The Cold War refers to the capitalist camps mainly between the United States and NATO from 1947 and 1991, the political, economic, and military struggle between the Soviet Union and the Socialist camp of the Soviet Union and Huayo.In 1991, Hua Yue was dissolved, the Soviet Union disintegrated, and the Cold War ended, and it also marked the end of the polar pattern; the United States became the only superpower in the world, and the world pattern became very strong.

The reason why the Cold War was cold was because both sides tried their best to avoid the outbreak of large -scale wars in the world.Its confrontation is usually carried out through cold methods such as local agency war, technology and arms competitions, space competitions, and diplomatic competitions, that is, to curb each other and not force force.The characteristics of the Cold War are that the two major military groups have the same strength. Both the United States and the Soviet Union have stored a large number of nuclear warheads to ensure that they are destroyed. No one dares to use force to compete for hegemony.This is the Cold War.

China and the United States are not a new cold war between China and the United States.China is not a superpower that can be equalized with the United States. The strength between China and the United States is extremely unbalanced, and it cannot be a bipolar world.China does not lead a certain ideological camp to fight against the ideas and practices of the American camp.Russia is not a Chinese allies, and China has not changed its policies for not forming an alliance.

Although there are huge differences in ideology and values between China and the United States, the contradiction between China and the United States is a mixed contradiction. Ideological and values are only a means of nothing to be born in the United States.This kind of enemy and me contradiction is very sharp, but it is very special. You have me and you have you.Many American conservative forces and extreme populist forces have no noise to be completely decoupled between China and the United States, but many American people believe that the decoupling of China and the United States cannot be overkill.

The United States' hatred and hostility to China is mainly due to the advantages of China's institutional system over the years. The rapid development and growth of the comprehensive capabilities brought about by the global overlords of the United States cannot be mdash all day;His confidant.

Compared with the Cold War, China has not competed with the United States for military reserve competitions.US military expenditure budget accounts for more than 4 % of the GDP (GDP), while China has only about 1.3 %.From the comparison of conventional forces, the United States has 11 large nuclear -powered super carrier, while China has only two conventional power medium -sized aircraft carriers, which cannot be the same.

From the comparison of nuclear forces, there are at least 6,000 nuclear warheads in the United States, and thousands of unbounded nuclear warheads.The number of nuclear warheads in China is only zero in the United States, so China's nuclear weapons have limited threats to the United States, but the United States has the ability to destroy China.

More importantly, in order to maintain the Cold War, the United States and the Soviet Union signed a large number of bilateral and multilateral treaties. These institutional arrangements are also an important guarantee for the cold but not hot of the United States and the Soviet Union.China and the United States have not signed any military control treaty because China's strength is not equivalent to the United States.

In addition, if the United States wants to fight against the political and military alliances created by China, it will be quite limited, that is, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, the United Kingdom, Sweden, Vietnam, India and other countries may be a younger brother, and more other former Cold War AlliesMost of them can wait and see.

There are no territorial disputes between China and the United States, but the United States believes that China's territorial requirements threaten the national security of the United States; coupled with the conflict between China and the United States, there is no agent, which will cause China to use military means to maintain territorial security.Let China and the United States directly explode the unprepared military conflict.However, if China and the United States have started due to territorial issues, more other countries do not stand in this.In any case, the game between China and the United States may not be cold, and there is no Cold War.

The hybrid war has become a new model of global games.In short, the mixed war is to use a variety of hybrid conflict methods to launch a new type of war aimed at subverting opponents.The hybrid war is an aggressive war that uses all available resources, such as technology, funds, human resources, etc., such as technology, funds, human resources, etc.The country of aggression can be widely used by various means, and even the tactics and methods of terrorism. There is only one goal to obtain the greatest collaborative psychological effect.

The implementation of the hybrid war is more diversified. It has both aggressive countries with armed forces, non -military power, and private forces. According to unified planning, directly combat operations and secret operations.Together military strategies and actions, including the comprehensive use of diplomacy, information, military, science and technology, humanities, and economic means to destroy the stable long -term strategic goals and actions of opponents' countries, including trade war, financial war, currency war, scientific and technological warfarewait.

What's more worth mentioning is that there are many secretive military operations in the hybrid war, including supporting division, terrorists and political opposition forces, and even through armed riots to attack the opponent's national institutions or military.At the same time, in today, when the crown disease epidemic is raging, the potential biological warfare is also one of the expression forms of the mixed war and has to be guarded.

China is now in a mixed war in a quasi -polar world created by the United States.Unlike the Cold War, the mixed war is the aggression of one party on the other, and the United States is the other side of this alternative aggression.China has no ability to play another pole in the polar world, but it has been forcibly pushed to another opposite side by the United States.More countries have to choose to choose a border station, but they are mostly wait and see without standing.

After the US President Trump came to power, this hybrid war on China can be described as everything.On the one hand, the poor soldiers in the United States and forced allies to compete with China together; on the other hand, the United States suppressed China in various fields such as economics, technology, humanities, resources, energy, environmental protection, and international order.A humble means, creating a Hong Kong crisis, a crisis in Taiwan, etc., attempting to take shudder in the fire.Even more tragic is that the United States has even used national terrorism to suppress China and discredit China, and support terrorist forces to fight against China.This is not the words of deception, lying, and theft in Peng Peo's mouth.

In May 2020, the US government released a 16 -page U.S. strategy policy on China, which has prayed clearly these purposes.The United States is dangerous to see that splitting China is the end of the mixed war initiated by the United States.

In response to the mixed war launched by the United States, China must fight the United States.Third is not to engage in military reserve competitions, no choice stations, and not ideological.The third is to strengthen the core interests of national sovereignty, security and development, the hardships of firm and comprehensive development, and internationally widespread international cooperation with the goal of the community of human destiny.

Compared with the United States, China is still the weak, but he has to help the way.At present, the international community is only daring to be angry and not speaking.China must adhere to the long -term war strategy, but it must also do something. It is not possible to blindly the mouse. For example, in Hong Kong involving national security issues to formulate new laws, do not worry about strong interference outside the territory.He firmly believes that as long as you can persist and persist to the end, the power of China and the United States will inevitably have a reversal. At that time, it was the end of the United States to launch a hybrid war.

The tree is quiet and the wind is more than the wind.

(The author is Phoenix Satellite TV commentator, host)