Recently, the border between China and India has risen again, and the waves are higher than the waves.First, the frontline officers and soldiers of the Border Defense Forces between the two countries confronted the Ladaka area near the Lawan Valley. Later, a violent limb conflict occurred. It was said that dozens of casualties of officers and soldiers on both sides have been caused. Specific data needs to be officially announced in China and India.This is the most serious border conflict since the outbreak of armed conflicts (allegedly India -ornates) at the outbreak of the Outra Mountain Exit in 1967 (allegedly more than 540 casualties).event.

In response to the current Chinese and Indian conflict resolution, the author has the following points and suggestions:

I. Modi clarifies the facts of the cross -border and intentionally reconciliation. It is for the well -being of the peaceful people between the two countries. Do not understand and propagate to admit it. China should follow the trend and promote peace talks.

At the emergency meeting of the National Party Conference on June 19, Modi said that Modi said: (China) No one entered Indian territory, and no Indian post facilities were demolished.

The author believes that Modi clarifies the facts of the cross -border. It is intentional reconciliation and the well -being of the peaceful people between the two countries. Do not understand it as a confession. China should follow the trend and promote peace talks.

I saw some articles on the media that some people proposed that Modi was admitted. The author did not agree with it.If the Chinese and Indian domestic politician experts and scholars, the people and scholars of India and India have clearly understood the fact that Modi's cross -border facts were clarified as Modi recognition, it may be a great misjudgment and misunderstanding.Modi can become the prime minister of India, and its national pattern, and personal courage should never be underestimated.This kind of recognition of understanding and judgment and promotion will not only be not conducive to the follow -up peaceful resolution of the China -India conflict, but also greatly stimulate India.Therefore, this kind of advice is extremely harmful.

Interpretation of Modi's clarification of facts as advice is a limited understanding and interests that a few people lack.Criticizing his louder is the opposition to the former party leader of the party, Rahul Gandhi, who opposed the party leader of the party.Di) This push was quickly reposted and more than 90,000 praises.After the Indian election defeated Modi last year, Laher finally found a chance to fight back.But Laher Middot; all Gandhi's attack on Modi, more, only took the opportunity to attack hostile party behaviors.

The Indian local media India Stan Times said that the reason why Modi determined that no Chinese army entered the Indian border, mainly to fight the questioning of the opposition party, because the opposition party would continue to ask Modi Quot;Modern Modern was in a dilemma.When the conflict of the China -India border last Tuesday happened, Modi met with the Minister of Defense and Foreign Minister at home that night.However, he did not make a formal response on the conflict at the time, and continued to speak for the increasingly serious new crown epidemic in India.The deliberate avoidance of Modi also caused the opposition leader Laur Middot; Gandhi question: Where did you hide?Why do you keep silent?Can't continue like this, we need to know what happened.Why do our soldiers die?

Modi's intentional avoidance and clarification of facts are Modi's domestic control and friendly behavior.It can be seen that Modi's rational attitude has aroused the anger of the people of India. Many Indian people have begun to resist Chinese products. In addition to some people who have smashed the bad China mobile phone, there is a short video that there are people.Throw the Chinese -made TV in the home from the third floor to the downstairs.I believe that China can fully understand that Modi is not easy in China.In his second five -year term, Modi first encountered economic weakness, and then the new crown epidemic broke out. Although Modi adopted a extremely strict blockade policy, the densely populated population and weak medical foundation in their country still allowed India to domestic in ChinaAfter being blocked for nearly 3 months, the number of infections continued to soar.As of June 22, the number of infections in India has exceeded 420,000, and it is still increasing with the number of people of 10,000 or 20,000 per day.

Second, the oversupply preparation of the deterrent may not only have a deterrent effect, but to exacerbate the preparation of the two sides. It should reasonably control the preparation of the two sides to prepare for war and reduce the possibility of a greater conflict.

The national defense is often pursuing the soldiers who are not fighting.The original intention of the military deterrent of China and India, the original intention is definitely peace, not really to fight.However, the overshide preparations may not only have a deterrent effect, but to exacerbate the possibility of preparations for both sides and increase conflicts.

The Indian army is assembled to Radakh!The Indian Tribunal said on the 20th that the Indian Army has mobilized more troops to assemble the front line, and the size of the troops stationed in Radakh was twice as much as before.It is reported that the highway leading to Liecheng has been taken over by the Indian military, and a large number of infantry, artillery and engineering forces are gathering to Radakh.Photos circulating on social media also show that there are a large number of military vehicles that drag traction artillery in highways on the front line.It is reported that due to the poor road conditions near the actual control line, the Indian Air Force dispatched a large number of transport aircraft to participate in the task of grabbing transportation.The air transport troops composed of US-made C-17, Russian Il-76 heavy transport aircraft, and An-32 medium-sized transportation units have dispatched more voyages than ever before, so as as soon as possible from air transportation from various places to Ladaka.

The Indian Navy was not idle in the Andaman Islands thousands of kilometers away from the Himalayas.The Indian Times said on the 20th that the Indian Navy has demanded that the ships on the Andaman Islands improve their alertness, especially to prevent Chinese submarine penetration.It is reported that the senior management of the Indian Navy believes that after China suffered casualties in the Radaku area, it may not continue to expand the conflict on the actual control line, but lsquo other places.Islands.To this end, the Indian Navy demanded that the local missile frigates and even destroyers are required to deploy a number of missile frigates. At the same time, 3-4 P-8I patrol aircraft need to provide air reconnaissance.

The Indian Times said that Bada Ulia said that the Chinese Air Force deployed near the actual control line will conduct routine exercises every summer, but we noticed that this year's deployment is more than usual.He emphasized: Obviously, we have made adequate preparations and appropriate deployments to cope with any emergencies.The British Daily Mail said on the 20th that the Indian Air Force has adjusted the upgraded version of the MiG-29 fighter, Su-30MKI and Phantom 2000 fighter aircraft, and American Leopard attack aircraft to cutting-edge airports to prepare emergency tasks at any time.US Military Observer Magazine said on the 20th that India announced on June 18 that it had emergency procurement of 12 Su-30MKI and 21 upgraded version of the MiG-29 fighter.Russia said that once India submits a procurement plan, these fighters will be delivered in the shortest time.

In fact, China is also carrying out some military assembly and exercises. Through online platforms such as Douyin, ordinary people can also see some military exercise scenes and military transport videos.

It cannot be denied that the intensive preparation of war between China and India has the possibility of exacerbating the preparation of the two sides.Therefore, the intensity and breadth of preparation for war, it is recommended that the operations of China -India both sides preparing for deterrence can be appropriately leisurely, so as to prevent the possibility of exacerbating the preparation of the preparation of the two sides, reducing the possibility of a greater conflict, and reducing the resistance to the current conflict and reducing more accidents.The possibility of appearing.

Third, no one is scary. The warning of the scarring of people's scars is not recommended.

Global Times Hu Xijin's Weibo and media reviews on current events have been so hot that it has attracted the attention of the world's superpower leaders such as President Trump.I don't know if his remarks are his personal behavior.But I was thinking that since his words and deeds already have a huge world influence and can directly affect the national interests of China, you have to consider his words and deeds from the perspective of the country.

Recently, Hu Xijin said on Weibo: Indian media said that the Indian army in the Sino -Indian border area has been given complete freedom of action, including the use of guns under special circumstances.If it is true, this seriously violates China and India's about China and India's about China and IndiaAgreement for trust measures in the military field of the border areas.Although the China -India border area is nervous from time to time, the two countries have not fired each other for decades.If the Indian army will shoot at the Chinese soldiers in the future, the border areas of the two countries will completely become another face.Lao Hu must warn India's nationalists that if their troops can't even fight Chinese soldiers, guns and other military weapons will not help them.Because China's military power is much more powerful than India.Some Indians arrogantly believed that the Indian Army was modern and could defeat the PLA, and they could report avenge in 1962.I want to tell them that in 1962, China and India's economic strength was not much different. Today, China's GDP is about 5 times that of India, and China's military expenses are estimated to be more than three times that of India.If the Indian army is upgraded to the border conflict with China and makes it a war, it can only touch the egg with eggs.

No one is scary. The warning of the scarring of people's scars is to remind others to get revenge?Still want to scare people?India, as a world with a population with a population of 100 billion, we must take care of the dignity of their great powers, and do not apply this warning of this kind of scarring of people to damage their country's dignity.The greater anti -China emotions in China will only allow the Indian government to make tougher measures in front of Chinese people.

Fourth, China can consider helping India to ease the tension with Pakistan and Nepal, and convey the meaning of goodness to India.

India has also recently avoided confrontation with Banizhong.In August last year, Modi announced the abolition of Article 370 of the constitution that ensures the special status of Kashmir, and split the autonomous yes Kashmir to two direct jurisdictions.Since then, India and Pakistan have continued to deal with fire in the Kashmir region, and there have been hundreds of conflicts in large and small conflicts, and the number of deaths and injuries on both sides has exceeded 100.

In addition to the Kashmir region in Pakistan, India's landscape ambition has always included Nepal near neighboring small countries.However, Nepal, who had been swallowing before, has suddenly become stiff recently.On the 13th, the Nepalese Parliament passed a new constitutional amendment to directly classify the disputed territory of India Nepal into the Nepalese territory in a legal form. On May 20th, the new version of the national administrative map was released.Fang Terra, hard bar India.Not only that, the Nepalese military also added military deployment to the disputed area after the amendment was passed.

China may wish to consider helping India to ease the tension with Pakistan and Nepal and deliver the meaning of goodness to India.China and Pakistan are old iron. The Chinese government and the Pakistani government can communicate well well. At this time, help ease the tension between India and Pakistan and Nepal.Can give Modi's better steps in front of the Indian people and various political parties.It will be extremely beneficial to the final resolution.

5. If you finally cannot resolve the conflict between China and India, you may wish to consider all Trump to make the mediation of the China -India conflict with success, effectively enhance personal global leadership and influence, and help them re -election.

Recently, Trump has faced various passive situations in China, and Trump, who is eager to achieve re -election, is thinking about all kinds of moves to achieve re -election.At the beginning of the confrontation between the Sino -Indian border, US President Trump tweeted that the United States was ready to be prepared to be able to mediate and decide the Sino -Indian border dispute.U.S. President Trump on the 20th evaluated the Sino -Indian border confrontation is a very difficult situation. The United States promised to help China and India talk.Since the confrontation between China and India in the border in early May, Trump has repeatedly expressed his statement. On May 27, he tweeted that the United States was willing and capable of mediation between China and India, but was declined by the two countries at the time.

What is the heart of Trump's conflict between China and India?

Let's take a look at Trump's decision -making logic.I think the former US National Security Consultant John Bull; Bolton knows Trump's decision -making thinking logic better than us.Bolton's new book room: White House Memoirs, before officially launched on June 23, have already on the top of the best -selling book on Amazon's official website because of enthusiastically.Bolton believes that during his tenure, it is difficult for him to determine that any major decision made by Trump is not based on re -election.Bolton believes that in Trump's mind, personal political interests are mixed with US national interests.Trump not only in trade issues, but also mixed individuals and countries in the field of national security.During the term of office of the White House, it is difficult for me to determine that any major decision made by Trump is not based on re -election.

The author believes that Trump is urgent to mediate China -India conflict. This is not necessarily that Trump wants to win India to the United States, and it is more likely to be Trump's lifting election strategy.He should think that if he can act as a world leader and mediate the success of the China -India conflict, not only can satisfy the leadership and image of its great influence in the world, it will effectively enhance global leadership and influence and win positive effects for its re -election.Help it reelected.

From the prevention and control of the epidemic and the control of domestic riots, Trump's decision -making is to be conducive to re -election to make final judgment decisions.Trump's decision -making logic is first with personal re -election interests.Helpless choices, domestic hostile political parties, anti -Trump's political elite groups, and a number of media, rarely support Trump.Toron can only help himself. When you can't find too many supporters in China, other countries outside the territory are the most friendly to Trump compared to domestic forces.

Of course, if you choose to let Trump be the medium, you should indeed weigh the advantages and disadvantages of the United States.On June 16, a U.S. State Department spokesman publicly stated in a statement that Trump and Modi passed the confrontation on the Sino -Indian border on the 2nd of this month.It can be seen that the US -Indian senior management has maintained close communication in the confrontation of the Sino -Indian border.Some people consider that Sino -US relations are in the dilemma of comprehensive confrontation. They believe that the United States and India may be completely pressed against China on the border issues. It is also possible that if the United States will be stirred in China and India, India may make India fully inverted.To the United States.But the author does not think that this is the starting point for Trump's recent enthusiasm for mediation in China and India. His greater desire may just want to take the opportunity to mediate the China -India conflict, which has effectively enhanced global leadership and influence, and helps him re -election, not to be re -elected, not to be re -elected, not to be re -elected.Many people think that Trump wants to win India's geopolitical game in the United States. The political elite in the United States may think so, but Trump may not care about this.

The relationship between India and the United States is always if it is left.Although it is a strategic country in the United States, India has also joined the BRICS five countries advocated by China and is an important member of the AIIB.In recent years, India has always adopted a policy of swaying on both sides, sometimes closer to the United States, so that China has required China to increase investment chips and reduce risks caused by conflict with China.On the other hand, it is close to China, fighting against the United States' pressure on Kashmir Muslims and trade issues, while reducing Pakistan's border pressure.As an old fox in politics, Modi clearly realized that India is a step of chess in the Indian strategy in the eyes of the United States, which is used to restrain China.Once China and India conflicts, the United States will become vested ones.Of course, India, who is a big country, does not want to become a chess piece, and more wants to be as a player.

Therefore, if the conflict between China and India cannot resolve the conflict in the end, it may be fulfilled Trump. China and India want to control the conflict to achieve peace and weigh the advantages and disadvantages.And influence, help him re -election.

Compared with President Biden, a politician with American elite traditional thinking, let Trump continue to be re -elected, which is better than China.I think this is also the recent clear stated that China has to eliminate interference and increase the considering thinking of the purchase of the first phase of the Sino -US economic and trade agreement to purchase the US agricultural products.

Let Trump's participation in the mediation conflict between China and India may have greatly reversed and alleviated the strange effect on the current severe Sino -US relations. As a middleman, there is no reason to make trouble with China.Admiral will greatly converge.The effect that will be achieved in the end will be to reverse the deterioration of the current Sino -US relations in one fell swoop, and it will also allow China -India to resolve conflict realization andEssence

It is also conceivable that Trump has maintained re -election, and China, the United States and India have entered Trump's next term with a more friendly relationship.

Author: Peng Shengyu (Strategic Researcher)

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