Ming Pao News Agency

The two -day World Health Conference was closed. Chinese President Xi Jinping, German Chancellor Merkel and other countries have visuals. However, in the United States with the worst epidemics, President Trump not only did not appear, but even put on a cup of grade attitudeThe criticism of the WHO is Chinese puppet, and the US permanently suspended funding and withdrawing from the WTO as a threat.The global epidemic is severe. Greater powers should work together to speed up the development of vaccines and ensure that everyone can enjoy it. However, the non -cooperative attitude of Washington in the conference is worrying whether the vaccine will become high -priced and patent.COVID-19 is raging, and the international community should be defeated. The conference decides to review the global epidemic response. The key is that the review work must be comprehensive, not deviating from learning the teaching of lessons, and becoming a political struggle for great powers or over-human operations.

Vaccine should belong to global public property

U.S. priority to provoke allies suspect

Faced with a century -old challenge for a century, this WHO has become a leader in the leaders of various countries.Chinese President Xi Jinping delivered a speech announced that it would provide US $ 2 billion in international assistance within two years to support developing countries to resist and restore economic and social development; German Chancellor Merkel and French President Macron suggested that the EU will set up 500 billion euros to resist immunityThe rescue fund and assist in the recovery of the severe disaster -stricken country in the district.The Secretary -General of the United Nations reiterated that the WTO was irreplaceable, and Merkel also emphasized that it would ensure that the WTO has funds, but the Sino -US dispute adds a lot of the smell of gunpowder to the conference.

The Trump Cup Ge Conference refused to speak.Before the meeting, Huafu was targeted at Beijing, participating in the conference of the Taipei authorities, and mobilized allies to put pressure on the WHO; during the conference, Trump criticized the WHO as a Chinese puppet, and publicly gave the WHD General Tan Dezai's composite letter to war the world.If Wei Ruo promises to reform within 30 days, the United States will suspend funding permanently and re -consider the status of the US member states in the United States.The New York Times described that the letter reflects the upgrade of the White House's political operation.Trump's absence of the conference also highlights that Washington has giving up the role of international leadership.

There are two issues that have attracted the most attention of this WHO. One is the vaccine, and the other is to review the treatment of the epidemic. Both involve international wrestling.Vaccine research is divided into three stages. The first phase of clinical trials are only confirming safety, and the two stages are the key.There are more than 100 COVID-19 vaccine research projects in the world. At present, only 8 items have entered the second phase of clinical trials. The Chinese research team accounts for four. The other two projects are related to the United States, one led by the University of Oxford in the United Kingdom, and finally GermanyChina -US three -sided cooperation project.Multiple teams say that they have confidence to put into production before the end of the year, and whether it can be so smooth is still a big question; even if the vaccine is quickly made, distribution is a big problem.

Trump emphasized that the United States is prioritized and has recently revealed the selfishness of vaccine research.The White House was accused of trying to buy an exclusive vaccine developed by a German scientific research company in the future, and German politics was uproar; some pharmacists in France stated that because the United States is an important gold owner, if the vaccine is successfully developed in the future, it will be provided to the United States.I have intervened.At the WHO conference, after Macron emphasized the successful development of the vaccine, everyone must ensure that everyone can be equal and fairly shared.Xi Jinping also promised that after the Chinese vaccine was made into use, it would be open to global public property.

There is a clause of the World Trade Doha Declaration. If you encounter emergency sanitation, you must give priority to ensuring that everyone is medicinal. Intellectual property patents can be temporarily left.Terms are worried that after the vaccine is released, it is monopolized by the wealthy country, and the export price is high.In 2009, pig influenza was popular. In the early days of the Western rich country, he almost took over the vaccine. Some research and concern. Africa and Southeast Asia died in pig flu in pig flu. It was directly related to this.If the rich country is unwilling to cooperate, the similar situation may be repeatable.

Learn from independent investigation

Multilateral cooperation blocking beauty operation

The 194 countries agreed to an independent investigation on the global epidemic treatment. It was another focus of the WHO. Tan Dezai said that at the earliest time, it would launch a fair, independent and comprehensive assessment to provide advice to provide advice.In terms of peace, in the face of the new coronal virus, humans defeat the ground, and the accumulated number of diagnosis and deaths in various places is a reflection indicator.Looking at the world, there is no place to resist the perfection, and the WTO and governments are necessary to review.The really complexity of the problem is that Washington wants to review the problem of the problem, too much to cover up the failure of resistance, and focus on accusing China of concealing the epidemic and the hearing of China.

Zhong Nanshan, the authority of the mainland, recently accepted foreign media interviews. It was mentioned that Wuhan exploded at the beginning of the year. Some local officials did not tell the truth. However, after the central government began to lead the epidemic in late January, the official data was correct.The central department of the mainland also emphasized that in accordance with an open and transparent responsible attitude, it has promptly reported information to the WHD and related countries in a timely manner, including publishing virus gene sequence information as soon as possible.The virus does not talk about politics. Whoever dilutes the epidemic is a big deal. Wuhan has been sealing the city for more than two months, which is a profound lesson.Viruses such as flu, which leads to the spread of domestic epidemic and output a large number of cases to other countries. The United States ignores WHO warning and is tired of being tired. It should also be the focus of independent investigation.

The political operation of the United States' independent investigation originally wanted to rely on allies Australia to lead the difficulty of hair and point the spearr at Beijing. China believes that the motivation is impure and adopted countermeasures for Australia.The comprehensive review of the World Guard Conference was actually led by Europe and engaged in less political targets. China also participated in the words of the proposal. The proposal was unanimously passed, reflecting the spirit of multilateralism.The United States has given up the role of international leadership, and China is difficult to lead international cooperation because of Washington's political attack.For Beijing, at this stage, it is the only choice to support European multilateral cooperation and actively participate in international investigation.