Author: Ye Dehao

Faced with Benjamin Netanyahui, the threat of the Jewish settlement in the west bank of the Jordan River on July 1st, the Palestinian Autonomous Government Chairman Mahmoud Abbas on July 1st.On the 19th), it was announced to suspend the responsibilities of all the agreement with Israel and the United States, including the security cooperation with the Pakistani parties on the West Bank region to warn Neitanahu not to act lightly.

If the Palestinian autonomous government established by the Oslo Accords after 1993 is disbanded, or at least it will no longer assist the Israeli military to control the anti -activities of more than 2 million Barlstan people in the West Coast, Israel's governance cost will increase greatly.The district will also fall into an endless conflict.

Abbas cutting mats or facts

This has always been one of the hands that Abbas is against Israel.The problem is that he has repeatedly announced that he will stop cooperating with Israel, but in the end it has made everything reply normal.After all, due to the full surrounding area of the Palestinian authorities scattered by the Western Coast of Israel's military control, the Palestinian's transportation in its own region also cooperates with Israel; and the Palestinian Autonomous Government has more than half income from taxes collected by the Israeli authorities.If the two sides must be completely split, the price is extremely heavy for Pakistan.

Although officials from the Abbas authorities stated that this time was different, the outside world was still holding a wait -and -see attitude. The Israeli Left Media Land News (Haaretz) also quoted a number of anonymous Pakistan officials that the door had not yet closed.

Last Tuesday, a plane from the UAE's medical assistance supplies landed in Israel Tel Aviv Airport. It was intended to send the materials to the Palestinian authorities by Israel, but Pakistan refused to receive it.Political action of diplomatic ice breaking.By Friday (May 22), the residents of the West Coast expressed that the West Coastal residents had witnessed the withdrawal of Palestinian security personnel withdrawn from the West Bank B -region B under the jurisdiction of Israel.These signs seem to show that Abbas's cutting threat is more serious than in the past.

The international community talks against swallowing

In any case, Abbas's tough statement also won some international attention in the overwhelming news of the epidemic.The United Nations Middle East Peace Procedure Special Coordinator Nickolay Mladenov (May 20) warned Israel to abandon the threat of swallowing, and called on the Palestinian authorities on the other hand to regain the Palestinian authorities under the host of the United States, Russia, the European Union, and the United Nations.Restart negotiation.

On the other hand, European countries such as France and Germany also issued a joint statement, which strongly demanded that Israel should not violate international law and conduct any unilateral actions that swallowed the Palestinian territory.French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian said he was negotiating with many European countries and organized joint operations to stop swallowing.

However, when the United States and Israel announced at the end of January this year that the Middle East Peace Plan without Palestine's participation and allowing the Fang Fang to annex the West Coast base is generally. Although there are many opposition in the world, the sound has not brought action.Even Jordan, who stated the most tough and claimed to bring a large -scale conflict, did not dare to publicize it to cancel its threat to the peace contract signed with Israel in 1994.

Neitaniah himself said in 2018: The front of Israel and other Middle East countries was hard to imagine ten years ago, and I have never encountered this situation in my life, and my age is similar to that of Israel.From the above -mentioned UAE's an attempt to use rescue to establish diplomatic relations with Israel, it can be seen that the momentum two years ago has not changed.

Neitania's ingredients have no actual action

Fortunately, this does not mean that Neitanahu will definitely swallow the Palestinian territory of the west coast immediately and extend Israel's sovereignty to the local illegal Jewish settlement.

Under the conflict of the epidemic, Neitanahu has been able to maintain the post of Prime Minister after the three campaign failed. At present, the biggest challenge is to save the domestic economy and employment.Trial.At this time, some of the West Coast territory controlled by some Israeli in facts will only bring greater uncertainty to its prime minister's status, and even causing Benny Gantz, the rotation of his prime minister at the end of 2021 to replace his prime minister's position,Take the opportunity to launch court changes.Israeli Foreign Minister and Gabi Ashkenazi, a Citz, showed that it is a good opportunity to allow Israel to annex the Middle East Peace plan that annexes the West Coast territory, but Israel also has to actively act and cooperate with the United States.

In order to take care of the face of the Arab allies in the region, the United States has not dared to support Israel's annexation of the West Bank settlement.When US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo briefly visited Israel on May 13, there were officials from the State Council officials who swallowed the problem.Although Neitana himself claims that the annexed the West Bank base will be another glorious chapter in the history of Jiananism, he has not set a timetable for this, and he has not put an annexation problem above the administration.

According to the current situation, annexing the West Coast strongholds will continue to flow in Neitanahu's right -wing political propaganda.However, the isolated Palestinian seems to never be able to get rid of the doom in occupying the country indefinitely.