Ge Hongliang

Disputes in the South China Sea involved in many countries in China and Southeast Asia, and it has not been decided so far.In the process of controversial fermentation and the development of the situation, perhaps the outside world will pay attention to that compared with China -Philippines and China and Vietnam compared to the long period of time in the past, China and Malaysia have maintained a state of peace.However, this situation seems to be changing now, and the relationship between China and Malaysia on the South China Sea issues are moving towards a sensitive situation.

According to the Malaysian Media Borneo Post on June 3, China Maritime Police Ship 1123 confronts the Malaysian Navy and Maritime Law Enforcement Bureau in the waters near Qiongtai Reef.This is actually not the only confrontation incident in the media in the past six months.Earlier, the confrontation between China and Malaysia in the waters east of Wan'an Beach has been concerned about the outside world under the wave of the United States and Australian Navy and European and American public opinion.

From this point of view, China and Malaysia have recently been described as unhealthy in the South China Sea.This is different from the past changes, there are causes, and due to the continuous development of the global epidemic in the time value. As the competition with China and the United States and South China, the competition and the enthusiasm of power gradually violently, the effect of surpassing the dispute between China and China Sea China Sea in Public opinion has produced the public opinion.Essence

On the issue of the South China Sea, China and Malaysia have gradually become sensitive to the relationship between China and Malaysia. It has a direct relationship with Malaysia's changes in the South China Sea policy in recent years.At the policy level of the South China Sea, Malaysia pursues relatively safe and pragmatic practices. Therefore, observers at home and abroad have defined Malaysia as a low -key pragmatic person on the South China Sea issue for a long time; it has maintained it on the South China Sea issue for a long timeWith a low -key attitude, I hope to play safely.

In terms of content, Malaysia, as a low -key pragmatic person on the South China Sea issue, is generally compared with:

First, the issue of the South China Sea is not regarded as an important issue for the dialogue between China and Malaysia. In contrast, it is more willing to pass political dialogue as a whole to promote the pragmatic cooperation between China and Malaysia;

The second is to focus on the development of oil and gas resources for a long time, and even regard this as the most important goal of Malaysia's pursuit of a low -key South China Sea policy;

Third, the Malaysian government is not keen to hype the South China Sea dispute, and Malaysia has not caused a large -scale protest to march due to disputes in the South China Sea;

Fourth, Malaysia holds a positive attitude towards promoting the consultation and active prevention diplomacy of the South China Sea.Relatively positive characters.

It is, under the promotion of this policy, in terms of jointly promoting the stability of the two states and maintaining the stability of the South China Sea, China and Malaysia have shown a high degree of consensus.Affected by this, China Malaysia has maintained a state of peace in the past for a long time.At the same time, this also means that once Malaysia's South China Sea policy has changed, the Sino -Malaysia and Malaysias on the South China Sea issue is likely, and it is likely to change.

All facts also show that the China Sea policy in Malaysia is showing different changes in the past.At the beginning, Malaysia has repeatedly put forward unilateral claims at the international jurisdiction.In 2009, Malaysia successively submitted a continental tribute to the United Nations in a separate and Vietnamese way.Ten years later, Malaysia once again submitted a proposal to extend the continental shelf to the United Nations Mainland Boundary Committee in December 2019.

Secondly, although Malaysia still focuses on the exploration and development of oil and gas resources, exploration and development in the waters around Wan'an Beach is a situation that has never appeared in the past.This sea area is controversial in China, Malaysia and Vietnam.Third, Malaysia has increasingly holding vigilance and anxiety about the conventional and mechanisms of China in the South China Sea.The confrontation between the two countries in the South China Sea also happened.Based on the increasingly sensitive relationship between the two countries in the South China Sea, Malaysia has begun to view the South China Sea issue as a prominent topic of China and Malaysia. To this end, in September 2019, it officially established a bilateral maritime issue consultation mechanism with China.

Although the establishment of the China -Malaysia's bilateral South China Sea communication mechanism is in line with the dual -track policy ideas of the South China Sea issue, which is also conducive to the joint maintenance of the South China Sea's safety and the stability of the situation in a great sense, it is undoubted that behind this, behind this, behind this, behind thisIt also shows the changes in the China Sea policy in the southern Malaysia.

The changes in the South China Sea policy in Malaysia are important reasons for promoting the tendency of Sino -Malaysia relations in the South China Sea.

The changes in the South China Sea policy in Malaysia do not mean that Malaysia does not know enough about the complexity and sensitivity of the South China Sea.For example, recently Malaysian Foreign Minister Hishan Mu Ding has clearly emphasized the importance of maintaining communication and the stability of the situation in the South China Sea.Therefore, the China -Malaysia China Sea Wave has produced an effect beyond its own public opinion, which has nothing to do with the development of the global epidemic and the strategic competition of China and the United States and South China.

It was under this structure traction that the US -Australian warships intended to approach the scene of the confrontation between China and Malaysia during the exercise; and the Commander of the United States and India even admitted that the United States supported the efforts of the United States and partners to maintain its own economic interests.Not only that, the US Secretary of State Pompeo even claims that China is using the attention of the coronary virus in Southeast Asia to coerce neighboring countries and regard China's rights protection measures in the South China Sea as bullying.

It can be seen that the effects of the sensitivity of the China -Malaysia South China Relations have exceeded the level of the two countries; and the China -Malaysia South China Sea Storm actually constitutes the United States leading and igniting the South China Sea public opinion and forming an offensive against China.In this case, it is particularly important to maintain cautious restraint in the South China Sea and maintain a pragmatic attitude.

The author is a senior researcher at the China Chahar Society

Director of China Mdash; Director of the ASEAN Maritime Safety Research Center