Zhongshi Society

The development of the crown disease has improved the legitimacy and rationality of Taiwan's participation in the world's health system. The United States calls on Western countries to support Taiwan to attend the World Health Conference (WHA) as an observer. However, due to excessive operations of all parties, the chance of success is not high.The new crown virus not only brings the severe challenges of global public health and the economy, but also destroys the fragile regional balance and crisis treatment mechanism. Cross -strait relations will further deteriorate and the world will be more tense.

Taiwan effectively prevents new crown pneumonia, greatly enhances international visibility, and public support from the United States, Japan, and Australia has inspired Taiwan's strong expectations this year to attend WHA.The actual situation may be more difficult than in the past three years. The negative effects will have the inauguration speeches of President Tsai Ing -wen, which has the influence of the continuity, and the two sessions of the Chinese Mainland People's Congress and the CPPCC.

The United States has always been an important pillar of Taiwan's fighting for WHA. Based on the domestic political pressure of the United States and China, and domestic politics such as the Presidential Election, the Trump administration has strengthened the fight against China.Austrian leaders, the Ministry of Health, the East Asian Bureau of the State Council, the International Organization Bureau, and the United States Association mobilized in Taiwan to create a favorable condition for Taiwan to participate in the WHA, but the political reality is that even if the concepts of the United States, Japan, and Australia are unanimousCountries will still not be able to break through the majority of mainland's advantages that the World Health Organization (WHO).

Taiwan's attending WHA is dead bureau

If it is not invited by WHO Secretary -General, Taiwan will invite Taiwan to attend the WHA as an observer through the AIA proposal, but in the past, it was rejected at the General Affairs Committee and could not be included in the agenda.In 2004, Taiwan decided to resort to the public voting of the conference. As a result, 25 votes were supported, 133 votes were opposed, and 2 votes were abandoned.Among the 25 support votes include 23 AIAs, the United States and Japan.Taiwan currently only maintains only 15 diplomatic relations. The Holy See is not a WHO member country. There is no right to vote. Even if the United States supports it, Japan, Australia, New and the United States supports support.Following the Ma Ying -jeou period, when the cross -strait was tacit, the secretary general issued an invitation letter to be said to be the only way to attend the WHA.

This year's WHA period was shortened to 18 and 19 days, and it was carried out by online meetings. Taiwan has not received an invitation letter so far.WHO Legal Consultant Solomon said that Taiwan's participation in the decision of the 194 member states government, and the secretary -general cannot be determined.He also pointed out that WHO is the government's international organizations for the government. The United Nations and WHOs determined 49 years ago. It is the People's Republic of China that can represent China. This decision is still maintained.

The delegation of the Representatives of the Geneva Office in the United Nations also issued a strong statement that Taiwan's participation in international organizations, including WHO activities, must be handled in accordance with the principles of the first China.Consensus has led Taiwan's political foundation to participate in WHA.The statement also warned the United States to claim to support Taiwan to join WHO's serious violation of the principles of China and the United States and China, as well as the one -China principle confirmed by the UNCA 2758 resolution and the WHA25.1 resolution.

The Taiwan Foreign Ministry responded that in accordance with the rules and practices of the matter, Secretary -General WHO had the right to invite Taiwan to attend the WHA. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and emphasized that these two resolutions only handle the issues of China's representative power, did not touch Taiwan, nor did it give the People's Republic of China that the People's Republic of China did not give it to the People's Republic of China.The rights of the people of Taiwan in the United Nations and its specialized agencies. Only the election government in Taiwan has the right to represent the Taiwanese people on the WHO and be responsible for the health and well -being of the people of the Taiwanese.

After the three parties expressed their positions, strictly speaking, Taiwan was invited to attend the WHA this year.In addition to the cross -strait principles of the first middle school and the death of the 1992 consensus, in practice, the international organizations between the government are basically led by the member states.Regarding affairs involving major interests of member states, unless they obtain the consent of the relevant countries or have consensus on member states, the secretariat cannot claim itself.Ms. Brentland, Norwegian, was respected by Taiwan and did not have the issue of pro -Beijing, but she did not actively invite Taiwan to attend WHA when she was the secretary -general of WHO.Pay attention to the neutrality of Brentland and handle it by member states.

Recognize the reality and face cross -strait issues

The global anti -China mood led by the United States has risen, and the consciousness of anti -China, China, and hatred in Taiwan has risen, and Beijing chose a hard straight -to -ball duel. Under the wolf diplomacy and enthusiastic nationalism, the mainland's position has been difficult to loosen.Although Taiwan insists on the last moment, it will get more sympathy, but it cannot reverse the disadvantage.Only many Taiwanese people are still indulging in the world's first anti -epidemic world of the DPP government. The international community generally supports Taiwan's illusion. It is a great gap with political reality. It is likely to cause collective disappointment and anger.Recycling and transforming into anti -Chinese tools will be the most immoral politicians.

It turns out that whether the WHO secretary or the United States cannot handle Taiwan's controversy in participating in the WHA, cross -strait issues must eventually be resolved by the two sides of the strait.So far, the highest leaders on both sides of the strait can still maintain oversupply and calm, and become the main force of cross -strait relations from out of control. It is hoped that they will further actively actively solve the problem and prevent the WHA problem from deteriorating to a new wave of disputes.Happy see.