American capitalism is difficult.The sudden coronary virus epidemic, coupled with the murder of police violence law enforcement, almost exposed the sinking of all American society today: social inequality, racial discrimination, ethnic tearing, political deadlock, and disorders of governance.American democracy has failed.Klaus Middot, founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum; Klaus Schwab said that capitalism needs to be replaced.(See June 18, United Zaobao Middot; speech)

The so -called re -setting, the original English text is a GREAT Reset. It has the meaning of re -setting, re -combining, and reorganization. That is to say, it cannot be opened as usual, and it must be changed.However, the American social fault line is deep, the reasons are complicated, and it has been long -lasting. It is easy for the political and social system to reintegrate.

In terms of the most prominent problem of social inequality, it is manifested in many aspects: the rich and poor are disparity and uneven distribution. Most African -American blacks are always at the bottom of society.politics.The rich and poor gap expanded, so 99%of the demonstration of 1%of the Occupy Wall Street.The salary of 1%of the elites and corporate executives of the population has continued to soar, while the salary of 50%of the people at the bottom has stagnated in the past 30 years.Even if a medium -income employee has worked for 500 years, the salary only has a salary of one year of the top 100 corporate executives.

This phenomenon may be ignored when the economy continues, because most people can find a job living;Stop, contradictions are immediately superficial.The epidemic has also exposed the deficiencies of the US public medical system. Most of the poor cannot afford medical insurance and cannot afford expensive testing costs, so the mortality rate is particularly high.The lack of medical resources such as the elderly home and the nursing home also leads to a high mortality rate.Medical expenses in the United States are the world's first, but the medical system is mainly driven by private and interests, and the disadvantages of capitalism and marketing are highlighted.

How to re -set?Claus Middot; Schwab believes that it must really implement the so -called stakeholder Capitalism.This is a concept of Shareholder Capitalism.Shareholders' capitalism pointed out that the company's management is only committed to maximizing the interests of shareholders. Once the company's profits occur, they will immediately take layoffs and other measures to sacrifice the interests of others at any time to protect the interests of shareholders.The capitalism of stakeholders is the opposite, emphasizing the long -term interests of stakeholders such as employees such as the company.

The Singapore government has introduced four budgets in this epidemic. The total budget is nearly 100 billion yuan. It is unprecedented. The intention is to protect the enterprises and work. I hope that the company can work with employees to work together to avoid layoffs as much as possible.Government leaders have repeatedly guaranteed that anyone who falls will be supported.This is the specific manifestation of communityism.

The large -scale intervention of the government shows that it is not possible to rely on capitalism and market doctrine.The government's visible hand is indispensable.The disadvantages of US capitalism may be that it is allowed to control everything that is invisible, and the government seems incompetent and weak.On the one hand, it is in ideology, and on the other hand, it is serious division and opposition in society.Those who want the government to vigorously intervene in the market are regarded as socialists who are left -leaning, and they are the enemy of freedom and democracy.Therefore, the Republican and Democratic Party cannot reach consensus on any major social issues.

Should a free and democratic society look like this?People who are superstitious shareholders believe that this is indeed the case.Freedom cannot be restricted, and survival of the fittest is the law of nature.But this is definitely not a concept that we can accept. The laws of the jungle create forests and cannot be a garden.From the perspective of doctrine, this is the dispute between capitalism and socialism, and it is also a dispute between individualism and communityism.

History tells us that superstitions have problems and even staged a tragedy, because each kind of doctrine has its blind spots and the limitations of the times. Only by seeking truth from facts can we solve the problem.The socialists of the Li Guangyao era, and the Communists of the Deng Xiaoping era, followed the principle of seeking truth from facts, the shackles of hyperloneism, and achieved unique breakthroughs and achievements in politics.

Conversely, the elite of the United States has pushed marketing to the extreme; in recent years, neo -liberalism has been launched in recent years to escort marketism.Has the former senior diplomat Ma Kaishuo won in China?The book says that the political arrangements of the United States have undergone fundamental changes. Surface forms such as regular elections still exist, but the main political and social decision -making power has been controlled in the hands of the rich class.

The social contract in the United States is gradually based on the ideology of freedom, not traditional freedom and equality.American society is high to freedom. Of course, it is what the elite class is. The name of the small government is a small government, which is actually to reduce government constraints and intervention.This naturally sacrificed equality greatly.

The late American historian William Middot; James Middot; William James Durant couple, in the book of history published in 1968, said that freedom and peacefulness is a natural life.Enemy.If one of them is completely wins, the other must declare death.If people are completely free, they will increase the number of inequality with the innocence, and the situation is like the British and the United States that implemented Renistian in the 19th century.

They said that in order to curb the increasing unequal, they must sacrifice freedom.But even if the Soviet Union was suppressed by the Soviet Union after 1917, inequality continued to exist.The conclusion is that from the perspective of biology, equality is just utopia. In fact, people are not equal.People with poor economic ability are hoping to be equal, while those who are conscious than others are eager to be free.Harmony philosophers can only expect to be almost equal legal justice and education opportunities.

Historians have spread the facts, which is exactly the opposite of the United States' Independence Declaration and the French Revolutionary Human Rights Declaration.That is to say, no matter what society is, there must be proper intervention in the government to obtain some kind of equality.In order to infer that the more serious the phenomenon of inequality, the greater the intervention; otherwise, the ultimate development is the jungle society of a person eating.

Durant believes that the dialectical logic should be like this: After the industrial revolution, there was capitalism (positive) and socialism (anti -). As a result, it should be the integration of capitalism and socialism.In the words of the book, socialism has to expand freedom because of fear of capitalism, while capitalism has to increase equality because of fear of socialism.Smart historians also said: The potential of a person can be exerted, and it will have a survival advantage in the competition of different groups.

Singapore's public housing, public health, and public education have socialist components. The government helps low -income class through various administrative measures and financial transfer, and helps poor families get rid of poverty through skill training or improvement.Isn't Singapore today, isn't it the result of the above -mentioned positive and negative speculation?Surprisingly, the government's education policy (designed to give full play to the potential of everyone) is now vigorously implemented, and it is similar to the historical experience summarized by Durant half a century ago!

(The author is a former journalist, a former member of the Congress)