Sing Tao Daily News

The National Congress (People's Congress and CPPCC meeting) will be closed today.The two shortest sessions in this history, in addition to the establishment of the National Security Law of the Port District, the other focus is the government work report issued by the Prime Minister Li Keqiang. It is rare to mention the growth goal of this year's GDP.At the time of the global epidemic, the Chinese economy still faces many uncertain factors, including the Guoan France of the Port Port District to exacerbate Sino -US conflict, forcibly setting the GDP goal is not significant.In the final analysis, it is necessary to stabilize enterprises, especially to save small and medium -sized enterprises, and the report has proposed a series of measures, which can be described as very arrangement.

Uncertainty Big target Self -binding hands and feet

It was impacted by the new crown pneumonia's epidemic, and the first quarter of the mainland GDP fell 6.8 % year -on -year, and the data in the second quarter was not optimistic.This year's GDP growth goals should be set or how to set it. On the eve of the two sessions, it became a hot topic, and the difference was quite large.Some believe that in order to realize the problem of six guarantees, especially to solve employment problems, there is no economic growth. You must set the GDP target to mobilize enthusiasm.Some claims are a little lower, so that the elasticity is left in various places.Some also clearly advocate that there is no GDP target, and replace it with relevant indicators such as fiscal expenditure, social financing, and employment.

The central government was officially filmed, and the specific goals of the annual economic growth were not proposed.Prime Minister Li Keqiang explained that it is mainly because the global epidemic and economic and trade situation uncertainty is great, and China's development faces some unpredictable influencing factors.In fact, although the mainland epidemic is basically controlled, many European and American countries are still in full swing, causing external demand to shrink sharply, and it will affect the stability of the supply chain.

Faced with the pressure of overseas input and domestic rebound, and the uncertainty of the global economy, including the National Security Law of the Port Area to Malaysia, the United States is bound to retaliate. It is not significant to force the design of a GDP target.The target is too high, and it may not be able to do it, and the discussion is criticized; the goal is too low, and it will trigger pessimism. Even water injection GDP, local government fraud, or random projects will cause overcapacity, and the later sufferings are endless.

Setting annual GDP is the characteristics of China, which helps to guide economic development from top to bottom, but there are many disadvantages, including the pursuit of short -term effects, ignoring public services, and resources and environment.In the past few months, even if the GDP target has not been set, it has not affected the recurrence and recovery of the mainland.It is a practical approach to do not establish a military order, which can face uncertainty more flexibly and calmly.There is no GDP command stick this year, and it can also let everyone observe where the Chinese economy goes, and how governments at all levels have carried out economic work.As the market economy system matures, in the long run, the mainland should also say goodbye to this practice.

Although there is no GDP target, it is not without targets.The government work report proposes that there are more than 9 million new employment in urban and town, and the urban unemployment rate is about 5 %.It is a wise move to keep employment overwhelming.The continued rise in unemployment rates will inevitably lead to social instability and even affect political security.

Only the people's livelihood to stabilize the small and medium -sized enterprises

Small and medium -sized enterprises have provided 70 % employment, which is the basic market for economy. Under the epidemic, it has the deepest injury, and even faces shock.To keep employment, it is necessary to stabilize enterprises, especially to save small and medium -sized enterprises.The report proposed a series of measures, including the addition of tax reduction and reduction of about 500 billion yuan, reducing the 5 % policy of industrial and commercial electricity prices to extend to the end of the year., Costs, funds, etc. are all in order to stay in the mountains.Only in this way can employment be guaranteed and people's livelihood can be relied on.

In order to hedge the downlink pressure caused by the epidemic and alleviate the contradiction between the fiscal revenue and expenditure, this year's fiscal deficit rate is planned to be arranged by more than 3.6 %, exceeding the level of 28 % last year.Compared with the US fiscal deficit, it will reach 14 %, which is not a strong stimulus.

On the whole, this is a pragmatic government work report. With the words of the mainland, there are many dry goods.The report is only 10,000 words, a half -length less than last year. Although it is in response to the epidemic, it can become a blueprint in the future.Since 10,000 words can be made clear, it is clear, why do you get 20,000 words? The speaker's mouth is dry, and the listener is dizzy?