Early new tone of sea cavity

Yang Danxu

After 56 consecutive days and zero records, after being broken on the 11th of this month, Beijing has added 51 newly diagnosed local crown disease cases within four days, and all are related to a wholesale market called Xinfa.

After the investigation of the infection group of the new hairland market, a news about the detection of coronal viruses on imported salmon cutting chips caused public opinion.

According to the Beijing News, Zhang Yuxi, chairman of the Xinchanda Market, mentioned in an interview that the virus was detected from the chopping board of the salmon imported salmon in the market.This news suddenly caused public opinion to focus on imported salmon. Some media broke the news. A Chilean salmon supplier found that employees confirmed in March, implying that overseas workers who were infected with crown diseases passed the virus to salmon during fishing, processing, and transportation.The transnational cold chain achieves 10,000 miles of poisoning.

The major businessmen in Beijing were overnight to remove sandwich products, and many other cities also followed up.Social media internet people talk about fish color changes, and the Japanese stores quickly come out to clarify that their own salmon is a genuine domestic rainbow catfish.Salmon is the culprit and even passed to Singapore. Her colleague's mother told her the day before yesterday that An An in Singapore reminded each other, do not buy salmon, because salmon will be infected with crown disease.

However, since yesterday, Chinese public opinion has appeared in the sound of being groted for salmon.Some experts come forward to help Salmon flat. It is two different ways to infect viruses and virus. The possibility of seafood as a virus carrier is very low, and the situation where fish transmits viruses to people rarely occur.Some Chinese netizens use more straightforward logic: Salmon does not even have lungs. How can I infected pneumonia?

Wide salmon is the culprit in this round of epidemic in Beijing, or an innocent lying gun, or it is left to the scientists to answer.However, when I looked back, the report that pushed salmon on the cusp of the wind was actually not indicated that the salmon was the culprit, but the crown disease epidemic had more than half a year. There was no answer to the traceability.Sensitive, let alone salmon is a common ingredient.

The eagerness to figure out the source of the virus and the sense of dissemination pathway is also amplified under the social psychological shadow caused by the local epidemic.After the domestic epidemic is gradually controlled, local cases are rare, but whether China will rebound in the second wave of epidemic, it has always been like a hanging sword.

A gathering local epidemic in Beijing also shocked many people.Beijing has been strictly guarded against death. The prevention and control measures can be said to be the strictest outside Hubei. It was not until the 6th of this month that the emergency response of the epidemic was reduced to the third level.The overseas epidemic spreads behind, and all international flights to Beijing have to be detoured and folded back to Beijing. It can be said that it has built defense lines to prevent overseas input from Beijing across the country.

Under the prevention and control of dripping water, Beijing was lost. What is even more disturbing is that at first glance, there are many similarities between the situation from the end of the epidemic and the end of January last year to early January this year.In the early days of the outbreak of the Wuhan epidemic, the local South China seafood market was the most noticeable infection group. The clustered epidemic in Beijing also occurred in a wholesale market. Whether it was coincidental or inevitable, it awakened people's memory of Wuhan epidemic.

Judging from the cases reported in the past two days, there were symptoms such as sneezing, runny nose, fatigue, and muscle soreness on the 4th of this month. However, there was no medical treatment, and the diagnosis was not diagnosed until the 12th epidemic traceability sampling test.This also means that before the first case is diagnosed, the epidemic may have been spread in the Shinkansen market or even more, causing the Wuhan epidemic to repeat the concern in Beijing.In the past two days, several friends in the field also sent me a message to remind me that I should pay attention to safety in Beijing.

In response to the impact of the psychological psychology of the epidemic, the official media people's website commented on the people's heart to soothe the people's hearts: Beijing, which is now on steel, and Wuhan, who was ignorant about the new crown virus half a year ago, is completely comparable.The possibility of the outbreak of the city due to local aggregate cases basically does not exist.Faced with the mutation of the epidemic situation, Beijing has urgently closed the Xinfato market, implemented war management in Fengtai District, which belongs to the market, and conducted large -scale investigations on those who have recently went to the Shin Haodi Market.

When I went home the night before, I had stopped me from the temperature of my body temperature for many days. I carefully measured my body temperature. I also asked me to show the community's in -depth certificate to let go.When I walked to the elevator, I found that the property posted a new notice. Please take the initiative to contact the community from May 30th to June 12th.Just when I was writing this article, the property managers of the community called me and asked if I have been to Xinfa Land Market in the near future.

In the very period, Beijing has clearly restarted the group control mode.After the baptism of the epidemic in the previous round, China has accumulated a lot of experience in testing capabilities, tracking and prevention and control mechanisms. Whether this time to resist the second wave of epidemic will be another test faced by the official. I hope that the Wuhan epidemic situation willThe concerns that repeat in Beijing are superfluous.