This year, the winter in Australia came particularly early, and it was extremely cold in early May.Tiangong also seemed to be crying sadly for the increasingly crown disease epidemic, and almost every day was wet rainy.

On the morning of May 27th, he learned that 88 -year -old father living in Singapore was hospitalized for medical treatment because of his anxiety.He finally listened to the persuasion to seek medical treatment, but I hope; but I can't be happy at all, and my heart sinks straight.

The father, who had been tough, began to cough two weeks ago. He couldn't eat meals, and people quickly lost weight.I talk to my parents almost every night, and I can realize that his cheeks are rapidly thinning, and the usual smiles no longer exist; the only sister who sees him to seek medical treatment makes him irritable and scolded.He refused to drink cough and did not want to see a doctor.In addition to do not believe in doctors, they are also afraid of being infected with crown disease on the way out or in the hospital.

At noon on the 27th, my sister called and said that her father was afraid.I went home in an emergency leave.I was messy, and the sudden news made me overwhelmed, and I didn't know how to return to China.Australia Adelaide has already blocked the border, and there is no flight to Singapore.

Tedicated entry and exit procedures

The son asked for leave to help go online to check the outbound regulations.He asked for help from the Australian Immigration Bureau, the Ministry of Civil Affairs, border defense and Singapore Embassy.He has made countless calls and sent many emails, but because it is less than 48 hours of applications, what you get is a disappointing reply.

I proposed to the Singapore Ministry of Health and the Immigration Stock Bureau to apply for a return to China and the isolation of the family. The answer was that they could return to China, but they had to go to the place specified by the Ministry of Health for 14 days to isolate.

Before I got the outbound permit, I first ordered a ticket to Singapore on the 29th to fly to Berz on the 29th.Since there are not flights every day, I can only bind a ticket while soliciting exit permits from the relevant authorities.This is the ideal range, not to be missed.

At 5:30 pm on the day, I arrived at the airport at 10:30 in the morning.I think it's better to get in a hurry at home. It is better to go to the airport to make trouble. I hope there is a chance.I found that except for the boarding counter, the other inquiries of the service counter was closed. The only thing that could be confirmed was that Australian inland flights did not require a permit. The condition was that I could not leave Berz Airport, otherwise I must do it in the local area for 14 days.isolation.My son kept urging and even theory with the authorities.The time was quickly lost. I was holding a must -have attitude. With the exit permit, I boarded the plane at 5 pm.

I was anxious, my forehead was sweating, and my tears did not listen.In case I can't get the exit permit, I am likely to be isolated. At that time, I can't go back to Singapore and I can't go back to Adelaide.I don't know if I can return to Singapore from isolation. I pray that I have time to see my father's last side.

Fortunately, when I got off the plane at Boz Airport, I received the good news from my son.I took a risky turn to leave Bers and arrived at Singapore at 3 am on the 30th.As soon as he arrived at the airport, the waiting personnel were escorted to the hotel to perform for 14 days of isolation.

At 4 o'clock in the morning, I stayed in the Shangri -La Hotel.The staff of the People's Association contacted me. She already knew my situation and followed up with the Singapore Central Hospital.

Hospital viewing restrictions

At 9 o'clock in the morning, the People's Association said that the hospital only approved me for an hour to visit.The hospital allows me to see a seriously ill father for an hour during the isolation.

His father had no consciousness and gasped in oxygen masks.He was arranged to live in the isolation ward because it was pneumonia. Before the Coronary Test report was reported, he was accepted as a suspected case.In this very important period, I can understand and accept the arrangement of the hospital.

I can only stand out of the glass window to his father, trying to wake him up.I know he kept his last breath and waited for me to come back, and I asked him to know that his baby's little daughter had returned from Australia.My father couldn't hear, and the kind nurse asked me to call in, and the nurse put the handset in his ear, but I believe that the recurred father could not hear my call in the handset.

Soon, the doctor confirmed that his father had not been infected with crown disease, and I asked my father's bed.I want to give him a hug, want him to hear my voice, let him really know that I am back, and want to hold his hand to cheer him up.This request was rejected by a young female doctor because I was afraid that I would pass the bacteria to my father.I have a precious one -hour visit time is about to end. I can't compromise, crying and asking for a doctor, I am willing to let them wrap me like a brown.I told her that my father was about to die, and I should give him a hug when he was alive, instead of waiting for him to hold his cold body after he died.I believe that my father at this moment is all bacteria on me.After I repeatedly requested, the male doctor Paul finally won the consent of my boss for me, and let me wear protective protection to my father's bed.

Before leaving, I asked the male doctor that my father didn't seem to work. Why did the hospital only approve an hour to visit?He was a little surprised that according to his father's situation, the hospital would agree to give more time without any problems.He didn't understand why the Ministry of Health or the People's Association only approved me for an hour.He developed another certification document to allow me to apply to the Ministry of Health and the People's Association for more visits.

I returned to the hotel with sadness, anger, and fear, and immediately contacted the association.I gave a letter from a doctor and a report from South Australia's crown disease to prove that the risk of my infection was almost zero.I said I was willing to do a crown disease detection and so on, I just hope that I can give me the time to accompany my father again as soon as possible.

At 8:41 that night, I couldn't wait for the approval of the authorities. My father swallowed the last breath without a relative with his relatives and without a last words.

Funeral during the epidemic

On the 31st, the Housing and Development Bureau approved me to perform isolation at my mother's house.All my actions are still closely monitored by the People's Congress and Immigration level bureau.

In the four -day funeral later, the people's association gave me a lot of freedom and cooperation in terms of entry time.

During the funeral, in order to obey a series of virus blocking measures, the family is always worried that the guests will abide by the safety distance, whether there is a body temperature, and whether there are more than the number of restrictions.For one or two people who do n’t know, they bought meals in front of the Lingtang.We are afraid that one of them will be fined accidentally, blocking measures to make us nervous, and even the sad mood will be taken away.

In this epidemic, there are very few people who hang them. In addition, the banquet banquet, the scene is extremely deserted.Some relatives are afraid of violations of the rules or infected due to blocking measures; some are reluctant because they are embarrassed.Anyway, they hurried back.His father died of pneumonia. The name was often mentioned in the news of the crown disease, so pneumonia has long been linked to the crown disease.People learned that pneumonia took away her father, and fear was also commonplace.Some people know that I am still in isolation, and she is superbly avoided, as if I saw a ghost.

Because of the restrictions on action, I have a lot of things in my heart and insufficient power.Seeing that my sister was busy, I couldn't help it, and I felt very guilty.

June 6th is the first seventh festival day. I applied for a rejection, and I could only ban my family.Sister with two little girls, pushed the old mother in a wheelchair, worshiped with big bags and small bags, and worshiped the Wanli Spirit Tower. Unfortunately, they were blocked outside the door.It is blocking measures.They could only return the original car and worshiped the sacrifice downstairs.

This is my poor father. When I died, no relatives were next to me. Only 10 people could be sent off when they were out.No wonder the mother will sigh: I want to be isolated alive, and I will be separated in the hospital.

In just a few days, it was the Ministry of Health for a while, and it was the Immigration level bureau, the Human Association, the Central Hospital, and the Housing Bureau.Because it is an epidemic, for convenience, everyone is connected through instant messaging WhatsApp.EvenI am still very chaotic and I can't tell who who is who.

If there is no epidemic, if I have not been isolated, if the relevant authorities in politics can have more trust and more integration, it would be great.

(The author is the staff of the company's human resources department, living in Australia)