Recently, Hong Kong has risen again.The reason is that China ’s national people have approved the legislative process of opening the Hong Kong National Security Law. The purpose is undoubtedly to strengthen the political control of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region at the national level.Judging from the strong contrast between the Chinese government and the mainland and the local and international communities in Hong Kong, the reaction to this legislative movement will be a state of controversy and confrontation, and it will be tossed, and it will greatly exceed the Hong Kong societyThe influence of itself.

When encountering such a two -pole opposition and reconciliation, the wise and philosophers in Chinese history have long been observed and experienced.First of all, there must be a clear and strong yin and yang pole.Under normal circumstances, the relatively mild various yin and yang factors can be compatible with coexistence, and tension is complementary. This is normal.

Furthermore, once a fundamental conflict between yin and yang occurs, the result is always reversed, that is, one of the critical points of one pole at a deterioration change will occur to the other mutation.This result is often not the original intention of a certain pole, but it does not happen to the people's will.

A vivid case is the US -Soviet Cold War pattern formed after World War II.In 1991, the Soviet Union collapsed and collapsed, but instead moved closer to the United States.To prevent this situation, the premise is simple, that is, do not cause the situation of severe opposition between poles, otherwise it will be inevitable.As for whoever reverses, it depends on the trend of the world and the righteousness of the world.

Back to the Hong Kong issue, the author has always thought that it should not be so unpredictable.At that time, Sino -British joint statements and Hong Kong Basic Law were clearly stipulated that national sovereignty, diplomacy and defense affairs were responsible for the central government in accordance with Chinese national law; the remaining Hong Kong local affairs shall be managed by the SAR government in accordance with the current laws of Hong Kong.This is the essence of one country, two Hong Kong -owned Hong Kong -governing Hong Kong, and a high degree of autonomous politics.

At the same time, it is not difficult to notice that the controversial conflict that has occurred in Hong Kong in 23 years mainly focuses on two major issues: whether the security regulations on the mainland want to be Hong Kong;

The so -called Hong Kong independence, which is currently exaggerated by some people and the media deliberately speculating, or rumors that the central government wants to change Hong Kong as a municipality is just the same kind of abnormal yin and yang.And confrontation, damage the overall interests of the Chinese nation, is sinister with heart, and it is clear.

Regarding the local public security and ideology of Hong Kong, the local affairs should belong to Hong Kong in accordance with the Basic Law.However, the central government always has a concern, that is, Hong Kong's use of external hostile forces has become a base against subverting the mainland regime. Therefore, it must be intervened in this regard, and even risk risks risks of jurisprudence.

From the perspective of common sense, geography, and strength, Hong Kong's subversion of the mainland regime or split country is not possible, there is no need to repeat it.So worry that it should be more in terms of value, public opinion, and example demonstration. Hong Kong society and ideology may have the effect of influence on the radiation generated by the mainland.

Throughout the past 70 years, except for the return of 1977, Hong Kong has not changed much. Hong Kong is still Hong Kong, and the changes in the mainland have been overwhelming.For example, before 1980, Shenzhen was a small fishing village adjacent to Hong Kong and was set as a military restricted area, that is, Hong Kong was regarded as an overseas hostile goal.After 1980, under the promotion of the tide of reform and opening up, Shenzhen and Hong Kong suddenly joined hands with each other, meeting with a smile.

It can be seen from the above that Hong Kong's nature of the mainland can be enemy or friends. The key depends on the value judgment and orientation of the mainland, not Hong Kong.A big question is: Since the mainland can do with Hong Kong with Hong Kong before returning, how can Hong Kong become a base of turmoil and division after 23 years?

Another idea is that Hong Kong -inspired people hope that Hong Kong can be a new democratic system experimental area to integrate diversified cultural factors, condense the largest wisdom and strength of the Chinese nation, and expand a broad future for the essence of national rejuvenation; and Hong KongThere is also a social and cultural foundation with this responsibility.

Therefore, how to treat and deal with the Hong Kong issue is actually testing the hustle and bustle of the moment of wisdom and the wisdom of all ages. Who will occupy the upper hand?Although Hong Kong is small, it is related to the world, carrying boats, and the difference.

(The author is an expert in international cultural strategic research and consultation in the United States)