U.S. President Trump issued a strict statement on the 18th, asking the World Health Organization to make significant improvements within 30 days to investigate whether China concealed the epidemic, otherwise it will withdraw from the WHO and stop funding.However, China, Russia, and the European Union jointly passed the EU version to confirm the control of the epidemic before investigating, emphasizing that at this moment, focus should be focused on resistance and support for vulnerable countries.The New York Times pointed out that the result showed that the United States was obviously isolated.

The World Health Congress (WHA) closed on the 19th. The member states had no objection to adopted the European EU proposal. They promised that they were backward in the epidemic and conducted a comprehensive assessment of WHO.New Year said that although countries acknowledged that WHO needed to review, they supported WHO when the epidemic was extended, and collectively ignored Trump's opinions.

Ma Weiyanke, Speaker of the House of House of Representatives in Russia, said that Russia supports WTO, and there is no need to hold fake trials or any investigations to destroy the useful things that humans have accumulated for decades.

Batun Lickeson, a spokesman for the Foreign Security Policy of the EU Foreign Affairs Department of Foreign Affairs, said: At this moment, unity should be united, not to blame or destroy multilateral cooperation at this moment.The EU's efforts to support WHO control and alleviate the new lung epidemic have also provided additional aid to these actions.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian said on the 20th: Some countries demanded virus traceability as a priority in the consultation, but most countries believe that the current focus is on the prevention and control of the epidemic.Word.This shows that there will be no market at all.

Experts pointed out that although Trump threatened to withdraw from the WHO and permanently stop funding, both of them were not as expected, and the United States must be approved by the United States.In addition, it is still a serious epidemic. Many poor countries rely on WTO to provide assistance. Trump is not appropriate at this time.

Gaussian, Director of the Institute of Health Law of the Georgetown University, said: Just when the world stands together and strives to overcome the public health crisis that has not been seen before, the Trump administration is disturbed and after global hygieneThe behavior of the legs will cause more people's losses.

The White House still issued a statement claiming to win, saying that the decision by WHO is equivalent to authorizing investigating the origin of the virus that Trump's concern.However, New Year pointed out that the resolution passed by WHA was not condemned the world as if it was a statement issued by Trump.

At the beginning of the global outbreak, Trump praised China's epidemic prevention performance many times, but the U.S. epidemic deteriorated rapidly, and Trump changed his attitude to attack China.New Year said that Trump is facing personal politics and national public health crisis. The number of new crown pneumonia and the number of deaths in the United States are the highest in the world. The epidemic affects whether he can be re -elected in the November presidential election.Trump attacks the WHO and China, intending to shirk the responsibility of slow epidemic prevention and economic weakness, and give it to the loyal voters.