Wang Wei Wen Report

The China -India border broke out earlier this month. The soldiers of the two countries were fighting. Indian media said that the two countries had increased their troops thousands of troops.The negotiations between the China -India border disputes have previously fallen into a deadlock, and the two countries have also started confrontation in many disputed areas. Public opinion is concerned that serious geopolitical conflicts may explode.

The Indian Times quoted the military personnel the day before yesterday that China has deployed 2000 to 2,500 soldiers in Ban Gong Lake and the Lake Lake and Laomana, and strengthened temporary infrastructure. India has also strengthened military deployment in these two regions.It is reported that this may be upgraded to the worst military confrontation between the two sides since the Donglang incident in 2017.

The Indian Times followed up yesterday that the sources said that the Chinese army had at least 5,000 soldiers participating in the exercise in the Radaka region to transfer the actual control line of the border.This move protest against India's road repair on the north bank of Ban Gongwa Lake and the Lawan River.

Indian news magazines also quoted sources the day before yesterday that the Sino -Indian military had a five -round talks in order to solve the confrontation between Lataq. The last time was May 24, but there was no breakthrough progress.

The Indian Times quoted a source yesterday that the decision of how to resolve the situation must now come from a higher level, or through non -structural negotiations, or through the existing bilateral mechanism between China and India.

On May 5th, it was reported that about 250 soldiers in China and Indo were confronted on the shore of Ban Gongwa Lake, causing more than 100 people to be injured, and the situation in the eastern Ladaka worsened.Four days later, similar incidents occurred in Beijiu region.

Zhang Jiadong, director of the South Asian Research Center of Fudan University, was analyzed during an interview with Lianhe Morning Post yesterday. The recent intensification of China -India border confrontation may be related to India's judgment of the current situation.

When China is facing a complex diplomatic environment, some individuals in India may think that this is pressure on China, forcing China to concession in the border dispute and gain a little benefit.

US Assistant Secretary of State Alice Wells supported India on May 20, saying that China continued to expand in the Sino -Indian border, as its expansion in the South China Sea, reminiscent of China's threats and encouraging India to resist China.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian responded the next day, criticizing Wells, saying that he was nonsense, and said that Sino -Indian was negotiating through diplomatic channels.He also urged India not to unilaterally take any move to the border situation to complicate the situation to maintain peace in the border areas of the two countries.

Whether India uses the border confrontation to transfer the pressure of public opinion in domestic epidemic, Zhang Jiadong believes that this possibility is very low. The reason is that large -scale troops have new risks at this time, which may lead to large -scale cross -transmission of soldiers.

China -India officials have not yet officially said the recent border confrontation.Li Mingjiang, an associate professor of the Nanyang University of Science and Technology, Singapore Nanyang Institute of Technology, said in an interview that this highlights that the two countries are trying to cool down, and the increase of troops to show their posture.Essence

Zhang Jiadong and Li Mingjiang believe that the border between China and India has formed a mature interactive model mechanism for the border control and conflict friction for decades. It is believed that it will help resolve the crisis of this round. The situation will not be out of control.