
Yang Danxu

On the day of the opening ceremony of the National People's Congress of China, there will always be reporters in line in Tiananmen Square to enter the venue in the early morning to strive for the first led government work report.

Some media invented the method of relay reporting reports. After the first few reporters received the report, they quickly threw the report to the colleagues behind, so that the team members got the report as soon as possible.The reports of the media in various ways are actually in order to start the first year of the Chinese economy MDASH; MDash; what is the expected goal of GDP (GDP)?

Because of the epidemic, all the documents of the two sessions were published in the electronic version this year, and the hot scene of grabbing the report was gone. In this year's government work report, the expected goal of GDP growth is gone.

It is very rare to do not set the GDP growth goal.China has long been unusual obsession with GDP. Since its reform and opening up, officials have not set up growth targets from 2001 to 2002.In the past 10 years, China's economic growth has gradually slowed down, and every next step of GDP growth has attracted great attention.Now that even setting goals have given up, some public opinion has interpreted, and the official obviously has no confidence in the Chinese economic recovery.

However, there is no unexpected GDP target this year. After all, the epidemic has spread globally, and the prospects of the economy of various countries are not easy to say.Before the two associations were held, some Chinese economists had proposed that the situation at home and abroad was too large, and the target was too high to do it.Set target.After the government work report was released, some experts also suggested that the official follow the trend, and do not formulate GDP targets in the future.

Therefore, does not set the GDP goal that represents China no longer confident in the development of the economy, or does China be more clear about the road of economic development in the future?

China is one of the few economies in the world that sets targets for GDP growth rates each year. Among them, the planned economy is branded and China ’s top -down institutional operation logic.From the national level, set a specific goal for the annual economic work, and the layers of decomposition to the local area have become a specific task to reach all levels.This hard indicator is very intuitive, the growth is fast or slow, is it clear at the end of the year.This has also led to long -term GDP is an important indicator of China's official evaluation officials, and it is also an important basis for the promotion of officials.

Excessive emphasis on GDP has brought many sequelae to the Chinese economy.In some places, in order to drive growth to vigorously develop land finances, the housing prices of people's livelihood are rising steadily; in some places to increase infrastructure in order to increase their infrastructure and accumulate huge debt risks.In the years when China GDP had the most pressure on Baoba, some officials had a close -up kiss and approval document after receiving the infrastructure project, setting the classic kiss growth picture.

What is even more ridiculous is that only GDP theory has caused a lot of strange phenomena.In order to get a better ranking in the GDP Championship, some local officials do not hesitate to push the digital water, which leads to the sum of GDP in various provinces and cities across the country.The more ghost provinces, sometimes the size of the economic provinces such as Guangdong and Zhejiang.As a result, Chinese society has also spread a smooth say: inadequate achievements, numbers come together, officials have numbers, and numbers are out of officials.

China has abandoned the establishment of GDP targets this time, with special reasons for the epidemic environment.Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang explained in the report that it is mainly due to the uncertainty of the global epidemic and economic and trade situation, and China's development faces some unpredictable influencing factors.

The difficulty setting of GDP targets is on the one hand. For Chinese officials, adopting a more Buddha -based attitude in GDP numbers is actually unloading the burden.This can not only avoid other major policy goals such as macro policies being abducted by numbers, affecting the prevention and resolution of risks, but also allowing local officials to make more energy to improve the people's body and well -being after the epidemic, instead of trying to draw projects and rush numbers.

In the report, Li Keqiang pointed out that doing so is conducive to guiding all aspects of concentrated energy to grasp the six stability (stabilizing employment, stabilizing finance, stabilizing foreign trade, stabilizing foreign investment, stable investment, stable expectations) and Liubao, To protect the market subject, the safety of food and energy, the supply chain of the industrial chain is stable, and the operation of the insured layer).

In the long run, it is not a bad thing to fade GDP.After the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposed that the Chinese economy has shifted from a high -speed growth stage to the stage of high -quality development, the concept of high -quality development has been continuously emphasized.However, under the tight curse of GDP, the habitual thinking that pays attention to economic scale and speed still exists.Remove the baggage and look at the GDP data more peacefully, but can make China's development draw from abstract numbers, fall into the people's rice bowl, housing, employment, as well as breathing air, education and enjoyment of medical services, etc.More specific.

I talked with my colleagues about this earlier title, and my colleagues joked and asked: Is this LSquo; Buddha rsquo; Is it criticized or praised?This depends on the perspective and mentality. You must know that the Buddhist department is a very trendy attitude of life now. If you can only understand the word Buddhism from a negative perspective, it may indicate that you are old.