01 Viewpoint

Recently, the new crown vaccine research team in China and the United States has reported positive news.There are Chinese vaccine teams that formally cooperate with Canada; the vaccine research team in the American Modena also has a new breakthrough.The news is even more stimulating that the concepts of the stock market -related vaccines in China and Hong Kong have risen sharply, showing a stand out.The new crown epidemic is out of the world. Most scientists believe that the virus cannot be completely isolated. The vaccine research industry that suppress the virus has become a key battlefield for the new crown in the future.Leading has an important relationship.

Almost everyone agrees that the new crown popularity will catalyze the important changes in the international structure. The response of various countries on this battlefield will have a considerable impact on how the international pattern will change.On the surface, the largest battlefield of the new crown epidemic is the source of the United States and Western allies on the sources of the new crown epidemic and investigating Chinese compensation.However, the recent research on the new crown source of the medical community reflects that it is not easy to give a scientific answer. Many theories even think that the virus does not come from Wuhan; there are also places from the blood sample in Wuhan, China last year.Testing the new crown antibody, it seems that the virus may originate from other places.Although there are now many voices to investigate China, it is difficult to expected that it is difficult to expect any important science to make China be in a very unfavorable situation.

In the World Health Conference (WHA) held on Monday (18th), in the face of the pressure of the United States and Western countries, China does not oppose the investigation by WHO after the epidemic control.EssenceAs for the request for compensation for China, under the lack of empirical evidence of China, this requirement is even more unilaterally political action in the United States.Even if the United States insists on pursuing China, it is also a hard -old option that the United States has already existed, which has nothing to do with how China dealt with the new crown epidemic.

In addition to the dispute on the surface, the largest battlefield under the new crown epidemic has gradually floated on the surface.At this stage, it is almost impossible for the spread of the new crown virus to be blocked. It has been in human society for a long time, and it is impossible for countries to continue to be in a current closed state.Therefore, vaccines that inhibit virus transmission will become the key to whether society can restore the normal as soon as possible.As of May, there have been more than 100 vaccine research teams filing on the WHO, and each team is trying to study the time.Which team can successfully develop a reliable vaccine in the shortest time, and will grasp the maximum right to speak in the future epidemic.

European and American Pharmaceutical Factory VS China Pharmaceutical

When can the vaccine develop and develop the world, but it is more important for the changes in the international situation. It is how to use it after the vaccine comes out.If the country's decision to share with the vaccine, whether it is provided with a reasonable price, and how large the capacity can provide vaccines other than other regions with vaccines, will greatly affect future diplomatic and political relations.

Vaccine research has always been monopolized by pharmaceutical factories in advanced Western countries, which has led Western pharmaceutical factories to get huge wealth and humanity.China has also obviously realized the importance of vaccine war early.The epidemic broke out in China. Theoretically, theoretically, the theoretically adopted the strains and the virus research with the most on -site on -site. It was very helpful to the research of its vaccine.At present, eight vaccines entering clinical trials are developed and developed by the Chinese team.In terms of progress, Chinese research and the United States are difficult to divide up between Bo Zhong.It can be said that China has a good progress in the right to vaccine.Moreover, China's industrial power allows China to produce a large amount of production after the successful research and development.According to China CCTV, at the end of April, China has built the largest new crown virus vaccine production workshop in Beijing at the end of April, and is ready to put it into production.

At the World Health Conference, China emphasized and applied this vaccine to speak for the first time in important international meetings.This Monday, it is said that after the new crown vaccine in China is completed, it will become a global public product, contribute to humans, and temporarily relieve the loan repayment of the most poor country.Earlier, Sanofi, French Pharmaceutical Factory, said that its new crown vaccine in the United States will be first used in the United States, attracting violent criticism of French officials. The incident shows that the supply and price of the vaccine may become the vaccination rate and the effectiveness of the immunity.the elements of.

At this time, China announced that China's vaccine will become a global public product, and it is the world's use of its own power and production capacity to break the Western monopoly on the Western drug technology.For a large number of developing countries that do not have the ability to pay Western drugs, the amount of Chinese vaccine is self -evident.Even for the advanced western society, it will fall into the dilemma mdash; mdash; if Chinese vaccines can be supplied in a relatively low price, there is no reason to refuse according to market rules.It is marked by the United States to depend on China.Even if the United States itself must face whether to use the Chinese vaccine's choice, which makes it difficult to completely separate Sino -US relations.In this case, Western countries have to rethink where to stand in the environment of China and the United States.It can be seen that China officially pulled the vaccine war from the bottom of the water with the global public product -based vaccine.