Wang Wei Wen Report

Indian Prime Minister Modi first publicly confirmed that Chinese soldiers did not enter the Indian border or occupy the Indian post on Friday (19th), which cooled down the border bleeding in the border between soldiers of the two countries.However, this move caused the opposition to criticize him to face the Indian territory in the face of Chinese aggression.The officials of China and India restarted the public opinion war the day before yesterday, pointing to each other to invade the border.

The Sino -Indian soldier last Monday (15th) at the Larawan Valley, which has sovereignty disputes on the evening of Monday (15th). The worst and bloody conflict between the two countries has erupted in the past half a century.Announce the casualties of the PLA.The Indian Ministry of Foreign Affairs accused the Chinese soldiers of the actual control line of the border the next day, trying to unilaterally change the status quo, and ignite India's anti -China emotions in China.

According to reports of the Indian Times and VOA, Modi clarified for the first time when the National Cross -Party Conference was held on Friday. It was said that without the PLA entered the Indian border, the border guards of the two countries had also withdrawn from the conflict.Some analysts believe that Modi ’s statement is designed to cool down the incident, do not want to further stimulate domestic nationalist emotions, and hopes to seek peace with China to resolve disputes peacefully.

After Modi's statement, some Indian public opinion questioned that this was different from the previous Liberation Army's previous cross -border.India ’s National University leader Lahul Middot; Gansi issued a post on Twitter to criticize Modi on Twitter: Facing Chinese aggression, the Prime Minister gave up Indian territory.

Modi's statement also confirmed that the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Zhao Lijian pointed to the Lawwan Valley conflict on Friday.Hu Xijin, editor -in -chief of the Global Times, tweeted: Indian society must bravely fight against this basic fact: it is the Indian army provoked this fatal conflict.

Regarding the question of the outside world, the Indian Prime Minister's office was urgently extinguished the day before yesterday, criticizing China to try to set up a structure across the actual control line, clarifying that Modi means that because of the bravery of the Indian army, China has not appeared on the Indian actual control line on the side of the Indian army.Blind public opinion war.

On the same day, Zhao Lijian posted a post on Twitter, accusing the Indian army of provoking this fatal conflict, and reiterating the sovereignty of China to have the Talwan Valley.

Li Mingjiang, an associate professor of Rajernan University of Science and Technology in Singapore, said in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post yesterday that although India's domestic nationalist mood may continue to be for a period of time, it will not constitute a huge political issue for Modi.China and India will be restricted to the frontline border defense forces. After the overall trend of the border situation is stable, the domestic pressure faced by Modi will gradually alleviate, which is beneficial to the end of the border dispute between China and India.

China and India must control the border conflict, page 9