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A African -American named Freud died in the process of being uniform in the police and caused riots throughout the United States.

This is obviously not surprising.The black policeman named Shawen was pressed with his knees to hold his neck for a few minutes, and he made an unwillingness to ask for mercy.However, the four white policemen, including Shawen, were indifferent, and the tragedy happened stupid and cruelly.

This is not the first time that the black man was killed by the white policeman, nor the last time.Beginning on May 26, the anger of blacks in the United States was ignited. First of all, he began to start a place in Minnesota, and then became a demonstration of parade in various cities in the United States.The angry people eventually became street violence, and the police who maintained order began to be susceptible to violence.

At present, many cities in the United States have announced a curfew.I don't know how long this anti -racist demonstration that spreads the United States will last, but it is expected that this will make the United States face worse dilemma; on the one hand, there is an epidemic that has not seen an inflection point, and it is more than 100,000 in the United States.People die in the epidemic, and now they have encountered demonstrations that spread across the country, and have evolved into street violence between police and people.

What's even more terrible is that President Trump, who is resistant to epidemic, has poured fuel to the street riots.Although he emphasized that Americans have the right to demonstrate, they are not allowed to become anarchy.There was no problem in this statement, but he also started to shoot on Twitter, where he would start to shoot.Twitter believes that Trump advocates violence.This also highlights the new conflict between social media and Trump, because Trump just restricts the content of social media through administrative orders.

The wayward Trump not only furious the media, but also emphasized that the American people who used the army to deal with the demonstration of the parade.This seems quite ironic. When a street incident occurs in similar or anywhere in Hong Kong or around the world, the two -party politician of the US Congress, of course, also includes the elders of the White House.The actions of the police to maintain order are deemed to be violent.Perlis, the Speaker of the House of Representatives of the United States, and Trump, called the streets of Hong Kong as a beautiful landscape last year.Now, there are also beautiful landscapes in major cities in the United States, but Trump wants to use the army to suppress it.Such ironic logic, I don't know how to clarify the White House and Congress.

What made the United States fall into a joke is the bullying operation adopted by the National People's Congress of China through the Hong Kong National Security Law to cancel Hong Kong's special trade status and sanction on China.Trump will also limit Chinese students with military school background to enter the country, or even deportation.This series of anti -China moves not only caught Sino -US relations into the freezing point, but also aroused widespread concern from the international community.

Trump has trouble in diplomacy, and internal administration is even more bad.His anti -epidemic could not allow the United States to continue to act as a global epidemic earthquake, and in a simple and rude way to limit social media content exemption.Now, he has publicly encouraged the army to implement violence on street demonstrations.Is this still the United States that people know?

It is true that the seeds of American racism have been deeply planted on the land of the United States.Even during the period of the black president Obama, the white police officer had not stopped the violence of blacks.The triggered demonstrations and upgraded to street violence have also been staged repeatedly in American society.However, no U.S. President is disregarding or even encouraging racism like Trump.Trump has about 45%of white iron tickets, which is also a direct manifestation of its racist position.

The crown disease caused more than 100,000 Americans to lose their lives. Under Trump and his right of staff, the American people seemed to believe in Trump.However, this trust is also full of uncertainty, because their president constantly use anti -wisdom and contradictory language to challenge the common sense of everyone.Therefore, when the white policeman used power to kill Freud to death, the Americans were completely angry.This is not just the anger of racism, but also mixed with the indignation of the White House against immunity.

If the epidemic did not defeat Trump, the riots caused by the death of the black Freud would not let Trump continue to be lucky.In addition to the outbreak of the epidemic and the decline of the US economy brought about by this, the syndrome of American racial discrimination has also begun to develop.The sudden outbreak of this American disease is closely related to Trump's racism.And he decided to use the army to deal with street demonstration and violence, even if it was only thought, it would cause American society to be confused.

From the Minister of Minnesota to the governor of the state, the governor of the state is different from Trump.Trump's opponent of the 2020 election, the former vice president of the Democratic candidate, Biden, bluntly said that Freud's death showed that the systemic racist scars did not heal.Biden said: We can't ignore it.We can't be silent.We can't hear lsquo; I can't breathe rsquo; indifferent.

Obviously, Biden was chased by Trump's willfulness and no sense of presence, and this time found the opportunity to counterattack Trump.As for whether he can seize the opportunity to lift the support rate, it remains to be observed in the future.

In any case, street violence continues, and it is not good news for Trump.The gathering crowd also increased the danger of the epidemic spread, and Trump had to face the risk of governance of street violence overlay in the epidemic.

The author is a senior researcher at the China Chahar Society

Passenger researcher at Renmin University of China Chongyang Financial Research Institute