Early new tone of sea cavity

Yang Danxu

When I first came to Beijing, I often complained to friends in Singapore that Beijing was really expensive.

Our office is in the office building in Dongzhimen. At noon every day, the white -collar workers in the building will go to the mall on the side to eat.A little people will go to the underground layer to order a simple meal, but it will cost 50 yuan (RMB, the same, the same, S $ 10); the luxury will go to the restaurant upstairs, a lunch of 120 yuan to 150 yuan is insufficient a per capita per capita insufficient meals to 150 yuan.It is surprising.

After lunch, some white -collar workers will buy imported fruits in the supermarket in the mall, and some will return to the office with net red milk tea or Starbucks coffee.Roughly estimate that each month's lunch expenses will exceed 2,000 yuan.

I have always been curious. These office workers are usually dressed in beautiful clothes, memorizing brand bags at work, and entering and leaving all kinds of entertainment venues, bubble net red cafe, and they will always use new mobile phones. They may have to bear the scary rent or mortgage of BeijingPressure, how much money does it cost every month to spend enough?

The Chinese are getting more and more rich, and it seems that it is not news.Last week, the Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang said at the Chinese and foreign press conferences after the closing of the National People's Congress. He talked about a Chinese society that shocked many people: 600 million people in China earned only 1,000 yuan per month.

Li Keqiang mentioned the data when he answered a question about poverty alleviation that day.He bluntly said: China is a developing country with a large population. Our per capita annual income is 30,000 yuan, but 600 million people have a monthly income of 1,000 yuan.I encountered an epidemic again.

He emphasized that after the epidemic, the people's livelihood will be important, and the official will put the basic people's livelihood of the people who guarantee difficulties and the new difficult people affected by the epidemic, and put them in a very important position.

This paragraph is like throwing a shocking bomb.China will complete the comprehensive establishment of a well -off society and poverty alleviation this year. Although the monthly income is 1,000 yuan exceeding the official poverty line, up to 600 million people are at this lower income level, and it seems that it is not very consistent with the Chinese people.Chinese leaders rarely expose scars in front of the magnesium lights, revealing the other side of China, and also made people who are accustomed to listening to the mainstream narratives such as China's rise and the myth of wealth.

The greater impact of this set of numbers comes from the facts behind it, and it is even different from the cognition of many Chinese ordinary people.

Chinese netizens are the least available statistics or survey data related to income and assets; every time such data are released, they will be sprayed.Many netizens will also ridicule they are average. Obviously, the statistics are that the Chinese people are too rich, and they do not meet the objective facts in their cognition.This time, it was completely opposite. No one lamented that he pulled his legs. Some netizens were still doubtful, thinking that this was Li Keqiang's mistake at the press conference?

Indeed, China has experienced a high -speed development of more than 40 years of reform and opening up. The total economic volume has jumped in the world, and the per capita GDP (GDP) also exceeded $ 10,000 last year.Consumption upgrades are in full swing. Various business districts in the city can be seen everywhere on the streets, and new mobile phones can be seen everywhere on the subway. These are powerful evidence of China's economic development.Before the outbreak of the crown disease, the Chinese were pillars in the international consumer market. They bought brand -name bags in Europe, purchased cosmetics in South Korea, and snapped up rice cookers in Japan. Foreigners had to start their chins.

What is the concept of 1,000 yuan a month?This may not be enough for Beijing's white -collar lunch for a month; in the shopping mall in Beijing, the beautiful lady who loves beauty can only buy a decent dress; an old family can spend 1,000 yuan in the suburbs of Beijing for half a day.The monthly income of 1,000 yuan is unimaginable for many people in first- and second -tier cities. What is more unimaginable is that the Chinese with this level of income exist so largely. No wonder many people are surprised.

So, does the Chinese have money or have no money?In China, which is extremely unbalanced in development, huge differences in urban and rural areas, and the difference between the gap between the rich and the poor, it is really a difficult question to answer.Among the 1.4 billion Chinese people, some people throw a lot of money for a decent life, and some people complained that they were breathless by housing prices, children's milk powder fees, and tuition fees; some lived in small -scale middle -class life in first -tier and second -tier cities, and some people also lived in the mountains in the west.Sorry for food and clothing, 600 million people's monthly income of 1,000 yuan may be just a national conditions that China cannot ignore at this stage.

In recent years, signals that have been rich and stronger to the international community have also continued to actively participate in international affairs and projected influence with the attitude of great powers.The discussion of Chinese society around 600 million people's monthly income of 1,000 yuan is also reminded in a timely manner. Do not forget to pull their attention back to China, focusing on the people's livelihood issues that are related to hundreds of millions of Chinese people.And Chinese leaders do everything possible to complete, and even when the economy is not willing to give up poverty alleviation in the face of crown disease, in this discussion of 600 million people's monthly income, a discussionReality.