According to the Taiwan United Daily News, in mainland China, through the Hong Kong version of the National Security Law, the United States will sacrifice sanctions to cancel special economic and trade benefits on the grounds that Hong Kong cannot maintain a high degree of autonomy, and lays uninteginal bombs for the fragile global economy in the epidemic.Relative to the cautious response from various countries, Taiwan President Tsai Ing -wen rushed to stop the Hong Kong and Macau regulations. Foreign Minister Wu Zhaozheng also let go of China ’s next step in Taiwan’ s martial arts. Because of the discussion, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs helps to change it. It is just a warning.The two strong conflicts, not just Hong Kong, but also Taiwan.The Tsai government only knows that it is not wise to wear a gun for the United States, but it is not wise.

The new crown virus changes the world order, the United States and China strive to lead the new bureau, and the relationship continues to deteriorate.The two sides failed to punish Beijing in the WHO, and then borrowed the Huawei ban to expand the scientific and technological war. The White House and released the latest strategic policy of China were regarded as the New Cold War Declaration.In particular, Trump forced TSMC to build factories in the United States. This is the starting type of the United States to form an important military industry and the Zitong supply chain. In conjunction with the prohibition of sales, comprehensive monopoly key technologies, and high -tech iron curtains.

The United States continuously shot, and the strategy was in Taiwan. Beijing returned to the Hong Kong version of the National Security Law, and the sword refers to overseas forces.While the epidemic was not resting, the Chinese mainland dealt with the Hong Kong issues. In addition to planning ahead of the Legislative Council and the Chief Executive Election, it was deployed in advance against the New Cold War to prevent Hong Kong from becoming Trump's chips to launch a financial war against China.

The biggest impact of Hong Kong on mainland China is financial security.Since August of the United States last August, the Hong Kong issues are linked to trade negotiations, and legislation regularly reviews special treatment for Hong Kong. This move affects Hong Kong's financial stability and may trigger monetary war.At that time, the anti -repair campaign launched an operation in Hong Kong to attack banks and paralyzed finance, allowing Beijing to alert Hong Kong to be a breakthrough in the Sino -US game.

After Trump accused mainland China spread out of the epidemic, Secretary of State Pompeo commented on Hong Kong Autonomy at five times, delayed the submission of the annual report of Human Rights and Democratic Acts in Hong Kong, and the muzzle aimed at the issue of Hong Kong.To this end, Beijing's throwing national security legislation is obviously the worst preparation.

Facing the issue of Huawei and Hong Kong, Taiwan has already stood on the US team.Tsai Ing -wen has won reelection because of anti -China, but if he continues to allow Trump to put a large pressure leverage, it may not be able to make a profit, and cross -strait relations may be worse.In fact, after a large number of outflows in the manufacturing industry, the United States has weak manufacturing conditions; in order to raise scientific and technological warfare, it must be pulled from Taiwan to rebuild its industrial chain.After TSMC, how many upstream and downstream operators have to contribute to Taiwan to allow Trump to complete the great cause?Although TSMC goes to the United States to buy insurance from the United States, it may not be able to keep the Chinese mainland market; Washington announces the second wave of Huawei ban, and there is no strange castrator to receive the independence.Once the freedom to choose the supply chain and the market, the Taiwan electronics industry will lose its competitiveness as well as; then, how can President Cai's six core strategic industries develop room for development?

The Cai government's industrial policy has gradually lost its self -autonomy because of the US -China fighting. In the Hong Kong issue, it is a place to destroy its own place.Taiwan blindly follows the United States. If the Hong Kong and Macau regulations are really stopped, the hard -working cross -strait buffer zone established by the government will be forced to lose.In order to relax and be loyal, the governor at the expense of the other door to the mainland to the mainland is to reduce the self -injury practices of using space.After the Hong Kong and Macau regulations are suspended, all people from Hong Kong and Macau invest in residence and personnel will return to the Cross -Strait Regulations. In addition to the problem of refugees, Taiwan has lost the opportunity to attract foreign investment and financial talents.Essence

Can Hong Kong's international transfer status continue? The legal foundation comes from the design of the Special Administrative Region in China, not the United States' Hong Kong relations law and special trade treatment.Unless the White House successfully launched global resistance, the basic law exists for a day, and countries can continue to trade freely in Hong Kong; ironic is that the CCP has not destroyed judicial and markets, and Trump has made everyone unable to do business.Once the US sanctions cause financial turmoil, can the Tsai government guarantee that Taiwan is unscathed?

In order to re -election, Trump continued to offensive, Taiwan sang hard, and gradually lost autonomy.In the issue of participating in the WHO, the Trump administration was only benefited; the Cai government did not know the province, and sent TSMC to the United States to pay the Taiwan -Hong Kong relations to the United States.Do you know that the government that lacks autonomous consciousness is being regarded as a chess piece by the United States?