Recently, on issues such as epidemic, flights, international students, Huawei, and Hong Kong Guoan legislation, the United States has accused China from accusing China, and Sino -US relations seem to be more difficult.Think of the various new and old problems that have occurred in the fields of economic and trade, technology, development models, geopolitics, and international organizations in China and the United States.The degree and focus are different.

In this case, there are many pessimistic predictions about Sino -US relations in the public opinion community.Facing the rapidly changing international relations, in order to observe the direction of Sino -US relations more clearly, sometimes it may be overwhelmed by the attention of specific affairs, and some structural issues of the relationship between the two countries are analyzed.

After the end of the Cold War, the United States established its own dominant single -pole international pattern with the help of favorable international power comparison.The stability of this pattern requires three cornerstones: 1. The United States abstracts the simple concept of its own history, forms the so -called western model or Washington consensus, and tries to universalize it to establish the so -called free world order. Second, the United States uses it to use itComprehensive military strength and allies to maintain its global military advantages; 3. US dollar as the financial dominance of international currency and the high -end international industry chain with the United States with an advantage.

From the history of the end of the Cold War, the United States has a strong national will to maintain the single pole pattern.To this end, the United States is mainly committed to four categories of affairs: first, intervene in other domestic politics and to motivate the color revolution; second, unilateral military intervention or allies 'collective actions to maintain the geopolitical advantages of the United States; 3. Pay attention to the United States' international strategic trust in the United StatesForces, long -term tracking and suppressing any possible strategic competitors; 4. In international division of labor and international trade, control the high value -added industrial chain and high -tech industries, and pay close attention to the changes in international economic order.

In recent years, a series of important changes have emerged between China and the United States.These changes have weakened the United States' single -polar pattern to some extent.This has gradually regarded the United States as its strategic competitors, and began to comprehensively suppress China, which seriously weakened the stability of relations between the two countries.

These changes can be mainly summarized as four points: 1. China's own modernization model, Chinese politics has not changed according to the wishes of the United States; 2. China's military modernization is progressing rapidSeeking its regional military advantages in China; 3. China's comprehensive national strength is increasing and international influence expands. The United States is worried that this is a challenge to its world order;The United States believes that this challenge the international economic order that is beneficial to it.

Although there are above -mentioned changes between China and the United States, there are still some new situations between the two countries that should not be ignored.These new situations will play a certain ease of contradiction between China and the United States.

From the perspective of international systems, as far as the power and strategic relationships of great powers are concerned, we are now in a single -pole international pattern that tends to decline.But from a global perspective, countries have formed a highly interconnected international system.The system allows a certain degree of competition among great powers, but it is not allowed to move towards completely decoupled or even war, otherwise the system will be torn or even destroyed.For all members of the system, it is an unbearable disaster.Therefore, the system itself and its many members will have a certain balance of excessive competition among the great powers.

Not only that, compared with the relationship between the great powers in the previous history, China and the United States have close interests and extensive social connections in many important areas.This means that even if the two countries have disadvantaged, they can only be selectively decoupled.In addition, China is a development -oriented country. Its strategic center is not a dispute over ideology or development model, but the adjustment of international order is also developed as the direction.Therefore, the Chinese government has always emphasized that China has always been the builder of world peace, the contributor to global development, and the maintenanceer of the international order.

This means that at least in terms of the Chinese side, the coordination of Sino -US relations has a certain sincerity.At present, China ’s performance of the first stage of trade agreement between China and the United States also reflects this.In addition, although nationalism and populism between the two countries have strengthened, among the nationals that have learned historical lessons and extensive exchanges, the power of peace, rationality and opening up cannot be ignored.

In this regard, the rise and fall adjustment model of the relationship between great powers in history is obviously neither ideal nor applicable to the current Sino -US relations.The cold war of the United States and Soviets, which was almost insulating in the last century, was difficult to fully reproduce the Sino -US relations of the century.Therefore, in international relations, emphasis on confrontation is not conducive to adjusting Sino -US relations. Observer should see the mutual symbiosis and mutual dependence of Sino -US relations.

In fact, the new exploration of Sino -US relations has the significance of creating a new history of international relations, that is, China and the United States should work hard to create a more ideal model for human history and create a more ideal mode of getting along.This is also a subject that international affairs observers care and think together.

(The author is a doctoral student in Tsinghua University)