Trial Time

Applying Xiuxidide's trap without critical way is a intellectual trap set to people who are unknown.China is not a big country that is rising, but a big country.The two are different in mentality.

We must realize that American opponents are the People's Republic of China led by the Communist Party of China, not Chinese.Millions of Chinese descent worldwide are not necessarily the heart to the People's Republic of China.The challenge comes from the Chinese, which looks pale and weak in wisdom, and is politically untenable.

The mentality of the return of the big country

The mentality of returning to the great power is very different from the mentality of the rise.At the beginning of the 20th century, the German Empire tried to rank among the strong nations and strived for a place in the sun.Ironically, German Chancellor Bernhard Von Bulow, Middot; Feng Middot; Feng Middot;

An emerging and prosperous People's Republic of China requires respected, rather than being taught by those countries that oppress it.The essence of misunderstandings will only worsen the problem.

For domestic reasons, US President Trump hopes to confront the People's Republic of China.Trump said that the current 2019 Coronary Virus disease has a blow to the United States, far exceeding the Pearl Harbor and the September 1st incident.He said before that the trade war is easy to win.According to this inference, he believes that the United States is also easy to win in the confrontation of a race and culture.But he underestimated the power of historical memory.

When foreign power was dissatisfied with China's unbalanced trade in China for the first time, war broke out.From 1839 to 1842, Britain forced China to import opium to correct its trade surplus.China has to open a few ports to foreigners, but these foreigners are not subject to Chinese law.This is the first unequal treaty imposed to China.

The meaning of a century

2019 is the 100th anniversary of Versailles and Treaty, and the century of May 4th Movement.During the First World War, China dispatched more than 100,000 workers to France, hoping to get a seat on the party's party on the negotiating table and get rid of the unequal treaty.But in Versailles, China was sold.

Germany's concession in Shandong was transferred to Japan, not returned to China.On May 4th, protests against this unfair treatment broke out in various parts of China.Matthew Pottinger, US Deputy National Security Counselor, recently reviewed the history of the May 4th Movement in a speech to combat the Communist Party of China.

This is really ironic.It is precisely because of the disappointment of Western democratic countries that China has shifted to the role models with autocratic countries such as Soviet Union and even defeated.This eventually led to the birth of the Communist Party of China.

The unjust memory of the racial period was exhausted and the pain was exhausted.The inequality treaty produces ENCLAVES rule by foreigners. Although the Chinese there are in their own country, they are regarded as secondary citizens.Japan proposes to join racial equality clauses in Versailles and Treaty, but has been rejected by the United States and other countries.

From trade war to cultural war

Trump is now using this anti -China emotion as a weapon for his re -election.What else is better than concentrating the firepower on an external enemy with different skin colors and culture to unite his supporters?The initial trade war is evolving into a race and cultural war.

The use of races as election weapons, just like carpet bombing, is a strategy that is regardless of blue and red soap.Anyone who looks like Chinese is an enemy.Korean American actor John Cho wrote that East Asians are now facing increasing racism in the United States.The US non -profit organization action changes in the future (ACT to Change) pointed out that crown diseases have caused more and more anti -Asian hatred crimes.

Rasalism is driven by two contradictory emotions.The first is the sense of superiority.White people think that other races are inferior to others, so they oppose the addition of racial equality clauses in Versailles.It proves that the United States is a beacon in the world, just an illusion.The obvious failure on the problem of crown disease has weakened the moral leadership of the United States.Its response is to blame the epidemic on the People's Republic of China and shirk responsibility to external enemies.

The opposite of superiority is inferiority: Americans cannot compete with the yellow race, and this concept forms the legislative basis of the 1882 Volting of the China Act.The economic rise of the People's Republic of China has once again promoted this hysterical mood.The United States' response to this is to accuse the Chinese of unfair trade.Trump's launch of a trade war originated from this sense of insecurity.

There is a significant difference between relative decline and absolute decline.It is an abnormal phenomenon that the United States has obtained the global economy after 1945.This is mainly to worship the self -destruction of Europe in the Second War of the Thirty -year War (1914 to 1945).

Sino -US confrontation: Agent battlefield

For a long time in history, China has always been the largest economic power in the world.If the economic growth of the People's Republic of China, the relative position of the United States will decline, but this does not necessarily mean absolute decline.The only way to prevent relatively decline is to prevent the development of the People's Republic of China.This is not only feasible, but also completely immoral.

The confrontation will be staged in the third country, and the United States will not necessarily win this struggle.Since Mao Zedongism, the People's Republic of China has no longer tried to output the revolution.It does not seek to change other countries according to its own ideas.

The United States often does so and preach the advantages of its values everywhere; but as long as the US politics that has been poisoned by the party's disputes, this statement sounds so false.When the American society is in chaos, it is even more hypocritical.Let those who are not guilty throwing the first stone; those who live in a glass house should be very careful when doing this.

The Ya'an country is not born to kiss the People's Republic of China.However, Asians are also proud of the achievements made by a non -Takashane country.When the People's Republic of China sent the first astronaut to space, the Ambassador of the Asian National National Ambassador to Brussels congratulated the Ambassador of the People's Republic of China; this was not the need for diplomatic etiquette.

Destroy an empire: Which empire?

The weakness of the United States has made people's views from standing from the front to negative.In the survey, the Yusov Isa Eastern South Asian Research Institute was forced to choose from the two competitors of the People's Republic of China and the United States.Most people are unwilling to choose; but if they have to choose, most of the seven countries in 10 countries choose China.

However, historical memory can also be positive.On September 14, 2001, more than 200,000 Germans gathered in front of the door of Brandenburg Gate after the September 11th incident.The submission of national books of Dan Coats, a US ambassador to Germany, accelerated so that he could attend the party.Many people still remember that during the blockade of Berlin, raisins bombed into the lifeline of West Berlin.What makes the United States great is generous, rather than the United States priority.

Although the people's Republic of China in many aspects is not proper, but directly confrontation does not improve the problem.Historical oppression and racial prejudice memory will promote nationalism.The United States can hinder the development of the People's Republic of China, but it cannot stop it.The confrontation will consume more resources that can make Americans live better.After Trump's bad crown response measures have caused severe damage, the United States needs to use all the resources it can mobilize.

A U.S. official said the United States knew how to consume the enemy.hereLet us revisit a historical story: Croesus of the rich world is the last king of the Lydia kingdom.He wanted to attack Persia and asked Delphi to ask the gods, the deities declared that if Krores had a war with Persia, he would destroy a great empire.As a result, Crooyz fought with confidence, but he was defeated.The great empire he destroyed was his own.

Maybe the United States can learn from history.

The author is a professor at the National University of Singapore and the chairman of the Singapore International Law Society.

Original College Electronic Publication RSIS Comment

Golden Shun Translation