01 Viewpoint

A century -old century -old epidemic made the international pattern shuffle rapidly. The world overlords in the world have been raging by the new crown virus epidemic for many months and endlessly.President Trump's leadership was unconcerned, frequently lost words, and with experts in the team and governors of the states, and also used WHO and other international organizations to surge. The international image was greatly damaged.A German polls show that 73rd Germans have a deterrent to the United States in the past year.In fact, since Trump took office in 2017, it has become further and more popular with traditional allies such as Germany and France. It has been tit -for -tat in the issue of NATO and trade. The world order led by the United States has long faced collapse.At the same time, China ’s diplomacy is becoming more and more active, especially during the epidemic.EU chief diplomat Josep Borrell earlier pointed out that the world order led by the United States has ended, the Asian century has arrived in advance, and Europe has faced the pressure to make choices between China and the United States.

Burrely believes that the European Union should establish a set of independent, comprehensive, and enterprising policies for China, with the interests and values of all 27 member states as the primary task to avoid falling into a tool for any party.In fact, the European Union had a little talked about the Beijing government before the epidemic. The European Union's total value of one billion euros of Chinese goods daily, but mainland China did not have equal European products.European companies have been unable to enter the Chinese market for many years, and the European government has also been vigilant about China's political route.Last year, the European Union described Beijing's competitors to promote the alternative governance model.Foreign Minister of Latvia also pointed out that in the past, it was for economic, trade, and Belt and Road Initiative. However, this era of optimism and romance has ended, and a more balanced policy will be adopted in the future.French President Macron even lobbyed the United States and Russia to resist China, and changed the attitude of Europe and Russia.

For European security, Russia is the number one enemy.Russia was involved in the Ukraine's pro -European Revolution in 2014 to swallow Crimea, and launched information in the Brexit referendum in 2016 to make British anti -Europe wins.Russian President Putin is also committed to supporting the right -wing suspicion of the European Minci party in Europe. Relative to Beijing, it only pays attention to the Chinese issue that affects its interests, but also tends to maintain the status quo of European Europe, and it is significantly lower than Russia's threats to Russia.Europe also does not expect to be completely opposed to Beijing, and puts himself as Trump to stand together to cheer the dilemma.However, since the outbreak of the epidemic, the overseas propaganda strategy adopted by the Beijing government has also caused the sideways of the European diplomatic community.The EU Department of Foreign Affairs has rebuked Beijing's ball -based fake information operations to shirk the responsibility of spreading the epidemic and improve its international image.If the Italian sings Chinese national anthem on the streets of Rome thanked Chinese movies, it is confirmed to be forged.

A hundred years of unscrupulous changes

Beijing's war wolf diplomacy has caused a lot of controversy in the European diplomatic community. Although German polls have a worse impression of Germans in the United States, more than seven percent thinks that if China ’s treatment of the epidemic is more transparent, it will not cause it will not cause it will not lead to it.Thirty -six % of the world's impression of the world is very popular, and there are also 30 % of the impression of China.A poll in France also shows that only 12%of the French believe that China is most capable of dealing with challenges in the next ten years.Even Chinese scholars Lan Xin also believed that Beijing deliberately wanted to pull Europe to play the United States, which made the European Union wary.The European Union tried to avoid falling into Trump's new cold war pattern, while also fighting against the increasing influence of Beijing in Europe.French Treasury Secretary Bruno Le Maire said that it is necessary to strengthen sovereignty on the strategic industry chain of automobiles, aviation, and medicine, also said that it is necessary to prevent some fragile European companies and technology from falling into the hands of foreign competitors.By prohibiting foreign pharmaceutical companies from acquiring local pharmaceutical companies, it is obviously targeted at China and the United States.

The world has not changed in a century, and the international order is being reshaped. The U.S. hegemony is under the sun and the rise of China's rise, indicating that these two major powers will have a dragon fight.The New Cold War has been hazy under the global epidemic, and it is difficult for countries around the world to be alone.After Brexit, it was re -positioned on the international stage. Recently, a joint statement issued with Hong Kong with Canada and Australia was enough to glimpse its diplomatic routes to rely on the Commonwealth countries.As a traditional American allies, Japan is also a neighbor of China and faces similar choices to the EU.As the third largest economy between China and the United States, it is not difficult for the European Union to predict the role that cannot be ignored.Whether it can obtain the balance between the gap between China and the United States will test the sound of the EU system itself, the belief in its own value, and the unity among member states.