The hardest hit area of crown disease has now concentrated in the Americas.The first death case is the United States in North America, the world's largest economy.The second largest surpassing European countries in a short time is Brazil, South America's largest economy.Coincidentally, the presidents of the two countries are the extreme rights of populism, and their political style is extremely similar.

U.S. President Trump is world -famous, and Brazilian President Borsonaro is now notorious.This king admires Trump and claims to be Trump, and some people call him the Brazilian version of Trump, of course, a cottage version.True and false Trump is resolutely not wearing a mask.After the World Health Organization decided to stop clinical trials, Bolsonaro was so angry that he threatened Trump to withdraw from the WHO.

Trump has a contempt at the beginning of the crown disease, thinking that it is the same as the flu, and it is not a big deal to die every thousand people every year.Bolsonaro's famous saying is that crown disease is just a small cold.North and South Trump opposes that the government of various domestic governments is sealed or asked for people's home isolation, and it is still spreading the economy immediately regardless of the epidemic.

Its evil fruit is obvious.There are more than 300 million people in the United States, while Brazil has more than 200 million.A few days ago, there were more than 7.78 million crown diseases in the world, and more than 430,000 deaths.The United States ranks first in whether it is diagnosis or death cases, with 2.12 million and nearly 120,000, respectively.After Brazil followed closely, 850,000 diagnosed, more than 40,000 deaths, surpassing 40,000 Britain.Cases of the United States and Pakistan accounted for one -point in the world.Experts believe that the actual cases of Brazil may be several times more than the official report; the country's epidemic may not be dragged until July and August to reach the peak.

It is no wonder that the president of the virus also despise the virus is so serious.Nowadays, Brazil's confirmation of more than 30,000 cases every day, and the diagnosis patients die almost every minute, which is terrible.Therefore, the Director -General of the WHO Tan Desai said that political virus is more terrible than coronal virus and harm more.The World Authoritative Medical Magazine Liu Ye Dao also published a comment not long ago, saying that Bosonaro may be the biggest threat for the response to the Brazilian epidemic.

Ji Kangzi asked politics in Confucius.Zi Shuai is righteous, dare not correct?In the case, it is chaotic.This is the current situation of the bad epidemic situation in the United States and Pakistan.The situation in Brazil has continued to deteriorate, but there seems to be no many people to pay attention, anyway, all countries have taken care of themselves.

The U.S. epidemic is also spreading. Unfortunately, a police violent enforcement occurred on May 25, resulting in a African -American man George Middot; Freud suffocated, causing large -scale anti -racial discrimination demonstrations.The incident completely diverted people's attention.Last Friday, another black man was shot and killed by a white policeman, causing new riots.

The epidemic in some US states had signs of slowing down, but it rebounded in this neglect, and more than 20 new cases in more than 20 states have recently increased significantly.In this regard, Trump came up with another new reason for shaking the pot, that is, we blame Mexico, which is blamed in the south.Mexico's epidemic has indeed deteriorated. There are nearly 140,000 confirmed cases, and the deceased is more than 16,000, but the situation is obviously not as bad as the United States.

The incompetent government and political leaders are really harmless.Under their governance, the people's life is especially like grass, and it is not worth it at all.Because they are only concerned about their election and political future, as well as the interests of their vested interest groups.For North and South Trump, a large basic market is a large enterprise.Therefore, even if the epidemic is serious, they still have to restart the economy immediately.Everyone should remember that Trump had to restart the economy in April.

The epidemic in front of me is like a turbulent river, but political leaders ignore people's safety, and they just want to restart the economy. Is this not the same as that in the case of insufficient boatmen, drove the people to cross the river?This situation can't help but remind people of those defeated generals in the history of Chinese and foreign, driving away the terror of the army to escape from the river.The battle between Chu and Jin during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period was a good example.

Jin Guo sent the army to rescue Zheng Guo who was attacked by Chu State, but received the news that Zheng Guo had talked to Chu State in half the way.Go in to fight the Chu army, and those who are more cautious thinks that they should turn around and return to China.In the end, the eagle general disregarded the coach opposition, and led the army to cross the river.

After the river, the Jin army was finally defeated by the sudden cover of the Chu Jun. There was no way to go. The coach had no way to do it.However, due to the limited ships, the Chinese army and the lower army competed each other on board. The people who boarded the boat first cut off the fingers of the fingers of the boat with a knife, and the ship was full of cut fingers.Needless to say, the soldiers who couldn't get on the boat were either drowning or being killed.

Look at the two crown diseases of the United States and Pakistan, some governor of the governor (restarted the economy immediately), and some anti -war (believe that it cannot be unblocked at this time to prevent the second wave of epidemic), the commander (president) Regardless of the fact that the epidemic is still serious, follow the fighting, and the result is likely to sacrifice more lives.

Why is Trump in North and South so anxious to catch people?Who is their chase?There is the most tight chase all the way, and that is the economy that suddenly declines.For Trump, this chase also involves the presidential election election on November 3 this year.Official data from Brazil shows that its unemployment rate is 12.6%.The unemployment rate in the United States in April was as high as 19.7%, and it was better in May to 16.3%.The epidemic has a heavy economic blow to developed countries, which shows it.

Not every country is like a national reserve accumulated in Singapore for decades, which can be used to rescue at this crisis.Although the reserve in my country is considerable, 52 billion yuan will be used within a few months; I believe that after this epidemic, no one will complain, why do n’t spend not usually brought the investment reserve investment in some countries.

The second way to chase the soldiers is a medical system that was already crumbling.Not every country is like Singapore's experience in Singapore to strengthen the epidemic prevention ability of the medical system. Therefore, crown diseases can at least be calm.Crown disease suddenly exposed the medical systems of many countries, including the United States and Brazil, which were vulnerable.This is also one of the reasons for the high mortality rate.Countries such as Sweden and Britain have adopted the Buddhist epidemic prevention (the British has changed the attitude after the Prime Minister's illness was ill), which is actually not related to the country's medical capabilities.

There is also the third road chase, which is a profound social contradiction that the epidemic is ruthless.Whether it is the disparity between the rich and the poor, racial discrimination, or other social inequality, the epidemic is floating on the surface, which is also difficult for many governments to fight.The longer the blocking measures, the worse the economic situation, the more sharply these contradictions will become, the more difficult it is to deal with it.Therefore, true and false Trump is taking risks.

Zigong asked politics.This is the three main points of politics, and the most important thing is the last one: to get the trust in the people.The crown disease epidemic is exposed to the incompetence of many government and political leaders, and they have lost the trust of the people.The point is, how to do to have capable government and leading political leaders?This should be a question that people in all society must think about, no matter what political system they use.

(The author is a former journalist, a former member of the Congress)