For thousands of protesters on the streets of the United States, the death of George; how George Flowd's death will affect the 2020 US presidential election, it seems that some rationality is cold to mdash; mdash; even offended.

They and many other people lingering in their minds was the terrifying picture of Freud suffocating and dying under the knee of a policeman.The protesters know that there is a history of racial violence that can be traced back to a century ago.Even if the first African -American President Barak Bull; Barack Obama's two sessions did not bring a profound change in the ethnic relationship that many people had hoped to see.

Black's life is the beginning of the Black Lives Matter.George Zimmerman was sentenced to innocence.In 2014, MDASH; MDASH; still during the presidential period of Obama; MDASH; in the other two African Americans Eric Bull; Eric Garner and Michael Bull; Michael Brown died in the hands of the police.The momentum of this movement has grown further.A academic study conducted last year showed that in the United States, black men were killed by police in their lives, and they were 2.5 times that of white men.African Americans account for 12%of the American population, but account for 33%of the prison population.They died of higher proportion of new coronary virus pneumonia.

Many activists can be mdash; mdash; and indeed mdash; mdash; argued that the violent law enforcement against African -American police reflects the deep power of the society and the government mdash; mdash; no matter who is the owner of the oval office, it will notaffected.But at this moment, although this despair can be understood, it is too pessimistic.The results of this year's presidential election and the strategy used by candidates will have a significant impact on the racial cause of the United States.

The violence and robbery caused by the death of Freud have allowed the largest number of curfes for the Martin Luther King since the Martin Luther King in 1968 in 1968.However, although the death of Gold has also caused anger and despair, the civil rights movement he led has indeed changed the United States and promoted the Lyndon BBULL; Lyndon B Johnson, the government passed the milestone in the 1960s.Legislation.

As a result, the ethnic isolation system implemented by Jim Crow Laws in southern United States based on Gim Bull;In 1968, only 54%of the American blacks had high school education, and now this ratio has exceeded 90%.In the year of Jin, the poverty rate of African Americans was close to 35%, and in 2016, Donald Trump was elected as President of the United States, this number has dropped to 22%.Since this proportion has further declined, although the decline caused by the new coronary virus pneumonia may reverse part of the results.

Obama likes to quote the famous quotes of gold: Although the arc of the moral universe is long, it will eventually bend into justice.This year's presidential election will be a historic test of this cautious but firm optimism.On the surface, the current turmoil and violence are like a disaster facing Trump.However, the inspiration of the riots caused by Jin after the murder is that violent riots often bring voters mdash; mdash; especially white voters mdash; mdash; push to the right.

In November 1968, the Republican presidential candidate Richard; Richard Nixon won the election.Research by the New Yorker University of Princeton University, Omar Wasow, the proportion of voting to Nixon is 6%to 8 in counties that affect the urban riots.%.Ri riots may help Nixon to win a common election.

Nixon -style strategies that associate Democrats with crimes and chaos are very effective.Obviously, Trump's campaign team will follow similar strategies.Rudy Bull, one of Trump's most powerful agents; Rudy Giuliani pointed to the countless property losses in the cities held by the Democratic parties, and said that if you choose the Democratic party to take the stage, this is the futureEssence

This strategy will mobilize Trump's basic voters.However, although many things today can't help but remind people of 1968, the situation has changed greatly.Nixon wins in California in his hometown, and won a large number of votes in the state.But the change of society and population structure means that today California stands firmly at the Democratic camp, and Bill Bull; Bill Clinton won California in 1992, although the year that violently treated African Americans Rhodes violence that yearThe policeman of Rodney King was sentenced to no guilt caused riots.

On the other hand, Nixon had to compete with strong independent candidates, public racial George Bull; George Wallace.If Wallace wins in five states in the south will not participate in the election, these states will definitely support Nixon.Trump will not face such a challenge in November this year.He may hope that voters who have differentiated and increasingly aggressive racial issues will help him win again in the central and western states that play a important role in the 2016 victory.

After seeing all this, Democrats must act with caution.The party's presidential candidate Joe Bull; Joe Biden has adopted an obvious position so far, that is, at the same time condemned racial injustice and street violence.This position has been echoed by the Democratic Party of the states and cities that has been impacted by riots.But Biden will face political and moral pressure, asking him to go further in expressing the grief of the African -American community. These people have been the key to his nomination of the Democratic presidential candidate.

As a politician known as a clumsy word of mouth and wording, when he tries to change the arc of history again, he will have to be carefully balanced.

Translator/He Li