The coronary virus epidemic spreads in the world, and China's foreign policy has changed.In foreign propaganda, the banner of unity and cooperation is obviously supported by supporting assistance to the anti -epidemic. However, at the time of the total attention of various countries, China intends to take the opportunity to make the status quo through some unsolved incidents.

One of them is to provide infrastructure to countries along the Belt and Road.With the spread of the crown disease epidemic, China also continued to launch a communication satellite Beidou regularly to expand the provision of international public infrastructure.In addition, on the territorial issues of the East China Sea and the South China Sea, especially in the South China Sea, a new administrative district has been set up, which has produced new friction with neighboring countries.

However, the biggest change around China's international environment is centered on developed countries. They have further deteriorated in China's impression, especially the further deterioration of US -China relations.

In short, in the past, the United States criticized China. China was constrained while constantly striving for the formation of the goal of forming a new type of great power, but this state has changed.Taking Trump's critical upgrade of China as an opportunity, China has also began to blatantly criticize the United States, and US -China relations are in a state of extremely bad state.This can be understood as China so far, under the framework of new international relations, a major change in dealing with US relations policies.

Of course, led by Trump's Twitter, he has been criticizing China on various occasions since various occasions. However, China has always insisted on not changing the basic posture of building new international relations and maintaining a refutation attitude towards factual relationships.By early 2020, this situation has not changed.

However, by the end of March to early April 2020, the Chinese argument has changed.Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian said in mid -March, saying on his Twitter that the virus may be scattered by the U.S. military in China, causing a huge response.On the contrary, there are reports that Cui Tiankai, the ambassador to the United States in late March, refute Zhao Lijian's view.In early April, Zhao Lijian actually withdrew the above speech.

However, this also highlights the differences in the internal opinion of China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs.By mid -late April, the stimulus of Trump and others on China, China ’s refutation of American remarks has gradually upgraded.In late April, the reference news reported that Fu Ying's speech was considered to be clearly stated that China ’s understanding of the United States now.

Fu Ying believes that, compared with decoupling and confrontation, another prospect of Sino -US relations is competition, that is, limited and controllable competition with each other, and at the same time cooperate in many fields.She said: We need to go beyond traditional thinking and strive to get out of a new road of peaceful development, balanced, stable, mutually beneficial and win -win. Of course, this will not be easy.

Perhaps what she wants to say is that although she did not give up the goal of a new type of great power, it is not easy to achieve this goal.Because the United States and China will compete in the future, they must cooperate with each other to control competition and cooperate.In addition, Fu Ying said that the United States does not agree with China's policies and transforms the opportunity of cooperation in the epidemic to be black, causing the relationship to deteriorate and move forward in the direction of decoupling.

China basically maintains a criticism of the United States, but the attention of the United States is the phenomena after the outbreak of the crown disease and the expression description of the United States. The hegemony is exit. From the perspective of the response to this crown disease, it is said that the US hegemony is said to be hegemony in the United States.In the obvious retreat, China took the lead in the first stage of the epidemic and was in a position that could help others. However, the outside world should not look at China's actions from the perspective of competitive hegemony, to say that China will not replace the United States to master hegemony.

The tone of this article is to require the United States to stand on the US -China cooperation. It also expresses a harsh attitude towards the United States and pointed out the difficulties of cooperation.

The development trend of the crown disease is not clear in the future, but now the US -China relations are gradually deteriorating in terms of speech.If China has also adjusted the relationship between a new type of great power and forms a hostile situation with the United States, in the post -epidemic era, it will not only be limited to the Korean Peninsula issue and the Taiwan Strait issue, it may also bring a variety of huge changes to the Asian Pacific region.

(The author is a professor at the University of Tokyo)