Wang Zhenhua's case has been arguing for two days in WeChat group. The focus of the debate yesterday was a lawyer. Some group friends believed that the lawyer was shameless to defend the scum. The lawyer's defenders could not sell their conscience for money.Everyone pointed his finger at Chen Youxi. I feel that the lawyer is blaming that lawyers are problematic. The lawyer's defense is his responsibility. No matter how the lawyer defends his party, as long as he does not violate the law, he should accept it.And do you want to sin the suspect, how can he sin?That is a question of law. The suspect should not be punished to be punished to lawyers. Today, the disputes between group friends are more broadly involved in the law, judges, and public prosecutors, and discussed whether the prosecutor's due diligence, whether the law, and judges are fair, that is, whether this case has been affected by power, money, whether it has achieved fairness and justice,EssenceThis is a good thing. Wang Zhenhua's case can provoke people's nerves. One is because Wang Zhenhua is a big capitalist, and the other is that the victim is only nine years old.People are worried that if capitalists can buy young children to hurt their children, they do not have to pay the corresponding price after being exposed to the harm of their children. This is terrible. I am the father of two girls. When I saw this news, I looked at my two daughters. I was very tide. I really wanted to wait for the old dog stick to the surname Wang, so that he would never turn over, but debate with the group friends.After that, I was still full of questions, that is, I must know the truth, and only the truth can solve all problems.So, what is the truth of the matter? Today, a group of friends posted Chen Youxi's defense. He said a few opinions: First, the network information is not a fact. If it is the fact, I will not defend him; 2. The information is not equal.It is the victim's side; Third, the child's vagina tears is not a fact. The judicial appraisal agency in Beijing has overturned the outpatient records and judicial identification results of Shanghai; 4, Wang Zhenhua has only five minutes of crime time. He himself insists that he has no obscene of the child. So is Chen Youxi's telling the facts?How many facts can be determined in this case?We must know this, and it is necessary to explain to the public clearly. We need to understand: 1. Is it true that Wang Zhenhua invested 100,000 yuan to find young girls?We need a complete answer to the investigator of the case.What we want to know is that the child is only nine years old and belongs to children.If it is a fact to invest 100,000 yuan to find a young girl, the person who helps the young girl and Wang Zhenhua will kidnap a buy and sell children.There should be no controversy, right? 2. Is the vagina torn in the vagina of the victim?Chen Youxi said that there was no vaginal laceration, he said it was definitely not considered.You let the Beijing institution later overthrow Shanghai's first -hand identification, and there are great questions.So we need to know the true identification results, fairness and fair results.If the girl's vaginal tears are true, then Wang Zhenhua is rape, and it means rape. 3. Has the indictment sued all the crimes of Wang Zhenhua?If the above two are facts, then the indictment does not fully sue the crime. In this way, the indictment does not achieve fairness and justice, and has no due diligence.In this issue, we need to explain to the public. Understand these three questions, and then lawyers and legal judges.Is that lawyer lied and did you make false defense?Does the law conform to fairness and justice?Did the judge sentence strictly in accordance with the law? Legal fairness is the greatest fairness. The principle of equality in front of the law should not be disturbed by any factors. This is the bottom line of society.Today, we are under the construction of the social construction of the rule of law, that is, the rule of law is improved step by step. I know that this is far away, but she is also hopeful. If the authority that damages the law because of a capitalist, the loss will be unprecedentedly hugeEssence Therefore, I hope that the relevant parties can give all the facts. Only the facts and the facts of the facts can eliminate people's anxiety.Today is the 21st century. It is difficult to accommodate children's crime in any country, especially those rich in this way are even more stimulating people's nerves.People today are also fragile, and what capitalists want to destroy what they want will be the last hope for people. So, I want to see a cautious judgment, we want to see justice.