Source: Taiwan Economic Daily

The United States Guoqing Pompeo congratulated Cai Yingwen, who was re -appointed as the president of Taiwan, and mentioned the initiative to start constitutional amendments in the inaugural speech.

Tsai Ing -wen said that there were three major concerns on both sides of the strait.First of all, in addition to reiterating eight -character motto in peace, peering, democracy, and dialogue, she also emphasized that she would not accept Beijing to dwarf Taiwan in one country, two systems.

Secondly, it reiterates that the constitution of the Republic of China and the regulations of the People's Relations of the Republic of China to handle cross -strait affairs, and at the same time shouts to the leaders of the other side (not called China).

Third, four years ago, I mentioned the historical facts of the cross -strait talks in 1992, and commonly cognitive with the same existence of the same deposit. This time, she did not mention it, which means that she does not want to be stained with the 1992 consensus.

However, there are two major factors that really touch Beijing's sensitive nerves.In one, it refers to the Cai Yingwen's proposal to the constitutional amendment. Beijing pays attention to whether the future constitutional amendment involves national positioning and the amendment of the inherent territory, and whether it will step on the red line of the legal Taiwan independence.Especially recently, the British Green Committee Cai Yiyu proposed to delete the unity. Although it was finally blocked by the DPP himself, Tsai Ing -wen immediately promoted the Constitutional Repairing Committee, which naturally caused Beijing's side.

As for the first one, the relationship between Taiwan and the United States is approaching.On the eve of 520, Pompeo Congratulations, saying that Tsai Ing -wen was the president of Taiwan, and immediately detonated Beijing's anger.relation.

The opposition of the people is of course one of the main causes of cross -strait relations. However, the deterioration of US -China relations and the qualitative changes in the three sides of the United States, China and Taiwan, have also profoundly rising the situation of the Taiwan Strait.From the US -China trade war since the previous year, to the new crown pneumonia epidemic that broke out at the end of last year, US -China relations are getting worse and worse. At the same time, Taiwan -US relations have heated up, naturally Beijing and US relations have greatly vigilant and countermeasures.

Zhou Zhihuai, director of the former Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, also said that in the next four years, Tsai Ing -wen cooperated with the United States to play Taiwanese cards to increase the risk of improving the substantial relationship between Taiwan and the United States and expanding the visibility of Taiwan independence significantly.Whether Tsai Ing -wen will use the support of the United States to crack down on an international framework of China and go further on the issue of Taiwan independence, and Beijing always keeps vigilant.

The ride on both sides of the strait is not frozen for three feet, which is by no means a lecture.Beijing often listens to its words and observes its behavior. Now there is no mutual trust between the people, even serious suspicion, sharp and opposing. If Beijing is still willing to wait for Tsai Ing -wen to make up the so -called unfinished answer sheet four years ago. After yesterday,I am afraid that Beijing has completely received the scrolls. The cross -strait deadlock is cold, which is likely to slip to the thermal confrontation on the edge of the conflict. The haze of the Taiwan Strait crisis is reproduced.