When history records how the United States responds to the first real epidemic in this global era, this day on March 6 will be very prominent.On this day, Donald Bull; Donald Trump visited the American Disease Control and Prevention Center (CDC) in Atlanta.He suddenly visited the best disease research institutions in the world, intending to show the world's control of everything.Before he visited the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, he was still denied a threat of the new coronary virus, and after that, he said that he had always knew that the virus might be severely damaged to the United States.

Shortly before Trump visited the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, he said that within a few days, (the number of infected people) would drop to close to zero.At that time, 15 cases of new coronary virus pneumonia (COVID-19, 2019 Coronatte Virus) were confirmed.He said: One day, it disappears miraculously.A few days later, he claimed: I felt that it was a major epidemic before it was determined to be a big epidemic.The afternoon of Trump at the US Centers for Disease Control was like an X -ray, giving people a chance to see him. At that time, his heart was at the middle point of choosing to deny or admitting to the epidemic.

Now we know that the new crown pneumonia has begun to erupt in the United States.This infectious disease has spread in New York, Washington and other regions for several weeks.The epidemic curve is rising sharply.The purpose of Trump to Atlanta is to make a claim that contradicts the facts.

The US President is wearing a baseball cap to keep the United States Keep American, standing next to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Robert Bull;Cos.In the 47 -minute interaction with the media, Trump eloquently told his great deeds.

He rebuked the United States CNN (CNN) to report fake news, boasting that he had a high ratings on Fox News.He didn't know that a large number of people would die in ordinary influenza.He also misunderstood a question, whether he should cancel the campaign rally for public health reasons.Trump replied: I have not encountered any problems in Jana (gymnasium) full.

What attracted the attention of the media was his two comments on the new crown epidemic.The United States can provide 4 million new coronary virus detection kits within a week.These kits are perfect.He said anyone who wants to detect will be tested.

Ten weeks have passed, and his statement is far from being reality.As of mid -May, less than 3%of Americans received virus testing.Trump also boasted that he knew science very well.He mentioned a very genius uncle, John Trump, who taught at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), and hinted that he had inherited his intelligence.I can really understand.He said all these doctors were saying: LSquo; How do you know so much?rsquo; Maybe I was born with this ability.Historians may also consider this.

The news headline ignored the content of Trump's bragging, compared to his self -estimated IQ or an exaggerated number of detectors (as of March, the real number of detection and test box provided by the US Centers for Disease Control was 75,000), and later generationsWill pay more attention to this content.Trump claims that the United States is leading the world.On the same day of the first case of the first case of new crown pneumonia infection in the United States, South Korea, the first case of the first case of new crown pneumonia infection. He said that South Korea was seeking the help of the United States.Many of them were infected, and we did not.I just said: lsquo; calm down rsquo;.Trump said everyone is dependent on us.The world is dependent on us.

He might as well say that baseball is very popular or foreigners like New York.For decades, whether it is the tsunami or the Ebola epidemic, the United States' leadership in any disaster is self -evident.The United States is famous for helping others in emergencies.

But looking back, Trump claimed that the United States would have global leadership.History will be remembered that the new crown pneumonia's epidemic is the first time that the United States has failed to play a leading role.In this anti -epidemic operation, there is no air -transported supplies in the United States.The United States is not even self -sufficient.

A total of 259 people in South Korea, which are nearly 15 times the population of the United States, died of new crown pneumonia.The number of deaths of new crown pneumonia is a ten times that of this number.The number of new crown pneumoniars in the United States is now close to 90,000.

What went wrong?I interviewed dozens of people, including foreign people who often consulted by Trump, former senior consultants, officials of the World Health Organization (WHO), well -known scientists and diplomats, and insiders of the White House.Some people require the content of the interview to be published publicly.

Once again, the description of the president is: he ignored the increasingly urgent intelligence warning since January, fired any officials who claimed to know more than him, and except for his daughter Ivanka andHis husband, real estate developer Jarid Bull; a small circle headed by Jared Kushner, he did not trust anyone else.Trump awarded more power in Kushner, but left the world's most abundant disaster response institutions.

During the first three years of Trump's administration, people often pointed out that he had never experienced a test of a real crisis.The new crown epidemic is much worse than any crisis.William Bull, a senior US diplomat and the current Carnegie Endowment, said William Burns, said: Trump's handling of the domestic and foreign epidemics is more than any event since he took office.It is even more painful to show the meaning of lsquo; the first RSquo; (American first).

The United States has become the world's number one country, the number one country infected, and we have become a symbol of the world's incompetence.The damage to the influence and reputation of the United States will be difficult to recover.

Trump exposed the psychology behind the epidemic in the afternoon.The unemployment data was announced that morning.The United States added 273,000 jobs in February, which reduced the unemployment rate to 3.5%, close to the lowest level in history.Trump's chances of re -election look 50%or more.In the previous Saturday, Joe Biden won the primary election of South Carolina.But the Democratic election seems to have a long way to go.Can't scare the Dow Jones Index.

Any signal that the United States is preparing for big epidemic mdash; MDASH; including actual action preparation for MDASH; mdash; all of them are prevented.

Jarid (Kushner) has always argued that testing too many people or ordering too many ventilator will scare the market, so we should not do this.The impact on him far exceeds the saying of scientists.He thinks they always like exaggeration.

Stephen Moore, a Stephen Moore in the conservative think tank Foundation Foundation (Heritage Foundation), regularly communicates with Trump and is Trump's campaign consultant.He said that the mood in early March was a bit forgetful.At that time, the economy was booming, the stock market was full of horsepower, and the employment report was great. Moore said that the situation was simply perfect.No one is expected to have this virus.It hit us like a meteor or terrorist attack.

People around Trump like to compare the epidemic to 9bull; 11 terrorist attacks.Organization (AWhen L-QAEDA) was preparing to attack the World Trade Center Gemini Tower, George Bull; wbull; George W Bush missed the danger warning.But he was clearly warned that there was a conspiracy once a few weeks before the attack.According to reports, Bush said to the briefing of him: Well, all you should do.

At some point, the US Congress may set up an institution similar to 9bull; 11th Committee to investigate Trump's handling of the new crown epidemic.The survey will find that in the briefing that the president listened daily, federal scientists, Minister of Health Alex Bull; Azar, Peter Bull of Trade Counselor; Peter Navarro, Asian affairs consultant Matt PottingerFriends and the entire world have warned the threat of Trump this big epidemic countless times.Any report may draw such a conclusion: Tens of thousands of deaths can be avoided by mdash; mdash; even if Trump is still promoting the blockade of various states.

Yale University Public Health Scholar Greg Bull; Gregg Gonsalves said: This is like we know 9bull a few months in advance; 11 attacks will happen, but no preparations are made,After a few days of the attack, he shrugged and said: lsquo; Oh, okay, now we can't do anything.rsquo; Trump could have stopped large -scale death, but he did not.

Fairly, other democratic countries MDASH; mdash; especially in the United Kingdom, Italy, and Spain MDASH; MDASH; also waste time and failed to prepare for the upcoming catastrophic epidemic.No matter who serves as the president of the United States, it may be constrained by Washington's internal fighting.

Throughout the crisis, the CDC has always been accidents and errors.The agency spent several weeks trying to develop an unlucky detection reagent, but at that time it could be directly approved by the WHO of the WHO from Germany.Germany has been producing this kit since the end of January.The U.S. Centers for Disease Control has made a good decree. A former senior adviser at the Trump administration said that due to various mistakes in the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, we failed to master the real situation of this disease dissemination.

However, Trump's mark here is clearly visible again.It was Trump's choice of Robert BULL; Redfield came to lead the US CDC, although people generally warned the record of the former officer.In the 1980s, Redfield led the Pentagon to deal with AIDS.Measures include soldiers who are suspected of suffering from AIDS at the so -called AIDS hotel.Many people who were positive were fired by the face.Some people commit suicide.

As a devout Catholic, Redfield believes that AIDS is a product of an immoral society.He has supported a drug that has been promoted but questioned in the experiment for many years.That failure caused him to be removed in 1994.

The Pulitzer Prize winner and scientific reporter Laurie Garrett said: Reedfield is probably the worst of the leaders of the Disease Control Center at this time at this time.People are.He let his prejudice interfere with science, and you can't afford it during the epidemic.

One of the problems in the Center for Disease Control is to adhere to the development of their own testing reagents, rather than importing foreign reagents.As we all know, infectious disease experts, the well -known Anthony Bull; Dr. Anthony Fauci hates Ridfield, and the same Dedfield is also disgusted.This means that the CDC and the National Institutes of Health (National Institutes of Health) did not reach a consensus.Dr. Kenneth Bernard said: What you do not need is the scientist when the epidemic broke out.Bernard established a large White House Popular disease prevention and control department in 2004, but was canceled during the Bull of Barack; Barack Obama was canceled, and later restarted after the 2014 Ebola epidemic broke out.

The lack of the kit means that scientists cannot master the full picture of the rapid spread of the American epidemic.The Center for Disease Control is forced to test only the medical observer (referring to those who have visited China or infected with new crown pneumonia within the past 14 days).Most test requests are rejected.Few people can prove that they meet one of these two standards.At that time, several countries and regions, especially Germany, Taiwan, and South Korea, can be tested on the spot, including MDash; mdash; this is a choice that most Americans still lack.

The above -mentioned former consultant said: You go to New York by train or subway every day. You go to the clinic when you are sick, but they refuse to check for you because you cannot prove that you have been in contact with people who are infected with new crown pneumonia within 6 feet.In the past two weeks, you may have been in contact with 500,000 people.

The detection restrictions have narrowed the scope of selection.Tom Bossert said: Once any community reaches a 1%infection rate, it is too late for non -drug intervention.He had led the Office of the White House Popularity Prevention and Control Office, and was expelled by John Bolton, then John Bolton, then was expelled by Trump in 2018.

By March 11, only five days after Trump's visit to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, reality began to penetrate in.In a live broadcast of the oval office, Trump banned travel to the United States in most parts of Europe, which further expanded compared to the part he implemented in February this year.Two days later, he announced that he entered the state of emergency.However, even at that time, he still insisted on leading the United States in the world.He said: We do well because we move quickly.We act very early.

However, in the next 48 hours, some thoughts flashed in Trump's mind.Trump quoted his call with a son on March 16: it was bad.Very bad hellip; hellip; they believe that in August (the epidemic will reach its peak).It may be July.It may be longer.

11 days later, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson infected with new crown pneumonia.This is almost his life.It was Johnson's road to Damascus.Many people want Trump to have a similar change.Even if he has changed, it is not long.The next week, he said that the United States should be reopened on the Easter on April 12.Moore said: I suggested that he set this day as lsquo; one of the people who are lsquo; Resurrection Day.At that time, I told him my current idea, that is, the death and pain caused by the blockade this time are more than the disease itself.

Translator/He Li