US President Trump signed an administrative instruction on Monday (22nd) to extend and expand the suspension of permanent residence rights and a variety of foreign workers' work visa applications until the end of this year to ensure the livelihood of Americans under the epidemic.The affected H-1B high-tech workers visas, which are affected by the US technology giant as an important source of talent supply, and J-1 visas that affect the short-term internship exchanges of students and teachers.Some senior officials say that more than 500,000 jobs can be re -assigned to Americans, reflecting the United States' priority recovery.However, some criticism states that the Trump administration is using the new crown epidemic to tighten the law of immigration.The American scientific and technological community, business community, and even some Republicans warned that this will weaken the ability of enterprises to absorb talents and even become an obstacle to the recovery of the United States.

Trump announced that he temporarily stopped the green card application for the time being. The period was originally expired on Monday (22nd), but he decided to continue the ban.The new ban will take effect today (24th) until the end of the year. According to the briefing of the Huafu officials to the media, the existing visa holders will not be affected by the new instructions.In addition to the green card, the most watched part of the new ban is to suspend the H-1B visa suitable for high-tech workers.

H-1B and J-1 visas Multi-Chinese application

The H-1B visa opens 85,000 each year to a high-profile and at least a college degree. Last year, as many as 225,000 applications were received. Most of the winners were engaged in natural science, technology, engineering, education, and accounting.Last year, a total of 130,000 India citizens received a new visa or visa renewal, while Chinese citizens had 28,000.

The H-2B visa suitable for seasonal workers is also affected by the ban, but agriculture, food processing and professional medical staff can be exempted.About 97,000 people received new H-2B visas or visas last year, of which 72,000 were Mexican citizens.The U.S. government has also strengthened the restrictions on the J-1 short-term exchange visa. This visa allows college students, intern, and teachers to go to the United States to internship or communicate.University professors and scholars can apply for exemption.In 2019, the United States approved 350,000 new J-1 visas and renewal, of which nearly 40,000 were Chinese citizens.The L visa for senior executives of multinational enterprises to the United States will also be suspended.

In addition, the Trump administration is preparing to strengthen restrictions to prevent asylum applications from being abused into a tool for obtaining a job permit.

The seal of the new crown epidemic led to a rapid increase in the U.S. unemployed population and prompted Trump for the first time in April to announce a plan to restrict new immigrants.Some Washington officials told the Wall Street Journal that Trump's new instructions can ensure that the U.S. unemployed can get job opportunities when economic recovery and work opportunities are reproduced.One of them estimates that more than 500,000 employment positions will be re -assigned to American people who are unable to open, reflecting the preferred recovery of the United States in their mouths.

Business Republicans are concerned about recovery

The Institute of Immigration Policy of the Party -free think tank estimates that the new ban will cause 325,000 immigrants and their families to be unable to reach the United States in the next six months, but at the Huafu briefing, some officials will set the number of predictions to 525,000, including 170,000 parts, including 170,000 partsThe affected person of the green card ban.

The most affected technology industry in the technology industry is dissatisfied, and the US media also estimates that there may be business organizations to seek an overthrow ban.Nine Republican Senators headed by Lindsey Graham and John Cornyn sent a letter to Trump on the 27th of last month and asked him to re -consider and worry that he would eventually damage the US business community.The letter emphasized that foreign workers needed foreign workers, thinking that it would not snatch the American rice bowl.