After the US was suspected of being killed by a police officer to death, the United States broke out of the anti -racist parade demonstration in various places, and later became riots such as arson and robbery.Some of the associative statues of the past have also become the object of anger for the people.However, even if all the historical relics of implicit racial discrimination are dismantled, the role is just a "ritual" that is briefly relieved. Instead, it can avoid repeating the same mistakes only in a correct and unavoidable attitude.

The wave of demonstrations set off in the United States in recent months have exceeded political and economic categories, and rolled up a new storm in the cultural world.EssenceEven the 15th century discovered the new continent of the Americas and wrote a new chapter of the globalized maritime explorer Columbus, and its statue failed to avoid the destiny of being beheaded.The statue of Columbus is the first place in Boston, while the Columbus statue of Cimmun, Virginia is "drowned" at the bottom of the water, with another "street corpse street".

British and American Queen Triffing

Columbus is not the only victim of this movement.Since the anti -racism movement of the United States has been supported by the multinational people, the trend of disassembly statues has also been passed to Europe. First, the Belgian monarch of the Congo of the Congo in the 19th century was painted with red paint, andWrite the slogan "I can't breathe"; later, the statue of Edwardcolston, a "charity" slave merchant in the 17th century, was thrown into the bottom of the sea.I believe that these three people with rewriting history have never thought of dying.

Not only the people borrow or destroy the statue and vent their hate, but even the government can soothe the people's emotions in the same way.Democratic Party, Ralphnortham, said on the 5th that the State General Affairs Department should remove the statue of General Li, who slavery during the Civil War, and emphasized that setting up this statue is wrong.According to statistics, since 2015, at least 138 historic sites representing the Federation have been removed from public sight.However, even if the authorities intend to use this to rewrite history, it is not easy for actual implementation.In 2017, Tennessee wanted to remove the statues of several federals, the authorities thought that there would be museums, cemeteries and other places, and those who were willing to be "exiled" after death, but in the endAsked, the authorities forced the authorities to spend 30,000 US dollars to place and store each year.

How to evaluate the ancients?

It is true that whether the people or the government wants to disassemble the statue to spar the people's indignation, its role is just a ritual, a brief comfort in the spiritual, and it is difficult to change the racist mentality for many years.It falls in cultural devices such as statues to build the historical memories of the public.That is to say, in terms of the function of art, the statue itself is only a large piece of stone, metal, wood or ceramics, and is made of carving, welding, molding and other processes.People in their minds.On the contrary, only when the statue is completed, established, and erected, the significance will be re -expressed by people's understanding of a certain period of history.As for some people, Columbus seems to represent the painful memories of Europe's four conquest colonies and make the Indians leading to the road of slavery; but for another faction, Columbus can evoke the Great Seaside period.The adventure spirit, and he sailed in the Americas four times, and even passed on the contact of across continents, laying the foundation for the era of globalization.In other words, if you know little about Columbus, the statue is just a "copper product" without historical stories, so its meaning must be rely on the cognition of history to reproduce.

This is not to rehabilitate the racists such as Orpod II, Columbus, or General Lee, but to emphasize that only by objectively and fairly facing history can people with different positions be available.Under the same historical cognition, live peacefully.Whether it is the dismantling monument or statue, these "rituals" are actually like the U.S. military invaded Iraq in 2003. The moment of pulling the statue of the Saddam from the height can only satisfy people's spiritual thirst for liberation from tyranny, not to change the actual situation.It will not bring a wealthy life to people.As the former US President Barack Obama said, "history cannot be a sword that demonstrates an unfair reason, nor can it be a shield that hinders progress, but it must be a manual to avoid repeating the same mistakes."Therefore, how to face history and construct a correct discussion from a cultural level is something that every nation cannot avoid.
