Northern Remember

First, the loss of the crown disease caused the number one in the world in the world, and then the longest large -scale demonstration and street violence in the longest half a century.The leadership role of the number one power, the domestic issue in China has exploded at this time, and the image is greatly reduced.

During this period, the wayward President Trump continued his disappointment, including suggesting that the public injected disinfection agents in the body to fight crown disease, announced the withdrawal from the World Health Organization, threatened the plunder in the riots, and recently opposed the use of military townThe former Minister of Defense of the Storm publicly publicized hellip; hellip;

The United States is exhausted, so that Liberal intellectuals are speechless, so that some Chinese people who are dissatisfied with the United States have been relieved. Many gloating ridicule appears on the Internet, including ridiculing that American politicians can enjoy the beautiful landscape Mdash at their door;; Secretly criticized the American House of Representatives Perlis, Ploss, which had praised the riots in Hong Kong last year as a beautiful landscape.

The reality in front of you is indeed not ironic. First, the Hong Kong riots last year are also staged in the United States, which is known as freedom and democracy. Secondly, the United States in the riots also appeared the same police violence as Hong Kong last year.Coupled with pepper spray; and the legitimacy of the leader threatened to shoot and dispatched the army also made people remember the accusations of China in the international community.

In fact, the racial problem in the United States has a long history. Even when he served as the first black president in Obama in Obama, the United States had occurred twice due to the large -scale demonstration caused by the death of blacks during the police law enforcement or being detained by the police.African -American Americans have long significantly lagged behind non -Rathemato American American in terms of income, education, and health. Conversely, the probability of crime rate, prison and being killed by the police is significantly higher than the latter.

Crown disease exacerbates ethnic inequality. In this epidemic, the ratio of African Americans infection, death, and unemployment was significantly higher than the black ratio of the American population.A pessimistic and desperate emotion has become a firewood that boosted the big demonstration of the United States. Strictly speaking, this is a contradiction within the United States.

However, the dazzling problem in the United States is not just about its own business, but its global effect cannot be ignored.First of all, the world's number one country's self -care has reduced the provision of international leadership and public service products. This is visible from the Trump administration one after another from international affairs and international organizations.The new crisis today is the most publicity of the United States' core value mdash; mdash; democracy, facing doubts worldwide, and even fantasy.

An increasingly common question is: How can a good system choose such a leader?Such doubts come from other countries, and they are more intellectual elites from the United States. They hate Trump to spoil the United States' international soft power capital, do not understand international trade, and fail to reflect the democratic spirit of the United States.Essence

These reflection and disputes help all parties to soberly face the characteristics and limitations of the democratic system.Many people really beautify the United States, and the American democratic system is by no means a pitch to solve all social and political issues.The democratic system requires very specific conditions to maintain carefully, including the strong social middle level, the sense of responsibility, rationalism, the rule of law, and the particularly important compromise spirit.If these elements do not exist or weaken, the two -party or multi -party system of democracy may fall into the vulnerability of the party and the parliament.In fact, the doubts of the U.S. political failure have also lasted for many years. Obama came to power with the slogan of change. However, the United States under his rule still could not find the recipe for change, and finally found Trump.

However, although American democracy is not suitable for all countries, if democracy is widely denied or stigmatized, it is not good for the world.Democratic and related concepts, including citizen rights, sacred and inviolability of private property, freedom and rule of law of thought and speech, are extremely important progress in the development of human civilization.Looking at it, there is no another set of concepts in the world more systematic and condensing people's persuasiveness. If the insistence on value is abandoned, the principles of the remaining interests and hard power of the international community or the society of the society in one country, and the power is the truth.It is also a kind of sorrow.

In the face of various problems that emerge in the United States, their elites are full of anxiety. Recently, many academic forums have discussed American -China relations, how to repair American democracy, and so on.Some observers foresee that in accordance with historical laws, the United States is in a shock, and it will not be rejuvenated until the next year.One of the prominent features of these discussions is that, despite being dissatisfied with Trump, these elites are still full of confidence in the US system, convinced that the vitality and crisis of democracy will eventually let the United States out of the current situation of bad governance.In this point of faith and confidence, the United States is obviously better than its competitors.