
June 22, 2020

The border guards in China and India were in a controversial Lawan Valley area on June 15, and physical conflicts broke out, causing dozens of officers and soldiers to be injured.Although the conflict between the two countries accused each other, the senior management of the two sides also showed restraint at the same time.Like countries around the world, China and India have not completely got rid of the economic difficulties of the crown disease, so it can no longer make the border conflict dispersal the government's attention.At the same time, the international geopolitical changes caused by the epidemic, including the pressure of adverse globalization, will be a major challenge for people's livelihood in the next two countries.Control the border conflict to avoid the upgrade of the matter, thus conforming to each other's national interests.

According to the known facts, the conflict between the border guards of the two countries use fists, sticks, and stones, and no other weapons are used.This shows that both armies follow the tacit understanding to avoid the conflict and get out of control.Some comments joked that the two armies used the weapons of the Fourth World War, and the cruel facts were indirectly ordered: China and India have a large population of nuclear weapons. Any armed conflict that tried to divide the victory and defeat was very likely to become become a conflict of victory and defeat.Disaster nuclear war.

Many analysts pointed out that the border disputes with sovereignty disputes in China and India have occurred in mountainous areas of several kilometers of altitude. The terrain is dangerous, the climate is bad, and the lack of obvious and fixed landmarks to set the exact positioning of the solid line.Therefore, the border guards on both sides are prone to confrontation from time to time.In recent years, because both countries have repaired labor in the rear, especially the strategic roads required for frontline supplies, preventing the other party from the work near the actual control line, it becomes a conflict fuse.Continuous limb conflicts will inevitably strengthen the hostility of border guards between the two countries; this occurrence of life casualties will not make the front line in the short term difficult to cool down in the short term.

However, there are signs that the decision -making layers of China and India have consciously avoiding the sharpness of border conflicts.On June 17th after the conflict, the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, initiated by China, and headquartered in Beijing, approved the Indian government's US $ 750 million loan applied for it as helping India's relief domestic disadvantaged group to fight the crown disease epidemic situation.EssenceThis reflects that China does not have other cooperation areas that have influenced the border conflict.Indian Prime Minister Modi said on June 19 that without Chinese soldiers entering the Indian territory, it seemed to suggest that the conflict was not deliberately provoked by China.Although the speech was blamed by the Indian opposition party, it also showed that Modi did not intend to expand the contradiction between China and India.

Since independence, India has pursued the policy of non -alliance, and has focused on its dominant position in South Asia to avoid being involved in the game of a large country.Therefore, although the United States has recently increased its foreign pressure on China and repeatedly attracted India to restrain China. According to the consideration of independent diplomacy, India still maintains a state of attitude towards the United States' India strategy.Although New Delhi joined the US, Japan, Australia, and India's Quartet's security dialogue mechanisms, New Delhi was unwilling to become the United States to curb China's chess pieces.

U.S. President Trump expressed his willingness to mediate the border conflict. US Secretary of State Pompeo expressed condolences to the dead Indian border soldiers, but India still has no attempt to intervene in the United States.Similarly, China, which has encountered more and more strategic pressure in the east, is reluctant to fall into a situation where the belly is affected by the Indian conflict with India in the west.Yang Jiechi, a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China, who is responsible for foreign affairs, went to Hawaii on June 17 to talk to Pompeo. Obviously, he did not obtain mutual understanding.Pompeo also delivered a video speech at the Copenhagen Democratic Summit on June 19, describing the Chinese Communist Party as a rogue role for the Hong Kong National Security Law.

From a macro strategy, China and India intends to avoid the expansion of border conflicts.Although the governments of the two countries will inevitably respond to the nationalist emotions and pressures in the country, they must expressed their diplomatic relations in diplomacy, but from the actual behavior performance and their respective strategic considerations, it can be seen that China and India understand the border disputes for decades.In the short term, it is not necessary to sacrifice each other's greater national interests for this.However, the two countries must strengthen the military discipline of the border defense army, while improving the levels and mechanisms of border communication, so as not to unexpectedly destroy regional peace due to hatred caused by the casualties of the same robe.