The Hong Kong Ming Pao Agency commented that the Canadian British Columbia Supreme Court was sentenced on Wednesday (27th), local time (27th). The case of Huawei Vice Chairman Meng Wanzhou complied with the dual criminal standards of the United States and Canada.EssenceThe result of this verdict is not surprising. Although the judge's 23 -page resignation lists sufficient reasons, Meng Wanzhou is the daughter of Huawei founder Ren Zhengfei. Canada has detained Meng Wanzhou at the request of the United States and has been recognized as the United States.One of the series of Chinese high -tech giants Huawei, its political meaning is extremely obvious.With the comprehensive and fierce conflict between China and the United States, the United States will have a stronger blow to Huawei. Although Meng Wanzhou's extradition lawsuit in Canada is symbolic, it should not pay attention to the focus.

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In areas involving fundamental value conflicts, the conclusions and political value judgments of the law are often fusion. The rule of law cannot solve some fundamental value conflicts. Therefore, it is difficult to have a pure legal system in the face of major political conflicts.The three key questions in the Meng Wanzhou case are: 1. Is Meng Wanzhou a double crime; 2. Is the Canadian law enforcement officer arrested Meng Wanzhou's procedure?3. Is the United States accusing Meng Wanzhou's crime of fraud?The judgment of the British High Court has answered the first question.Judge Heather Holmes pointed out in his resignation that Meng Wanzhou meets the dual criminal standards, that is, the United States 'allegations against her, if they occur in Canada, they will also be regarded as fraudulent crimes, and the United States' economic sanctions against IranAlthough it is not Canadian law, it has not fundamentally violated Canada's values.

For this judgment, the US Department of Justice has only one sentence: thanks to the Canadian government for its continued assistance to the case in accordance with the US -Canada extradition treaty.The Chinese Embassy in Canada issued a statement in the official Twitter, attacking the United States and Canada's abuse of bilateral extradition treaties, which seriously violated the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese citizen Meng Wanzhou; also accused the United States of the United States to defeat Huawei and other Chinese high -tech companies.It has always been an accomplice in the United States, and the entire case is completely a serious political event.Huawei also issued a statement saying that he was disappointed with the ruling and stated that the lawyer would continue to work hard to make Meng Wanzhou be free.

The verdict was arrested in Vancouver in Vancouver, which has passed more than 500 days.Next month, Meng Wanzhou will sue the Canadian law enforcement officer to hold a hearing when arresting the abuse procedure of the abuse of the airport, and the final result of the Meng Wanzhou extradition case may be announced in a few years.According to statistics from Canada Media, since 2008, the Canadian party has only rejected 8 times in the 798 cases required to extradite Canada.

Although Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau emphasized the Meng Wanzhou case that Canada has an independent judicial system and its operation is not interfered or controlled by the government, and China does not seem to understand this; and said that there is no need to explain the court's decision or apologize.But shortly after Meng Wanzhou was arrested in Canada, US President Trump publicly stated that if he believes that he needs to have the interests of the United States or national security, he will interfere with this case.This is convincing that the Meng Wanzhou case is one of the bargaining chips of the Sino -US game.

In a year and a half, because of the Meng Wanzhou case, the relationship between Canada and China has changed sharply.As a revenge, Beijing arrested two Canadian citizens accused of harming Guoan and suspended some agricultural products imported from imported rapeseed, pork, etc., but had limited effects.Although China is the second largest trading partner in Canada, the bilateral trade volume has been tens of times in 20 years, but China has maintained a surplus of trade with cargo in 20 years, which is the main beneficiary. Compared with the huge amount of trade with the United StatesIt is not big, Canada is more dependent on the US economy. After signing the US -Mexico and Canada Agreement (USMCA) in 2018, Canada has more deeply integrated into the US -led economic system.

Aversion to Canada should be concentrated in response to substantial threats

The Chinese retaliation operation deepened the negative perception of the Canadian people. According to a latest poll, only 14 % of Canadians have a good opinion of China.Before the epidemic occurred, two -thirds of Canadians wanted the local 5G network to ban Huawei.In the Five Eye Alliance, the United States, New Zealand and Australia have disabled Huawei's 5G equipment. After the Britain opened the Huawei network earlier, Britain has recently treated the role of Huawei in 5G construction.The future will gradually strengthen.

China has always urged Canada to release Meng Wanzhou to avoid any continuous harm to China -Canada relations.It is generally believed that the latest ruling of the Meng Wanzhou case may further deteriorate Sino -Canadian relations, and the Canadian government's strategy has always emphasized judicial independence. However, if the Canadian court eventually agreed to extradite, the Canadian government will face political problems.Because the Canadian law clearly stipulates that the Minister of Justice can make the final decision whether to extradite after the extradition process is completed.

In fact, although the Meng Wanzhou case is a humiliation of China and Huawei, for China's high -tech industry, the most substantial threat is not the extradition of Meng Wanzhou, but the recent launch of the United States' launch of HuaweiThrough the new ban launched in the middle of this month, cutting off Huawei's contact with overseas suppliers attempts to seal the throat in technology; on the other hand, various diplomatic methods are continuously adopted to reduce Huawei overseas, especially in Europe and the United States, especially in Europe and the United States.The market in developed countries has been fully enclosed.

When the Huawei card, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and the Chinese stock markets are alternately in this United States, when China and the United States confrontation are more intense, China should focus on the United States' technical blockade and market enclosure. On the hunting list in the United States, MengThe late boat must not be the last one, so it should be viewed by the Meng Wanzhou case with ordinary hearts. It is not advisable to upgrade the diplomatic retaliation of Canada, attack on all sides, expand the opposite side, and drive fish for Yuan.