At the press conference after the two sessions of China, Prime Minister Li Keqiangsheng in favor of the opening of the economy of the opening of the ground, creating a miracle of 100,000 people overnight.Not long ago, the Civilization Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China issued a notice and no longer included the city's inspection in the assessment content of the local government.Faced with the impact of the crown disease epidemic, the Beijing Municipal Government promoted the economy of high -profile stalls, opened the door for small merchants and hawkers, reduced the threshold to encourage people to do business, create more employment opportunities, and help China go through the difficulties under the current difficulties.This runs counter to the policies that Chinese urban authorities have always pursued and centered on the rectification of the city.(Editor's note: After a few days in Beijing, the method of restoring the ban on the stalls; the official document of the Central Civilization Office of the Central Civilization Office is also abolished and deleted.)

There is no doubt that this is a affordable policy.It closes the distance between the government and the people, and it can also make the officials more grounded.However, this should not be just a temporary measure, but it should be mentioned that the height of the construction of socialism should be mentioned.

Socialism, as the name suggests, is the political proposition of social development and the well -being of the people.However, for a long time, whether in China or abroad, whether it is righteous or derogatory, the term socialism is associated with the big government. Zhang Guanli Dai became synonymous with great governmentism.

China's officialdom is also poisoned, manifested in expel the low -end population for the city, forced centralized vendors to have a large market -designed, high -rent market, and kill all street vendors.wait.This is not the people -oriented, but the ideological habit of the official name (reputation).Many of the official Chinese officials are not socialists, or they do not understand what socialism is.

Socialism is centered on society and the theme of people's livelihood.The socialist market economy is to maintain the livelihood of the people to rely on the market.It is an essential difference between the capitalist market economy. It is a combination of market laws and social logic.On the one hand, it is necessary to control capital, not allowing large enterprises and large capital to grow up, resulting in bankruptcy of a large number of small and medium -sized enterprises, individual households, and family workshops; on the other hand, government power must be controlled and people are not allowed to make obstacles to damage people's livelihood.Capital and government serve people's livelihood.

The stall economy is the people's livelihood economy.It is these small stall vendors that are closely related to the lives of the citizens, adding a hint of human warmth to the metropolis that adds glass with glass cement.After a aunt in Wuhan, Hubei was taken away by crown disease, the citizens deeply felt that her snack stalls for decades have brought about how much memories of the lives of citizens, and they also took away a familiar street scene.Her contribution to citizens' lives far exceeds her operating income and cannot be measured by market value.

The economic layout of the stalls requires natural layout to adapt to the characteristics of community life, instead of hardly concentrated planning, and build a batch of large markets that are inconvenient to anyone.Let the hawkers deploy their own stalls, it must be the most convenient to residents, the most humane, most life -like, and most popular.Urban planning should also respect this natural layout, rather than high -rise buildings that are erected in cold and refusing to be thousands of miles away.

Singapore's Food Pavilion and Pasar have not only created a lot of employment opportunities, have become a tool for many families to live, and create many famous foods that have been passed down from their ancestors, but also create local characteristics and beautiful tourist landscapes.Most residents do not cook themselves, but rely on them to eat; many foreign tourists come here and go through the streets to find those famous snacks.Unlike luxury restaurants and hotels, the cost of small merchants and snack stalls in these neighborhoods is low. Entrepreneurs are easy to persist for a long time.

Many luxury shops have passed the clouds, and these stalls have been passed down from generation to generation, becoming a landmark.Low cost and good business ecological environment is an important reason; an important function of the government is to protect this ecological environment.The municipal government of a socialist country should also play this function to the extreme, because nothing can better reflect the characteristics of people's livelihood in the socialist market economy.

So far, China's development has basically followed the laws of capitalism, that is, to disintegrate society and atomic individuals to make labor force a production factor and make its regional flow norm.The existence causes the huge advantage of capital to labor individuals.China's class contradiction does not reach the level as fierce as Western countries. One is that China has borrowed global Dongfeng, and a large number of industries concentrate to China to make employment sufficiently. Second, China's public policy has not yetThe government can also introduce many policies to benefit the people by the manipulation and control of capital and interest groups.

Social enterprises improve people's livelihood through profit

Recently, in the development of economics, a new concept MDASH; MDASH; Social Enterprise.The purpose of creating such enterprises is not to make money, but to change the fate of a large number of people and enable them to get rid of poverty and embark on the road of self -development.Its philosophy does not make profits by improving people's livelihood, but to improve people's livelihood through profit.Under pure market rules, social enterprises often compete for capitalist companies with a maximum profit, but they can create more employment and change the fate of more poor people.

Therefore, they need the government to be the masters of the people and protect their living space, and they also need social forces to compete with pervasive capital erosion.Social methods include non -governmental cooperation, volunteers, non -profit organizations and charity institutions.

In terms of poverty alleviation and poverty alleviation, the CCP has accumulated a lot of experience and has achieved worldwide attention. However, it mainly relies on the power of the government (including party organizations) to play the role of society less.EssenceChina should consider setting up a livelihood investment industry to build a huge social enterprise system.Without such a system, you cannot claim to be a socialist market economy. Even if there is a huge state -owned enterprise, it is not possible, because many capitalist countries also have huge state -owned enterprises.

The financial services of social enterprises should be distinguished from commercial banks as financial and social enterprises.Their investment is similar to the investment of public products. The output is not profit, but the people live and work in peace, fully employment, and satisfaction and happiness.For a socialist country, these are far more important than profits because they are the fundamental purpose of socialism.

Correspondingly, it is necessary to change the philosophy of urban management.Urban management is no longer in control, but the operation of urban society.The purpose of operation is not to increase income for the municipal authorities, but to operate market life, create livable cities, and maximize the convenience of people's lives and the richness of urban life.The cities can start competitions with each other to see who can attract more people (especially retirees) to apply for households, who has a better reputation, not whose GDP figures are higher.The superior government should use this as an indicator to evaluate the level of governance and achievements in various places.

The government's investment in this area is just like national defense, infrastructure and environmental protection, but it is more important than the latter, because it is directly related to reducing the cost of people's livelihood and enriching the content of people's livelihood.Western economics has always been as much as possible to other public products, because it only pays attention to market laws without paying attention to the laws of people's livelihood.The socialist market economy is a people's livelihood economics and must pay attention to this aspect.

As a result, the purpose of supply -side reform is not just to increase effective supply and eliminate excess capacity. More importantly, the focus of economic policy is to maximize employment and maximize the demand for payment capabilities.To achieve this goal, we must prevent monopoly profits, and no one or organization to suppress the diversity supply (the characteristics of the economy's economy are particularly prominent) to obtain a monopoly

This can expand employment. Those companies that can be retained are the source of employment.By increasing employment to improve effective demand, it should be the focus of supply -side economic management. In terms of operation, it is to cultivate and protect the ecological environment of small, medium and micro enterprises and individual households, so that they can breed a lot and create a relatively easy livelihood and for the peopleFull of life full of life.This is the foundation of social stability and happiness.

The Chinese government should seize the opportunity of the crown disease epidemic and create a new world of socialist market economy, instead of treating the stall economy as a means of response to the crisis, as usual.Small business.For the academic community in China, this is also an opportunity that can help them get rid of the slavery of Western economics and start creating socialist economics.

(The author is a senior researcher at the East Asia Institute of the National University of Singapore)