The central government promoted the establishment of the Hong Kong area to maintain the National Security Law. US Secretary of State Pompeo reported to Congress that "Hong Kong is not a high degree of autonomy", and it is unknown how to act in the next step of Washington.The vortex of the China -US struggle in Hong Kong, and the internal and external situations are more tense. Some people are worried that the status of Hong Kong's international financial center is not guaranteed.As an international financial center, Hong Kong does not work without the protection of the rule of law and the "two systems"; social turmoil and violence continues, and the relationship with the Mainland has been tight for a long time, which will also make capital discouragement.Hong Kong can become an international financial center, depending on the different factors of internal and external factors. It has objective conditions such as the reform and opening up of the Mainland, and involving subjective elements such as confidence.In recent years, the international situation has changed, China and the United States have moved from cooperation to confrontation, and there are various changes within Hong Kong. There are many factors that are unknown. At this moment, they cannot be chaotic.In addition to actual operations, Washington's "Hong Kong Card" to curb China also has psychological operations. Hong Kong must be prepared to deal with various storms, and at the same time, it is necessary to prevent self -destruction from hysterical fear.

The central government formulated the Guoan Law of the Port District, and Washington threatened sanctions. US President Trump said this week will take action; in Beijing, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs emphasizes that the national security legislation of the port area is purely Chinese internal affairs. China will take necessary countermeasures to respond to foreign countries to respond to foreign countriesput one's oar in.Since China's reform and opening up, Sino -US relations have been in a trough after the June 4th incident, but for decades, it has been on the track of cooperation. Hong Kong is a bridge between China and the United States and the Eastern and Western economic and trade.It is expected that in recent years, Sino -US relations have changed, and Hong Kong has suddenly become the "battlefield" of the Sino -US struggle. For Washington, Hong Kong's political utilization value is now more valuable than economic value.

Trump said last week that if Beijing promoted the National Security Law in Hong Kong, the United States would respond "very strong".Yesterday Bloomberg quoted sources in Washington and mentioned that the United States considers the sanctions on relevant Chinese officials and enterprises, including frozen assets and refusal visas.The entity list "countered American companies.The outside world is concerned about whether the Huafu will have a stronger sanctions.According to the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democratic Act passed last year, the US State Department must "certify" the Congress "certification" in Hong Kong every year to maintain a high degree of autonomy. Once the degree of autonomy in Hong Kong is "insufficient", it can impose sanctions on Hong Kong and mainland China. The most serious is to cancel Hong Kong and recognize Hong Kong.For the "separate customs zone", Hong Kong and the Mainland are considered in economic and trade, and they are no longer specially viewed.

In the past few days, the speeches of many officials in the White House seem to be interested in the issue of Hong Kong's "separate customs zone" and financial center status.For example, the National Security Consultant Obrain said that if Beijing uses the National Security Law to "take over Hong Kong in disguise", Secretary of State is likely to prove that Hong Kong has maintained a high degree of autonomy; the White House also stated that "if China takes over, it is difficult to see how Hong Kong is in Hong Kong.Maintain the status of the financial center. "Last night, Pompeo also stated that he had reported to Congress that "Hong Kong is not highly autonomous", and "no longer worth" continues to enjoy the same US legal treatment before the return, but it does not tell whether "no longer worth" will mean the beautiful side.There are real -time action.In Hong Kong, some people also talk about that if the United States cancels the status of the "Independent Trade Zone" in Hong Kong, it will even take various means to prevent Hong Kong from continuing to use the US dollar to support the joint exchange system. Hong Kong will be in trouble.

The status of Hong Kong's "separate tariff zone" has been recognized by the WTO, and it is not a unilateral statement of a certain country.The Hong Kong International Financial Center was impacted, and it also marked that Sino -US relations have been fully ruptured.In 1941, the United States was embarked on Japan's comprehensive oil, and the Pacific War broke out less than half a year. Similar history is not impossible to repeat it.

Of course, China and the United States have fallen into Xishid's trap. In the future, the relationship between the two countries is not the worst and worse, and the possibility of even war is difficult to eliminate it.Hong Kong, but for the White House, Hong Kong is a card that can be operated for a long time. Whether the Washington will use the "nuclear bomb -level" method as soon as it comes up, it is worth thinking about with Beijing's shop.Bao Runshi, a senior US diplomat and former Consul General in Hong Kong, believes that Huafu will have action, which does not rule out local areas with limited influence in export licenses, extradition, and even tourism.The differences in differential treatments should be pressured to Beijing and the Hong Kong Government, but I believe that Hong Kong will not fully recognize Hong Kong's unique position.

The Chinese and American struggles are hot, there are false tricks and real moves. Hong Kong is in a gaming vortex of the game.Scared to death first.The scale of foreign exchange reserves in Hong Kong reached more than 440 billion U.S. dollars, which is equivalent to more than twice the currency foundation. The bank's capital level is strong, the financial root is stable, and the continuous deepening of the Mainland is also a favorable factor for Hong Kong.Whether Hong Kong can maintain the status of international financial centers in the future depends on the maintenance of economic and trade cooperation with China and the West, and it depends on the maintenance of the "two systems" and the rule of law, and social peace and stability.

In recent years, the saying of "economic decoupling" in China and the United States has been very arrogant. It is a test for the Hong Kong Financial Center role.The epidemic, the first stage of the US -China trade agreement was "no longer important" to him, and Washington had no intention to tear the agreement.The situation in Hong Kong has changed sharply, and many people are worried about the national security law in the Hong Kong area. They are worried that the "two systems" and the rule of law will change. The social turbulence and violence will come back.This is the issue of confidence and trust. What is the development of the situation? Only time can it prove.However, for Washington, the relationship between Hong Kong society and the Mainland is tight, and the "Hong Kong card" has the opportunity to make a sound.Say no to Beijing.From the White House, it is also a means to crack down on China, and psychological warfare is also a means.(End)

Note: The above comments are only abstracts and do not represent Reuters.