Ming Pao News Agency

COVID-19 in the world is tens of millions of confirmed cases. The epidemic in the United States and Brazil has continued to deteriorate, and the number of diseased people exceeds 120,000 and 50,000, respectively.Washington has not been waiting for the epidemic, and is eager to restart the economy, and the consequences are gradually emerging.The United States recorded more than 36,000 new confirmed cases on Wednesday, which was the highest in a single day, and more than half of the state's epidemic was deteriorating. The White House did not see any recipes for epidemic.At the moment, the virus was tested too much, and the words such as Kung Flu were checked for a while, inciting racism to fight for political scores.The White House cares more about saving the market than to save people. Each state's resistance to each other is political, and even set up a fence between the state and the state to prevent cases from entering.The epidemic is unwavering. The first is the low -class and disadvantaged group. It is black in the United States and the aboriginal people in Brazil. If saving the lives of the people is not priority, it will be the biggest irony of democracy.

See Xin Gao in a single day

White House ostrich -style response

COVID-19 has been raging. The global confirmed cases have exceeded 9.56 million yesterday. The Americas have become the hardest hit areas of the epidemic. The United States accurate cases account for one quarter of the world, and Brazil accounts for 12%.The US epidemic broke out in mid -March. After more than a month, many new cases in many days have exceeded 30,000. Duozhou has launched a restriction of social distance measures, which once slowed the epidemic situation slightly.The left and right levels, however, Huafu believes that the economic cost is too large and that the epidemic is truly controlled, and the states are required to restart the economy.

Looking at the performance of the US stock market and a series of data since May, the US economic activities have indeed been gradually recovering. However, the national epidemic has also deteriorated. The situation in the past week is particularly obvious.36,880 new highs are recorded.The outbreaks of the southern and western states such as Texas, Florida, Arizona, and many hospitals in the southern and western states are in a hurry. The epidemic in California and Washington is equally noticeable.

The U.S. epidemic has once again turned down, and the authoritative experts from the immigration to the immortal expert, Ficki, described the situation severe, and the next few weeks will be the critical period.Vice President Pence claims that the epidemic fear is exaggerated, and the media scares Americans with pessimistic predictions; Trump once again blame the American virus testing too much, which will make people impress the impression.EssenceChinese officials stated that the number of nucleic acid testing in the Mainland exceeded 90 million.In the United States, the total number is 30 million to date.The Broadcasting Corporation pointed out that if the epidemic is really slowed, the nucleic acid testing is done more, and the ratio of positive cases will naturally decline, but this is not the situation in the United States.The proposal of WHO to various countries is that the ratio of positive cases lasts 14 days to relax epidemic prevention measures. However, data show that the correlation rate of one -third of the United States exceeds 5%.

Fudi pointed out that the U.S. epidemic has never really eased in the past three months. Now it is still the first wave instead of the second wave of epidemic.Seeking a blessing.Dezhou authorities stated that some social restrictions would be promoted, and Florida refused to issue a mask order.New York State, New Jersey and Connecticut are the early stages of the disaster area in the early stage of the epidemic. After several hardships, the epidemic is stabilized. In order to prevent repeated, the three states form the Northeast Self -Prointed Self -Insurance Alliance in disguise.EssenceIt is still to be observed whether the implementation of the relevant measures is feasible, but when the states also start to use neighbors, whether the United States can unite the disease up and down is a doubt.Trump is still because of me. He criticized some people to wear masks to oppose him. He instigated anti -China emotions for a while. He used the words such as Kung FLU and other racial words to describe the disease.

The US epidemic has deteriorated, but the trend of US stocks has not been too bad in the near future. One major reason is that investors believe that White House officials have repeatedly stated that they will not stop the economy for resistance.Trump looks at the re -election and keeps the economy first. The ending may be a sacrifice of a lot of life.At least 480,000 people in the world have died of COVID-19, of which a quarter came from the United States.In the early days of the U.S. epidemic, Huafu's epidemic prevention experts had estimated that 100,000 to 240,000 would die. Trump recently claimed that the number of deaths believed that the number of deaths was about 60,000, which was lower than the original estimate.In just 3 months, 120,000 people in the United States have died under the epidemic. Mo said that Trump's estimation is a joke. If the current trend, 240,000 people will be killed as an optimistic estimate.

Virus is killed to unveil social injustice

Anti -disease is not active democracy

Many people in Washington and Wall Street believe that the social distance is too large to restrict the cost of economic, which is not worth it. This is actually a very short view.Earlier, a study of Wyoming University in the United States pointed out that according to statistical analysis methods used by the US government in the past, an American life is equivalent to 10 million US dollars.The former is more than trillions of dollars higher than the latter.A latest study of the Natural Human Behavior Periodical Publication pointed out that the United States has slowly lifted the epidemic prevention measures in the United States for one year. Compared with the emergency sealing, it can be re -introduced, which can reduce the economic loss by half to 50 %.Astronomical figures.

The virus does not talk about politics, but the death of the epidemic will reveal the unfairness of society.Looking at the world, the most affected by this epidemic is the weak group and the low class. The young people and the wealthy people in the middle class are relatively lightly affected.In the United States, a large number of low -class blacks stopped their mouths and stopped in the risk of infection. Keeping social distance is luxury. In Brazil, the government is currently jealous of the development of Amazon Forest. The aboriginal people lack medical care and the dead.Democratic countries should take national lives as the first priority. There is no reason to save the market to save people. Whether the person in power resistance is not only related to life and social justice.The name of the name.