Source: Taiwan Economic Daily

The Economic Daily Act Icta

The crown disease epidemic has led to the decline of the Chinese mainland.The concept of economy, he said that the stall economy is an important source of employment positions, a fireworks on earth, and the same as high, as high as the vitality of the Chinese economy.Not long ago, dozens of cities such as Shanghai, Chengdu, Hangzhou and other dozens of cities have encouraged the development of the stall economy; however, the mainland propaganda departments subsequently issued documents to restrict all parties to mention the "stall economy", showing that the internal policy was controversial.

At the beginning of the outbreak of the new crown epidemic, we have made quite pessimistic predictions on China and the global economy. We believe that if the epidemic cannot be effectively controlled in the short term, the disaster may even catch up with the economic depression of the 1930s.Due to the sealing city, the province, and the country, the supply chain is cut off, and there are problems with the supply surface and demand: the supply surface breaks and the demand surface suffocation, and the two also restrict each other.The severity of the issues of foreseeing problems in mainland China. After the epidemic is controlled, it is a bit risk to actively resume work, but the resumption may not be resumed because there is no order, and even if there is an orderparalysis.

Under such a situation, the economies of various countries have shrunk from the first quarter.In the first quarter of the mainland, it was 6.8%negative, setting the worst record since the release of domestic production (GDP) data after 1992.The unemployment rate from February to April this year said that about 6%, but Li Xunlei, the chief economist of Zhongtai Securities, reported that the actual unemployment rate in the mainland was 20%, and the number of unemployed people exceeded 70 million.

Outside China, the situation of various countries is also sorrowful. Except for a small number of countries, the epidemic situation in most countries has continued.Under such a severe situation, governments of various countries use traditional monetary policies and fiscal policies to the extreme, supplemented by bailout means, and directly issue cash to the public. One is overwhelming, and the other supports consumption to ease the pressure of tightening.In addition to traditional currency and fiscal policies, China has opened a different approach and opened the door of employment policy, that is, the "stall economy", which can be said to be extremely ingenious.

Theoretically, one of the ultimate policy goals of monetary policy and fiscal policy is to promote employment, but its policy effect pathway is more indirect, that is, through expansion policies, stimulate investment and stimulate consumption, and then through investment and consumptionCome to create employment.However, the employment policy of the "stall economy" in mainland China is one step in place, operating directly through the "open" stalls to create employment opportunities.

"Stall Economy" is a first -aid prescription for creating employment opportunities. From the perspective of economics, there are many advantages. The first is the low entry threshold. This is the key.Almost everyone can do it; second, the investment cost is low, basically no rent is required, and no tax is negative. As long as the at least fixed investment and changes in investment can be opened; third, the recovery is fast, the day of the day, the day of the day, and the account of the day.And it is cash flow; fourth, the cost of transaction is low, and there is no "asymmetric information" problem between the buyers and sellers. The inquiry, bargaining, and bargaining are done.As far as the concept of GDP is concerned, the transaction is 10 %, and the GDP increases.Therefore, the stall economy "compresses" investment, consumption, employment, output, and income in the shortest process.

The "stall economy" has strong Chinese characteristics, which means that not all countries can learn.First of all, the original local stall economy is a kind of production method, consumption behavior and living habits that China's socio -economic and economic habits are common. This is relatively rare in general developed countries.The general stall economy in the town usually lacks standardized management, which has caused many negative problems, such as environmental hygiene, traffic order, and city appearance. After the problem becomes serious, the municipal management authorities are banned.

In fact, including developing countries, including China, can completely learn Singapore management experience. Singapore's stalls or Pasar not only meet the consumer needs of the general public, create production and employment opportunities, and even evenIt became a beautiful landscape.Under the raging of the new crown epidemic, mainland China has "released" the economy of the huge stall that was originally suppressed.Singapore's experience is well -established.