The new coronary virus epidemic has caused at least 8.92 million people in the world since the large -scale outbreak of the beginning of the year, and nearly 470,000 people have died.From Sunday (21st) to Monday (22nd), more than 180,000 diagnosis cases were recorded around the world, which created the largest number of days. Among them, North America and South America rose the largest increase, an increase of 110,000.In addition to the worst epidemic countries, in addition to the United States and Brazil, the third party is Russia under the rule of Putin. The accumulated number of diagnosis has exceeded 580,000, and the number of deaths has exceeded 8,000.

Russia recorded the first case entered by China on January 31, and the first recorded cases introduced from Italy for the first time on March 2.Later, the Putin government tried to curb the spread of the epidemic with the ban, home, and forbidden agglomeration, but it was too late.Russia has deteriorated rapidly between April and May, and it reached its peak on May 11th. A single -day diagnosis case of 11,656 was set up 11,656.Essence

Putin gradually unblocked in June. However, although the epidemic has declined, there are still more than 7,000 new cases every day in the country. Moscow also has an average of more than a thousand new infections daily.However, Putin was anxious to unblocked in order to unblock it in order to parade the day of victory and the constitutional referendum.Originally Russia and its former Soviet Union joined the Republic of the Soviet Union to celebrate the defeat of Nazi Germany in the Patriotic War on May 9 each year.The 75th anniversary of the end of World War II this year was originally the opportunity of Putin Dathe, but interrupted the plan because of the epidemic.

Since the stage in 1999, Putin has been proud of it. In order to fight for Russia's dilemma after the disintegration of the Soviet Union, it can still be used to break the country's poverty in the country.The imperial end of the power of power for one day.Suppressing Chechen's independence, attacking the South Ossean ladder, and annexing Crimea all showed Putin's courage and wrist to defend the national interests to defend the national interests.In order to advocate domestic nationalism, to commemorate World War II celebrations and show military strength, it is naturally a chance to miss.

Strong people lose their epidemic?

However, Moscow has not waited for the epidemic to calm down for a military parade ceremony on the Red Square on Wednesday (24th). In addition to 28 cities, a total of 64,000 people will attend the celebration. At least 25 large cities have indicated that in response to the epidemic situation,No military parade.Most of the cities in the cities are still in the first stage of unblocking three -step, most of them will only be held in the military district, which obviously makes this victory day celebration lost a lot.Regardless of the epidemic, Putin still has to hold large public activities to encourage the patriotic emotions across the country to come from the constitutional referendum on July 1.

At the end of last year, Putin proposed to revise the Russian Federal Constitution for the first time. The main content is the restriction of the number of presidential term, and after the constitutional amendment, the current president's previous term is calculated at zero, and the real power of the National Council will be strengthened.EssenceFor the fact that Putin's move is for the expiration of the two presidents after the term of the two presidents in 2024, and once again ran for the presidential to dismantle the wall and loosen it, and then re -elected for more than 12 years until the age of 2036, or the 84th year of the year of Pujing, or changed to change, or changed to change.In charge of the State Council to listen to politics, so that it can be in power for a long time.

However, even if Putin intends to add a yellow robe, it has not been able to bypass public opinion. He directly raised his hand in his absolutely controlled Congress Duma.Originally, Duma passed the proposal in March to set up a constitutional referendum on April 22, and later was postponed until July 1st due to the epidemic.However, the sudden epidemic raging throughout the country, causing more than 8,000 people to die, and also caused Putin's Ruyi abacus to lose inch, which also exposed the vulnerability of Putin regime.

Although Russia has recorded the first input case in January, it has been prepared for many months from the outbreak of April.However, although it is too late than the outbreak of the European and American epidemic, the deterioration is much worse than that of Italy in the western European epidemic.Prime Minister Mikhailmishustin confirmed infection and was admitted to the hospital.Putin has repeatedly showed the epidemic in the entire epidemic, and it has been very different from the image of a strong man to show people.

The two sides of Trump with Trump

To this end, Ku Palace also tried to transfer the focus to overseas forces, such as attacking the New York Times in April that Moscow's death was over 17,000, Far exceeded the official number of Russian official numbers for fake news.When polls showed a record low of Russians' satisfaction with Putin to 59%, ten hundred percentage points in three months.Ke Gong also adopted an anti -scalp, asking Bloomberg News to apologize to the polls of Putin's most trusted politicians to show a display of 27%of Russians.

Putin is also thinner to Western countries, such as the United States is in a deep internal crisis due to epidemic and racial contradictions.It also pointed out that due to the two parties in the United States, Hillary supporters were not convinced and criticized Trump, which also caused the United States to fall into the legitimate crisis and face the Soviet -style collapse.In addition, Putin also deliberately challenged the dispute with Poland on historical issues, saying that Polish political leaders fled when the Nazi iron hoof soldiers were under the city, saying that it was responsible for the suffering of the Poland in World War II and the invasion of the Soviet Union and the Germans invaded Poland.

Criticizing criticism for Western countries such as Poland is naturally a vision for Putin to transfer domestic governance.Under the freedom of Western press, the US epidemic has continued to explode, anti -racism demonstrations are no longer the same, and the chaos presented to the outside world does make the international community feel that the United States is very turbulent.Putin also actively uses the vacancies of this freedom of news to shape the theory of American collapse in China, so that the society can maintain stability and prosperity to the Chinese people.

But as Trump has a strong momentum for his personal momentum, he still holds a large -scale campaign rally in ignorance of the epidemic.The great parade celebration is to satisfy his narcissistic lust.Recently, the former White House Consultant Bolton New Book of Bolton said that Trump said that the US citizens wanted to cancel the restrictions of the two terminals of the president, and Putin was put into practice.It can be seen that Putin and Trump seem to be two sides of a copper coin.
