This is an era of information explosion. As long as we wake up every day and turn on mobile phones, computers, television, and broadcasting, we are surrounded by various information.Since the beginning of this year, the most important news is about the new type of coronary virus. People read, listen, and watch a lot of related news every day.There are reports about objective facts, and there are many exaggeratedly confusing reports, and even there are even fake news and conspiracy theories.Since this year, because of the requirements of epidemic prevention, most people stay at home as much as possible. We can only understand the world through news, so is the world that presented in front of us through news is the real appearance of the world?In the face of the children who stayed at home for a long time because of the epidemic, how can we talk to them about the true appearance of the world?

Many large and traditional news agencies are mission to report facts and pursue truth.Some time ago, when the worldwide epidemic was the worst, our family often started TV.In this report of the new crown epidemic, CNN continued to insert a piece of flowers in the relevant reports, and to promote the importance of the facts, claiming that we used the facts to defeat the virus.In fact, you can speak yourself. The fact is preferred. The fact is more important than everything. I believe that many news media adheres to the concept.However, it is difficult for us to paint between news and real worlds.News can only represent a part of the truth, but not all the real world.

News focus on grab attention

The public knows that dogs are not news, and people bite dogs are news.Although this sentence is rough, it also tells the truth.Whether an event can be a news is determined by whether it has news value.Whether it can attract people's interest and whether it can win people's attention, whether it is closely related to people, determines whether a message is worth reporting.Therefore, the news must be a choice report, and the media is a filter for people's attention.In the period when the epidemic in Mainland China is very serious, the overwhelming news makes people have various concerns and anxiety, and even fear. At this time, it is very easy for people to equate news with the real world.For example, when I hold a news about each resident of a community in two days, I can enter and exit once every two days, and ask friends in the same city whether there is such a thing, some people say this is the case, but some people say that everything is as usual.There is no such entry and exit restriction.They all reflect the facts, but they are the real world they experience.TV news may report some of the truth, and everyone in social media may also present another truth.The Fang Fang diary that has aroused heated discussions is also a truth experienced by the writer Fang.

Generally, news cannot report everything as usual, but it will choose to report rare things.If we are completely equal to the real world, we will have a mistake in this world.In addition, the cognitive level of reporters and the media also affect their choices of reporting content.For example, the bird viewer took a black -faced spoonbill in the wetland of a certain city. The appearance of this endangered bird of the world may be an important symbol of the transformation of the ecological environment.It will not become news.

The late global public health and public education experts Sweden professor Hans Bull; Hans Rosling was once rated as the top 100 influential figures in the world by Time Magazine.The daughter -in -law cooperated to complete a book FACTFULNESS that called people to eliminate prejudice and discover the truth. Taiwan is translated.In the book, he clarified that people faced the 10 major intuition errors in reality, and one of the perspectives that we have always emphasized that we cannot expect the media to reflect reality and realize the world's task that the world is not a reporter after all.The media always depends on news to attract people's attention, so he said that we must be careful not to treat abnormality as usual, thinking that the world is like this.Even independent reports do not mean that it can present the truth. Even if the content is completely real, we may have a wrong understanding of the choice of facts because of the reporter's choice of facts.

News is not the same as the truth of the facts

I remembered that in 2003 when China experienced an atypical pneumonia epidemic, I was a TV reporter at that time.I remember to interview a scientist at that time that their scientific research institutes developed a special disinfection agent. This disinfectant can volatilize the bacteria and viruses in the air in an open container.Breathing the air containing the volatile of disinfection agents is harmful to the human body. This is a question that people are most concerned about at the time when they are concerned about disinfection efficiency.After some explanations by scientists, I understand that the impact of this volatile object on the human body can almost ignore it.But in the face of my lens, scientists only say that under the circumstances of how much each cubic meter dose, under what circumstances, it is harmless to the human body, and never says that the phrase I expect to be harmless to the human body at that time.I respect the rigorous attitude of scientists, but from the perspective of reporters, the audience will not care about the details of the harmless or harmless impression.As a reporter, I have never reflected the world as rigorous as scientists.As the Hans Bull; Roslin said that the best media can not show the world as rigorous as statistical scholars. Although it is correct but too boring, it is not pursued by the mass media.It's like a thesis, it is also posted on a professional journal, not through the mass media.Therefore, news is not the same as the real world.

At the same time, the media that emphasized that in the news report may not always show the truth, and even often mislead the public.American professor and politician Tom; Tom Nichols (Tom Nichols) has a good word for the participation of the public media.He once listed a large number of relevant cases in the deate of Expertise, which reminded people to pay attention to the media's misleading.One thing I think is particularly needed to attract people's attention, that is, the proportion of media reporting content.False reports are easy to be falsified, and reports that intentionally or unintentional stances give people aware of the obstacles that are not easy to be found in the world.For example, a program invites scientists to say that genetically modified crops are safe. At the same time, reverse genetic crop groups are invited to debate, trying to present the perception of objective neutral and balanced reports.Tom Bull; Nicus believes that this approach not only is not objective, but also twists the truth to the point where it is sweaty.In fact, at least nine of the ten scientists think that genetically modified crops are safe, not the kind of five or five in the show.When the two sides are noisy in the show, the audience cannot distinguish.In the end, the people couldn't figure out what most experts in this area thought.

Beyond the news, establish a habit of seeking truth

Faced with such a complicated world, all as a parent can do his best to help his children build a true habit of seeking truth.When we see news reports, we must consciously think that news is not the same as the real world.If you think about it, it is a common phenomenon of news reports.For example, just watching the news, people in mainland China will feel that Hong Kong is full of thugs, and Hong Kong is alone. People in Hong Kong will think that mainland China is corrupt, society is chaotic, and there is no progress and hope.Some Hong Kong people never go to Shenzhen because of fear, and some mainlanders never go to Hong Kong because of fear.These people draw a waiting number between the news and the real world, and from this to build a stereotype, losing the possibility of mutual understanding and dialogue.Painting between news and real world will also bring another risk, that is, simplify complex issues, fall into a populist thinking, only distinguish the camp, and reject in -depth thinking.

News just reflects a small part of real life, and news practitioners are inevitably influenced by the government or employer and have an open or obscure position.Just in the era of information explosion, people are easy to have an illusion, thinking that the news of browsing around the world every day understands the world.So how do we resist this illusion?

Hans Bull; Roslin told people in his book FactFulness that 10 conservation codes for establishing true habits are worth learning from parents and children.First of all, we have to learn how to find moreDigital, seeing most of the situation; second, understand that bad news will always be rendered; thirdly, it is necessary to understand that the development trend of things will never be a straight line; fourth, you must learn to calculate risk in the face of fear.During the new crown period, there was only one case of diagnosis in some places, which stopped all public transportation. This was not based on the scientific response of facts, but a typical response from fear; fifth to master the proportions, separate data cannot be isolated from being isolated.Look at it.For example, I live in Singapore now, with more than 5 million people in Singapore, and the new crown diagnosis has exceeded 30,000. Many relatives and friends will inevitably worry when they see news.Solid data will always be misleading. In fact, most of Singapore's infections occur in dormitories where workers live. The infection that really occurs in the residential community is a single digit or zero.The number is more meaningful than the comparison, and it has different meanings in different backgrounds.

The number of workers in Singapore in recent days is also decreasing, but while the Ministry of Health of Singapore released data, the Ministry of Health has told you very straightforwardly that the low number of diagnosis in these days is related to less detection.We can't expect that all the governments in the world are so honest and frank to tell the public truth, but at least when facing some data, we must understand the background of the data, rather than watching a data in isolation.

Sixth, to question the classification.We must be good at finding different things in the same category, similar things in different categories.For example, we saw the Africans raised a pot from the news, and ignited the boiled rice below, thinking that this was their culture.Hans Bull; Roslin pointed out that in fact people's lifestyle and income levels are related, not determined by regional and culture.He divides people in the world into four levels at the level of income. As long as in the same level, the lifestyle of people around the world can be described as similar.Seventh, to aware of the changes of things, even if slow changes are changing; eighth, don't just look at the positive proof of supporting your own views; multiple values can make people closer to the truth.Ninth, when bad things happen, don't blame people, but you should put your energy on all reasons and entire systems that are intertwined.Tenth, be wary of urgent action and prediction, pay attention to related and correct data.These 10 rules for truth -seeking to respond to the 10 most of the intuition errors that people are most likely to occur.At the same time, this is also a topic we can discuss in depth with children.

This year, because of the new crown epidemic, many people could not travel.In fact, travel is also a way to see the real world. This kind of trip does not refer to like a tourist. It only goes to the attractions to take pictures, but at least to talk and talk with the locals for a long time.Hans Bull; Roslin also recommended a public welfare website, which can be seen on the real appearance of people from all over the world.I tried to look at it. It is really interesting. You can understand the lives of people with different income levels in any country, and you can see the real photos of their homes and find people in common in different areas.

We also need to be alert to another extreme, that is, we think there is no fact, only explanation, which is the ultimate pursuit of the truth or can lead to nihilism.Therefore, to avoid going to extremes, we should at least believe in evidence, and we need to understand that although the news is not exactly equal to the real world, it is also part of the real world.

News is a way to watch the world, but not the only way.Life has always been complicated, and accepting multiple perspectives make us easier to restore the original appearance of the world.In short, no matter what, the news and the real world still cannot be used to be equal. We must surpass the news to see the appearance of the real world, and we must break through our intuition errors to see the real life.

(This article only represents the author's point of view. Editor -in -chief Emperor: [email protected])