus, and develop testing methods. It can be seen that humans have lsquo; Squo; suppressing the epidemic does not mean that humans always have lsquo; wisdom rsquo;This ability.

He believes that if people just put this gameThe epidemic is blamed for outsiders and disadvantaged groups. If an enterprise only cares about its own profit, or chooses to believe in conspiracy theory, it will become difficult to overcome the epidemic.

I ask everyone in the world to oppose hatred, respect each other's dignity, and seize all opportunities to promote kindness.Antonio Gutreres, Secretary -General of the United Nations.During the epidemic, Asians in European people were covered in, and my body was written with a virus that I was not a virus, and I was human!Don't discriminate against me!Hope that passersby can take the initiative to hug themselves.During this difficult period around the world, hatred is not the only choice, and positive energy will help humans out of the predicament of the epidemic.