Author: Zheng Yiwen

To this day, the epidemic in the new coronal virus pneumonia (COVID-19) gives China Europe the opportunity to think about the advantages and disadvantages of the Western European model again.Since March, the epidemic has spread rapidly in European countries. Old EU countries such as Spain, Italy, France, Germany and other EU have become the hardest hit areas, and the official number of diagnostics announced far exceeds China.On the contrary, in the Central and Eastern European regions, due to the relatively few entry tourists and the early period of timely prevention measures, the number of confirmed cases in most countries remains at thousands of levels.

Seeing that European and American powers are busy because of the epidemic, the world is also reflecting on why the Western democratic government has failed to effectively control the spread of virus and explore issues such as market chemical medical care, centralized planning and local autonomy.On the other hand, Fengguan's self -rescue seems to be the only option under the epidemic, although it runs counter to the principles of non -boundization and population freedom flow that has been adhered to in the European Union for decades.

For the four countries of the Central European -Evagrad Group, which has less than 20 years, this reflection may be pushing them away from Western European governance models.The Hungarian Legislative Council passed the bill at the end of March to announce the expansion of the administrative authority of the Prime Minister VIKTOR ORBAN, including maintaining the state emergency state indefinitely, bypassing Congress to promulgate laws, imprisonment and spreading outbreaks.Caused violent attack.

Even though the medical resources and economic strength are difficult to compare with the western European powers, the four Central European countries have achieved ideal results in this epidemic prevention and control, including early sealing and blocking viruses to spread in China.Measures such as party gatherings are prohibited.As the European epidemic slows down, the four countries have relaxed the restrictions one after another, which can be regarded as victory in the first wave of epidemic.

No longer looking forward to the Western governance model?

The four Central EU and the European Union did not start to go away under the epidemic.Bulgarian political scholar Ivan Krastev and American legal professor Stephen Holmes believe that as early as 2008, after the financial tsunami in 2008, the reputation of liberalism in the Central and Eastern European regions plummeted, and the Casino Capitalism (metaphorical speculation and high risk of capitalism)Suspiece and dislikes were buried; in 2015, the refugee crisis broke out in Europe, and the four Central European countries refused to accept the EU's proposal and the member states to receive refugees in proportion to further expand the cracks.

Over the past ten years, the entire Europe has witnessed the growth of populist forces, and China Europe is especially.Today, the Polish and Hungarian government are considered extremely right -wing; Slovakia is governed by the coalition government in the middle of the position; Milos Zeman, President of the Czech Republic, even has no concealment of its anti -immigrant position and taking the pro -Russian Central route, but the capital Prague PragueThe Mayor ZDenek HRIB announced that he had terminated the relationship with Beijing's sister city and changed his alliance with Taipei, which made Zeman, the pro -China faction.

Paradoxically, unlike the ruling party of suspicion of Europe, the Chinese and European people still have a good opinion of the European Union, especially recognizing that joining the EU for its economic development.A survey of Pew Research Center in 2019 found that 84%of the Polish attitude towards the European Union (Favarable), followed by Slovakia (70%), Hungary (67%), Czech Republic (52%)To.

However, there are obvious differences between generations of interviewees, and young people are more inclined to support the European Union. Whether it is also an important factor in supporting the right -wing parties in the country. The right of the right is generally not satisfied with the EU.The survey also shows that when the people of China and Europe are looking forward to the future, they are the most pessimistic about narrowing the gap between the rich and the poor. The second is the possibility of the political system operation method and the possibility of obtaining high salaries, reflecting the true feelings of ordinary people in the current social system and living environment.

Why does the Western European model fall into the altar?

Looking back at history, Central and EU countries were included in the Soviet Union during the Cold War, but the red regime supported by the Soviet Union was challenged in this land: the Hungarian Revolution in 1956, the spring of Brag in 1968, the 1970s of the 1970sPoland ’s strikes and Czechoslovakia's velvet revolution in 1989 all showed its desire for democratization.Because of this, these countries have emerged in a large number of anti -communist politicians and social activists after the disintegration of the Soviet Union. A group of new governments quickly build a framework of the free democratic system with imitate the West as the banner.

After the end of the Cold War, a total of about 20,000 new laws and regulations were launched in the former Communist countries, which covered the democratic government, the market economy, the freedom of press, the rule of law, etc. as the condition for entering the EU.However, in actual operation, this system is dissatisfied with the water and water in China and Europe, which gradually realizes that it is not possible to imitate the Western European model once and for all.

The European Foreign Policy Analysis Agency Carnegie EUROPE visiting scholar Stefan Lehne pointed out that Central and Eastern European countries are facing challenges such as weak judicial institutions and rampant corruption. The weak governance capacity of these regimes has historical origins.He believes that the Central and Eastern European Empires with a loose structure in the long years have almost no strong and powerful national institutions; the heritage of the Communist regime has also hindered the establishment of Western democratic systems, such as the atmosphere of Renren and a belt relationship.

After getting rid of the thirty years of the Soviet Union, the politics and values of the four Central European countries are still not democratic by the Western European countries, and they are often regarded as unstable factors among the EU.Martin Ehl, the Czech Economic Daily (Hospodaacute ;? Skeacute; Noviny) column writer and analyst, believes that Central and Eastern European countries only theoretically meet the institutional conditions of becoming a member of the EU, and Western Europe will be regarded as the only role model to understand the new member states.History, society, and culture did not show much interest.

The weakness of institutional weaknesses and the cultural gap between Western Europe has disappointed Central European voters.

Economic take -off hard to hide social trauma

It is undeniable that the Western democracy and the European Union help Central and Europe have embarked on the road of prosperity.After a short period of pain in the early 1990s, countries in the region ushered in the economy. From 1990 to 2018, the GDP of Poland and Slovakia increased by more than 7 times.3.4 times.However, at the same time, a new social problem has quietly emerged MDash; the population flows to Western Europe on a large scale, which is particularly serious in Poland.

As of 2019, more than 2.6 million Polish people lived in other European countries, accounting for 6.8%of the total population, of which nearly 30%were college graduates; the employment rate of overseas Polish was 14.6 percentage points higher than domestic.The country launched a new law in July last year, with an income under 26 years old and less than about 85,000 Polishizeli (about 160,000 Hong Kong dollars).(Population outflow) You must end, and young people must stay in Poland.Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said at the time.

After the Central European countries entered Europe, young people were able to go to Western Europe to pursue higher salary and more opportunities.This undoubtedly broaden the possibility of personal pursuing a better life, but has caused the lack of domestic labor and talents, and increasingly restricts economic and social development.The flow of young people has also exacerbated the aging population, and the overall trend of voters tends to be conservative, objectively creating conditions for the right -wing populist party.Now that the new crown pneumonia epidemic, the outside world is generally concerned that China -Europe countries will be unable to deal with the outbreak. Because a large number of doctors and nurses have gone to business in Western Europe, the domestic medical system is overwhelmed at any time.

Bulgarian political scholar Ivan Krastev said.In his opinion, the deterioration of democratic systems in Central and Europe must consider psychological factors.

Another example may be the sense of social fairness in the Central and European people.According to the data of World Bank in 2015, the coefficients of the three Central European countries are within 0.2 to 0.35, which is low in the world, which means that society is relatively equal.However, the general public of the four countries feels quite pessimistic about the gap between the rich and the poor. For example, a survey in 2009 showed that more than 70 % of the Hungarians calledThe gap is too large.

El? Bieta Korolczuk, a sociologist in Warsaw, Polish, believes that the people of the Central and Eastern European people are tired of liberalism, but their evil twins mdash; new liberalism, which is economically advocated to minimize government intervention, has led to the deterioration of the labor environment and the lack of social welfare systems.wait.

The four Central European countries have been ruled by the Communist regime, which pursue a blessingist, and hurriedly transitioned to the Western European model in just a few years, or made the people particularly sensitive to the defects of the Western democratic system, and enlarged social unfairness in their perception.For hundreds of years, the Central and EU countries have been vulnerable to the Lord.

Beyond things, rebuild identity

In the 1970s, Kunderla was forced to exile overseas due to participation in the Anti -Soviet Communist Movement. In his opinion, the geographical European Europe has always been divided into two parts of the development of the two, one is closely linked to the ancient Rome and Catholicism.The other moves closer to the ancient Greek Byzantine and Orthodox Church.After 1945, this boundary was newly distinguished by hundreds of kilometers from east to west.Kundera described: countries that always think that they are lsquo; western rsquo; after waking up, they suddenly found that it became lsquo; East RSquo;.

There are British, French, and Germany in the west, and Russia in the east. The China -Europe experienced between the great powers has experienced different values to tear, and gradually forms a set of atypical social concepts.For example, its grassroots intellectuals and workers have resisted the erosion of the Soviet Communist Party during the Cold War and demonstrated their recognition of western values such as democracy and freedom. After the disintegration of the Soviet Union, they finally returned to the Western system, but these countries continued to deal with the EU in immigration and refugee issues.

Compared with Western Europe, Central and Eastern European countries have a more negative attitude towards race and religion, which is largely due to different historical experience.LEHNE explained that Central and Eastern Europe was originally the most diverse region in continental Europe, but since the 19th century, the deportation and massacre of specific races, regions, and religious groups have occurred many times.Relatively single.After the end of World War II, the four Central European countries established a communist regime, and the population was very small as the outside world. In the same period, Western Europe poured into hundreds of thousands of immigrants, and the population structure was increasingly diverse.

If you want to deepen the layer, maybe the east and west debates itself are just a kind of prejudice, that is, he still tries to put Central Europe into the framework of the politics of the great power.From the constant and divided empires in modern history to the shadow of the Soviet Union, the independence of Central and European countries as a nation -state has been inhibited for a long time.This may also explain why most voters are now eager for political stability and emphasize local interests and national identity.

U.S. reporter Richard C. Longworth, an American journalist in European news, once sighed: Central Europe is where the empire collision and the beginning of the war have started a buffer zone, the wardrobe hellip; hellip;Too much blood.