01 Weekly

Author: Yang Yutao

The diffusion of the new coronary pneumonia has no significant sign of slowing down in the world. Recently, the source of virus virus has become the focus of western public opinion.Among many public opinion voices, the words of accountability for accountability are endless. In addition to the allegations of Chinese manufacturing viruses, more commentators and the media joined China to conceal the epidemic.Especially in Hong Kong, Taiwan, North America and other places with many Chinese media, the length of the report of the audience has continued to increase, and it has formed a cognition of public opinion fields in these places, that is, the international community is increasingly uniformly pursued China to account for China.Even if China is not required to compensate, China is required to be responsible for the epidemic of new crown pneumonia to some extent.But if you analyze it carefully, you will find that this is not a fact.

In fact, the discussion of China is mainly concentrated in the media of the American politics and Western countries. At the official level of the government, among Western countries outside the United States, Western European countries, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and other countries may have some dissatisfaction with China to China.Emotional mdash; this is more about the response to MDash under the pressure of the country's epidemic;

Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison stated on May 1 that there was no evidence that there was no evidence that the virus that caused the new crown pneumonia came from a laboratory in Wuhan, China.Ben Wallace, the British Minister of Defense, said in an interview with the British media last Monday (May 4) that China did respond to the problem of initial reporting of the epidemic and need to be open and transparent to the situation to know, but at the same time he alsoIt is said that the reasons for investigating the emergence of the new crown virus should be investigated after the global victory. Nowadays, the speculation or argument that China or other countries should be responsible for the epidemic will not help British fight against the epidemic.

The most recent example is that when an Australian media disclosed a 15 -page document called the five -eye alliance (an intelligence sharing alliance consisting of the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, and Canada)The response is quite cautious.

Trump Popope singing double reed

Only the U.S. government who is keen on pursuing China is precisely, mainly US President Trump and Secretary of State Pompeo.On April 27, Trump first said that he sued China for the first time that (the amount of claims) was much more than $ 160 billion.At the White House press conference on April 30, Trump even threw a blockbuster bomb, claiming that he had seen relevant evidence, showing that the new crown virus research institute was the source of the new crown virus, but refused to explain it in detail.On May 3, Trump was interviewed by the Lincoln Memorial Hall in an interview with the Fox TV station in the United States.Experts and World Health Organization (WHO) expert entry investigation.However, in an exclusive interview published on Tuesday (May 5th) of the New York Post, Trump's caliber was slightly adjusted, saying that he knew that American intelligence agencies were still following the source of viruses from a laboratory in Wuhan, China, and andEmphasize your own understanding.

Pompeo has repeatedly claimed that China is the source of viruses.In an interview with the US Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) on May 3, Pompeo said that we had sufficient evidence to prove that the new crown virus originated from the institute.Last Wednesday (May 6), at a press conference at the US State Department, Pompeo once again said that there was a lot of evidence that the virus came from the laboratory. Although the intelligence department was still looking for the source of this virus, there was oneSimple methods to find the answer to this question: transparent and open.

However, even within the US government, many people sang against Trump and Pompeo.Mark Milley chairman Mark Milley, chairman of the U.S. Chiefs of Staff, said on Tuesday on Tuesday that current evidence has shown that the new crown virus comes from nature and is not artificial.As the general coordination of more than a dozen intelligence and security agencies in the United States, the Office of the National Intelligence Director also issued a statement as early as April 30 that the American intelligence community recognized a widely scientific consensus MDash;

Many Western allies in the United States are also doubtful to Trump and Pompeo's accommodation in China.On Friday (May 8), a German media reported that a report submitted to the German Intelligence Department to the German Defense Secretary Karen Ball determines that the United States' indication is to deliberately transfer the public to President Trump's own mistakes.s concern.Outside Western countries, China, South Korea, ASEAN, and other neighbors, as well as officials such as Eastern Europe, Africa, and the Middle East have no statements such as accommodation or accountability.On the contrary, most of the above -mentioned governments have expressed their understanding, recognition and support for China's resistance.

Hong Kong and Taiwan public opinion amplify the anti -mid -sound waves

From this point of view, the so -called international community's accountability of China is actually only a dimension of the Sino -US Bockend.For American politicians, the damage caused by the new crown pneumonia is economical, social, institutional, and even strategic.Who is the zero patient, or whether the real zero patient can be scientifically confirmed, it is not important for them.The epidemic is just a tool for negatively packing China, upgrading to China Games, and seeking domestic political interests.This is why the Republican Senate committee recently sends a memorandum to the party's campaign camps, suggesting that Republican candidates have actively attacked China to respond to the local new crown epidemic.

It can be seen that the Chinese groups in Hong Kong, Taiwan, North America and other places have the perception of the international community who are holding the international community. I am afraid that only because the US government's statement has received widespread attention. In international public opinion, it has more rights to speak, and to Hong Kong and Taiwan.It has a great influence with the Chinese circle in North America, which causes illusion.

Faced with the continuous difficulties in the United States, Chinese officials have recently started to attack and implemented public opinion responses of different styles.The most obvious is that since April 26, the three major official media platforms of the People's Daily, Xinhua News Agency, and CCTV have continuously published a number of comments criticizing Pompeo.Among them, from April 27th to 30th, CCTV strictly accused Pompeo in the frequency of an international evaluation every day.He is turning yourself into a human enemy.The Xinhua News Agency also published on April 26 and 28 respectively, saying that the Pompeo -style absurd logic package hidden disaster and threatened the blacks of the World Health Organization.The People's Daily published a comment signed by Zhongsheng on April 29, asking how long the poor performances such as Pompeo and other American politicians would last.

China Anti -Shou for attacking the right to talk

When Pompeo said on May 3 that the virus from the Wuhan Laboratory's evidence was conclusive, the three major official media in China countered the next day, spraying poison and rumors, evil politicians, and scamming.EssenceIt is particularly noteworthy that in the comments, the use of lied live treasures, Pompeo's mouth, deceitful ghosts and other life -like language and online language, which forms a lot of contrast with the serious style of the three official media.On May 6, in the comments from the People's Daily, CCTV, etc., flickering the world, frequent faces, and impermanence must have monsters such as monsters, and continuing this grounding style.

In addition to the attack on Pompeo's remarks, the People's Daily will also aim at the entire US government, and produces ten asks for the US government and the US politicians in the form of graphics.Inadequate and other issues, even extended the problem to what secret research on multiple biological laboratories established by the United States in the former Soviet Union country and why the captain of Life Heroes of Life Heroes, Crozier, will be removed from office.Waiting for the hard -core U.S. internal affairs.Many mainland media reprinted these two ten questions and texts on the title with a bright sword on the title.

The latest series of comments is the People's Daily of the People's Daily. I ask the American politician series. From last Thursday (May 7), one day is published. U.S. politicians have been published. Does the old man have the right to live?American politicians, this is the human rights you said.

Official media constantly throwing review articlesIn addition, the new attempts of Xinhua News Agency have also received the results. The conversation between the animated Chinese terracotta warriors and the statue of the American free goddess of the United States according to the timeline of the epidemic in the world, the practices of China and the United States respectively, and the practices of China and the United States, and the practice of China and the United States.The animation image of the terracotta warriors and the statue of the free goddess of the terracotta warriors and the goddess of freedom, ironically that American politicians' criticism of China was typical.This animation video is only in just 1 minute and 26 seconds, but it has received quite high playback and comments on video platforms such as YouTube.

At the same time, the press conference of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs is also the conventional force of China ’s public opinion counterattack. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Hua Chunying laughed at a press conference last Friday: This period of time has basically become Mr. Pompeo's rumor.The rumor place.In addition, Cui Tiankai, the Chinese ambassador to the United States, has also frequently spoke in the near future. He meant that some people in the world always sitting are relatively high, but it does not mean that his IQ and EQ are also very high.Bit Pompeo and other American politicians.At the same time, Cui Tiankai repeatedly emphasized that the source of the virus requires scientists to explore. I hope everyone believes in science. Last Wednesday he still wrote in the Washington Post that the game must be over in the middle of the middle.

It can be seen that in response to the accusation of the United States, China has both the traditional tone of constant changes, as well as the active attack of anti -defending attack to increase the intensity of public opinion war to the new level, not the past.Passive recruitment.Whether the Chinese government will take the initiative to release the white paper (including the white paper that cooperates with the WHO) in the anti -fighting epidemic, as some scholars suggest, and whether the think tank industry in Mainland China can also actively speak with the western claim sound.Look at it.