In February of this year, Chinese cities have taken measures to seal the city and recommend that the public isolate home to minimize the spread of the 2019 coronary virus disease epidemic.The Chinese people strictly abide by this regulation.The crown disease in March was basically effectively controlled in China.Although the number of input -type cases increased after April, it has been controlled in general.

Scientists still have no answer to the origin and spread of coronary disease, and it may have been in many countries for many years.Due to the lack of understanding of this super epidemic disease in China and countries in the world, it was difficult to make perfect decisions at first.Initially, the epidemic deteriorated due to unconscious negligence to a certain extent.Almost all countries' confirmed cases and deaths may be underestimated. For example, many cases in Italy or the United States are regarded as conventional influenza and pneumonia, and have not been included in the statistics of crown diseases.

Media supervision is necessary, but if the reporter will spend too much energy on the officially announced data, instead of the conclusion of the scientists who are on the front line, the criticism will be meaningless and even the public lacks trust.For example, Mit Technology Review expressed a positive view of Chinese people on anti -coronal virus, but the news was negatively interpreted by some American citizens and media.

In any case, China's effective response has been confirmed, and at least the following six experiences can be absorbed.

First, basic medical research.In January of this year, many scientific research teams in Wuhan, Beijing and Shanghai launched gene sequencing research to provide evidence for the epidemiological characteristics of coronary virus, and provide guidance for related diagnosis and treatment, especially for testing and vaccine development.

Second, government efficiency.After the initial chaos of the Chinese provincial and municipal government, with the instructions of the Supreme Policy and the Central Government, as well as the efforts of the National Health and Health Commission and the China Disease Prevention and Control Center, subsequent strategies are quickly and effective, including sealing city, strict control and protection of the community, should be in response to the community.Own acceptance and treatment should be treated.

Third, digital technology.Health code has become a voucher for residents to enter and exit the community.Considering that it only reflects the current health status of residents, there is no unified uniform code in the country.Under the premise of sufficient doctors and nurses, the use of robots and long -range medical systems based on 5G networks is also interesting and effective.However, during the peak of the epidemic, doctors and nurses are still key to resist.

Fourth, international cooperation.After completing the gene sequencing, China shared the results with the World Health Organization almost on the same day.Chinese leaders have called several times with global leaders a few times a week in the first three months to exchange the Chinese epidemic situation.After March, Chinese leaders responded to global assistance requests.The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs must organize a series of online technical exchange seminar for Chinese experts and global public health officials and experts.

Fifth, public education.There are some protection suggestions provided by the public and foreigners in Beijing, including diligent -to -hands, diligently testing body temperature, wearing masks, drinking with alcohol for residence and office disinfection, keeping distance from others, feeling unwilling to stay at home in time, medical treatment in time, and report to the history of travel.EssenceIt is not difficult to obey these suggestions, and it is not easy to persuade all residents to implement.Each city in China will soon establish a professional public health team, becoming part of the regular configuration of hospitals and the national security system.

Sixth, economic recovery.After April, the epidemic gradually faded, focusing on restoring social order and urban economy.Many migrant workers come from inland, such as Yunnan, Guizhou or Sichuan, and work in coastal provinces such as Guangdong, Zhejiang and Jiangsu.Most of them returned to their hometown during the Spring Festival in January, and they had to work in February, but they could not leave their hometown because of the epidemic.

To this end, the coastal region governments do their best to let them return to local private enterprises to support the production of enterprises.For example, in some cities, if foreign migrant workers can return to the factory before the designated date, they can directly get government subsidies of 1,000 yuan (about 200 yuan) per person.Some cities have even arranged specialized high -speed rail or special planes to return to work.

In order to respond to the recession after the economic and public health crisis, the central government also introduced a series of new infrastructure construction plans, including 5G infrastructure, ultra -high -voltage power facilities, intercity transportation, automobile charging stations, big data centers, artificial intelligence and industrial industriesinternet.Facing the interruption of the supply chain, the global retail industry, transportation and tourism are under pressure, and China must rely on the domestic market.

Before developing a real vaccine, we must ensure the normal operation of the global public health resources supply chain.The vaccine may take six to 12 months to put the market, and the virus may also mutate.From a mask to a medical ventilator, China has now become the center of medical facilities and material exports.The stability of the global supply chain restricts production capacity.For example, some key components of medical ventilator, such as chips and sensors, are provided by Italy, Germany, and the United States, and the supply chain of these epidemic areas may have been interrupted.

Before the supply chain is fully recovered, we must accept a reality. Due to the lack of healing methods in global epidemic areas, the number of deaths will continue to rise.If the epidemic has lost control in developing countries, the entire world will usher in a complete disaster.Not only China, all countries with strong medical resources, even epidemic centers such as the United Kingdom, France, Germany, and the United States, should provide assistance to South Asia, Latin America and Africa.Many infected cases are not included due to lack of testing equipment.

Coronary virus is another warning to humans not to expand natural excessive expansion.Chinese people have prohibited illegal wildlife transactions greater than February, and many cities have also formulated new regulations.For example, Shenzhen and Guangzhou stipulate that restaurants that illegally sell wild animals can be fined up to 30 times the amount involved in the case, and the serious situation of the case is revoked or assumed legal liability.However, in all parts of the world, human beings still continue to excessively expansion, and they must not forget that Ipora and the disease of love are derived from this.

Can we cooperate for sustainable development and deal with challenges from the global sanitation and earth science levels, rather than spending time to argue which system is better?It is human nature to argue with each other, but we still have to believe that global cooperation is the only way to spend the 21st century crisis.This requires the other side of human nature mdash; mdash; persistence, strong, kindness and responsibility.This is for history, contemporary, and for the next generation.

(The author is a member of the academic committee of the Chinese and Foreign Humanities Exchange Research Base of Peking University in China, and an associate professor of part -time job of the Global Health Research Institute of Xi'an Jiaotong University)

English version of the original Indian Observer Research Foundation EXPERT Speak