Screenshot of Gao Zhikai's interview video of CNBC

American Consumer News and Business Channel reported on May 26 that Gao Zhikai, deputy director of China and Globalization Think Tank (CCG), said in an interview that in the face of pressure on the United States, China will continue to defend its national sovereignty and territorial integrity.Don't imagine that China will yield under the pressure of the United States.

Gao Zhikai pointed out in the Capital Connection program in Capital Connection: I must first emphasize, no matter how nervous the relationship (China) has, no matter what pressure the United States will exert, China in principle and sovereignty issuesNo concessions.Therefore, even if you use lsquo; the worst disaster in the world will come to rsquo; China will not live up to its responsibility for defending national sovereignty and territorial integrity, of course, including basic sovereignty in Hong Kong.

I hope the United States can calm down.Hong Kong is not part of the United States, and Hong Kong is not an independent country for separation.Gao Zhikai pointed out that China and the United States can solve many problems through friendly dialogue, but if the United States thinks only to put pressure on China, the Chinese and Chinese people will resist the United States more firmly and any pressure.

In my opinion, some people in the United States need to be awake and face reality. They should no longer be immersed in fantasy, thinking that as long as they continue to pressure, China will yield.China will not be crushed by pressure.

Gao Zhikai emphasized: China and the United States need to respect each other and equal dialogue, instead of imposing their will to the other side.

It is reported that Gao Zhikai's comment directly pointed out that the United States has recently made a finger to the National People's Congress to establish the National Security Law of the Port Area.

On May 24, local time, Robert Obrien, USA, said on the US media program that if China approves the legislation of the National Security Law of the Hong Kong District, the United States will impose sanctions on China.He also claims that the legislation may cause Hong Kong to lose its global financial center status.

The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government responded to the statement of foreign politicians on the statement of national security legislation, saying that the criticism and opinions of most politicians and political commentators were just alarming speculation and irony.System.Hong Kong must never be a base for subverting activities or intention to destroy the stable national organization.

Foreign Ministry spokesman Hua Chunying questioned the act of American politicians on Twitter on the 26th: How many laws do the United States have about national security?If the United States can legislate almost everything in the name of national security, why can't China formulate a national security law to prevent Hong Kong independence activities and other radical divisions in its own territory?

As for Hong Kong's urban status, Gabriel Wildau, Senior Vice President Gabriel Wildau, Senior Vice President of Global Risk Consulting Company, said that the implementation of the National Security Law of the Hong Kong District has a very limited impact on large companies.Advantage.

Even if the bill is promulgated, as an important commercial and financial hub, Hong Kong is still likely to maintain its significant advantages in the Asia -Pacific region in the Asia -Pacific region over the past few decades compared to its competitors, such as Singapore.Verdao said in an interview on the 26th.