Elizabeth Middot; Delu

This is a disaster for the United States.Two national tragedy MDASH; MDASH; 2019 Coronatte Viruses Crisis and racist relics occur at the same time this spring.The owner of the White House is incompetent and is not suitable for governing the country at all.

The epidemic has caused more than 120,000 people to die in the United States so far, and is one of the countries with the highest permission rate of crown patients in the world.President Trump was at all unable to deal with it, and the coronary virus was still spreading to the region that had not been affected before.The public health crisis has also led to the most serious economic atrophy since the Great Depression of the United States in the 1930s.

With the launch of a series of incidents, it is no exaggeration to say that the American Experiment, which will be over 244 years next month, is in a serious crisis.deep.The epidemic encountered a series of races related atrocities, which detonated the entire country.

Millions of Americans who were forced to stay at home repeatedly watched the black black George Middot; Freud, was handcuffed by the four Minne Plus police officers and killed cold -blooded.One of the police named Drake Middot; Xiao Wan's policeman, cautiously pressed Freud's neck with his knees for nearly nine minutes until he lost consciousness; the other two policemen sat on Freud's back and aggravatedHis suffocation; the fourth person looked beside him to prevent the horror from approaching the crowd; and Freud, who was eager to live, shouted: Please, I can't breathe.

Freud's death shocked American conscience.It clearly conveyed the true meaning of police atrocities to Americans.After a few weeks after the blockade measures and social distance regulations, people accumulated a lot of energy, and the video of Freud was released.The next day, Minnespolis broke out of demonstration and spread the whole country quickly.Thousands of people participate in it regardless of race and age.The demonstrators who participated in violence, robbery and destroying houses (including burning police cars) were in the meaning of Trump.His political tricks were the anger of inciting supporters.His Nesheson -style law and order are designed to eliminate the difference between violent demonstrators and a much larger peaceful demonstrator.

As usual, U.S. Minister of Justice William Middot; Balta is always ready to help Trump use the situation to obtain more power.Washington, DC, is not the state, so Trump and Balta have their own solutions.They used the State Guards (quasi -military forces of federal agencies) and some unknown troops.Washington became a city of occupation.

Trump's installation tough guy is actually a downright totalitarian.However, when the White House began, Trump decided (he claimed) to inspect the huge presidential castle.The White House itself has become a bunker: In the chaos caused by the death of Freud, the height of the fence around the White House has nearly doubled.Trump did not change the nature of right and wrong, and tweeted that if the demonstrators destroyed the fence, they would face the most vicious dogs and the most powerful weapons I have seen.

The peaceful demonstrator of Lafayette Square, opposite the White House, was used to dispel the peace demonstrator of Lafayette Square. This Balt had originally claimed to be responsible for this.It violated the right of demonstrators and shocked the conscience of the people across the country.Trump's mediocre advisory, the most important thing is his daughter Ivanka and son -in -law Jarid Middot; Kushner, which made a political farce, let Trump walk through the square and come to the sealed St. JohnThe church (its basement has been ignited).But they didn't think clearly what to do after the Church of St. John.Trump waved clumsy the Bible, and sometimes turned up and down, taking a batch of photos that made him look stupid.

In addition, Trump advocated that the active U.S. forces entered major cities in the United States and encountered various resentment and contempt.Several senior officers, including General Retirement Navy, who had been Trump, who had been Trump until last year's James Middot; Matisse, publicly condemned the president.Matisse said that he was angry and horrified about mobilizing the army to suppress demonstration, thinking that the United States was facing the consequences of lack of mature leadership in the past three years.

However, those who saw Trump's presidential career in these statements have never thought that the Republican Party is still loyal to him.Faced with the problem of choosing Mattis or Trump, almost all Republicans who were elected insisted on standing on the president.They defended him for so long and held so many common views with him, so that he relied on him and his gold master, so he was not ready to break with him.Although they know that the current polls show that he may lose the election in November and let them fall with him.

Although the national riots against racial discrimination police law enforcement will bring some reforms, such as improving training and disablinging Freud's dying cervical and neckproof techniques, but just reflect on the role of the police, no matter how reflection is this reflectionThoroughly, no results have been produced, and racism cannot be eliminated.This is the compromise of the founding father to slavery, which has left a huge stain for the United States.

Sundae refused to load, was mistaken for staff in the supermarket, and various intentional or unintentional insults.Unless this national sexual riots have brought about improvement of education, healthcare and employment opportunities to minority groups, that is, the blacks are treated fairly, and many people who are now on the street will not be satisfied.What will happen when the United States does not respect the values it claims again?

The author Elizabeth Drew is a reporter in Washington. Recently, there is a Washington Daily: reporting the Wastewen incident and Richard Middot; Nesheson's step (Washington Journal: Reporting Watergate and Richard Nixonrsquo; S DOWNFALL).

Original English: Americanquo; S Calamity

Copyright: Project Syndicate, 2020.