Author Shen Yan

According to the usual practice, the two Chinese sessions held in March each year were postponed to May 22 due to the epidemic.The media can sleep well this year.

However, on the day of the opening ceremony, when the reporters quickly refreshed the official website of the two sessions, when the official work report was read, the title was a government work report, but the report of the Development and Reform Commission was obviously unexpected.This is a great test for the two -session organizers and reporters, which are dominated by the Internet this year.

Although this year, due to the impact of the epidemic, the Internet participation and the two sessions are not allowing media journalists to have a strong sense of scene. The shortened meeting period and streamlined schedule are more in line with the actual needs of the epidemic.But compared to the two sessions in the past, this year seems to be more.

Whether it is not mentioning the clear economic growth goal in the government work report, the market is unexpected and unexpected, or the Chinese generals arranged in the meeting agenda to consider the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress for reviewing and reviewing the National People's Congress.The proposal (draft) of the legal system and implementation mechanism of the Special Administrative Region to maintain the national security, as well as a series of subsequent storms, and the emergence of the two conferences in China this year is not calm.

On the one hand, the domestic epidemic prevention and control is normalized, and the downward pressure of the economy will not decrease. China must not spare no effort to achieve the sixth guarantee and six stability, and put forward higher requirements for macro -control in unconventional conditions.How can policies cooperate more effectively and allow many measures to benefit the people and stable enterprises in the government work report?

Mr. Lu, who runs a supermarket in Beijing, was a store at the end of last year, ready to open another supermarket, but the unpleasant epidemic plan made his new supermarket opening plan.The two sessions in the convening also made him care about what was really affordable.

When talking about when the new supermarket opened and whether to enjoy the policy such as policy reduction and exemption, Mr. Lu said helplessly, why did you feel that the government cares about enterprises and has issued a lot of policies when watching the news webcast, but we are in actual operations.Can't feel it?

Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang said in a 2020 government work report that ensuring employment and people's livelihood must stabilize hundreds of millions of market entities and try to help enterprises, especially small and medium -sized enterprises, and individual industrial and commercial households through difficult levels.Increase tax reduction and fees.Strengthen phased policies, combine with institutional arrangements, put fish and fish, and help market players' relief development.Continue to implement the system and other systems such as value -added tax rates and corporate endowment insurance rates this year.

Under the waves of economic and public opinion brought about by the epidemic, the Chinese conference held on Friday was undoubtedly the focus of global attention.Faced with the reality of internal and foreign dilemma and economic downward pressure, China has first abandoned the quantitative goal of setting annual GDP growth for the first time, and highlights the bottom line of policies to focus on the sixth guarantee.

The two sessions (CPPCC and People's Congress), which were originally scheduled to be held on March 3 and 5 of this year, delayed the epidemic.The third session of the 13th National People's Congress will end on Thursday (28th); the Thirteenth Session of the 13th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference will be held on the 21st, and on Wednesday (27th), it will be closed on the afternoon of Wednesday (27th).

Hong Kong legislative issues exacerbate Sino -US tension, financial market turmoil

In the past, the focus of the two sessions was to discuss the domestic economic and social development of China. This year, the decision (draft) of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region to maintain the national security region to maintain the national security of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region this year has led to the continuous political hustle and bustle of the outside world during the two sessions.

The Hong Kong version of the National Security Law legislative bill has triggered the mutual mutual mutual of China and the United States. The relationship between the two countries has further deteriorated after the epidemic, and the global financial market has also been turbulent.

The RMB against the US dollar CNY = CFXS closed at a closing of more than eight and a half months last Friday. The Hong Kong stock market .hsi also fell 5.5%on Friday, and today fell by about 1.4%.Most of the AFC dollars fell on Monday, and Asian stocks were also accumulated by Sino -US tensions.

The National People's Congress will conduct a decision on the legal system and implementation mechanism of the Hong Kong Edition National People's Congress on the Hong Kong Edition National People's Congress on Thursday (28th) on the establishment and improvement of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region to maintain national security.(27th) The second reading debate was restored to the draft of the National Anthem Law.

Hong Kong reproduced the demonstration of the demonstration on Sunday. The police dispatched water cannon vehicles and tear smoke to disperse. It was the first time that the new crown virus epidemic broke out in four months, mainly due to the controversy caused by the Hong Kong version of the national security legislation.Hong Kong police said that more than 100 people were arrested, and most of them were suspected of illegal assembly.

US President Trump warned that Washington would make a very strong response.The U.S. State Department also warned China that highly autonomy and respect for human rights is the key to continuing to enjoy a special status in Hong Kong in US law, which helps Hong Kong to continue to become an international financial center.

US National Security Consultant Robert Obrien said on Sunday that the Hong Kong national security legislation proposed by China may lead to US sanctions and threaten Hong Kong's financial center status.High degree of autonomy, if so, will impose sanctions on Hong Kong and China.

Chinese State Councilor and Minister of Foreign Affairs Wang Yi said on Sunday that Hong Kong affairs are Chinese internal affairs and cannot be allowed to interfere.It is imperative to establish and improve the legal system and implementation mechanism of Hong Kong to maintain national security, which is imperative.The legislative procedure will be launched after the resolution is approved, which will make Hong Kong have a more complete legal system, and it will also help maintain the status of Hong Kong's finance, trade and shipping centers.

Source: Reuters